Could Strange Chilean
Animal Be A Yaguarundi?

From Scott Corrales

El Tribuno Digital
April 21, 2003
The strange legend of the "Chupacabras" is not discarded: the animal found yesterday is quite similar to a cat, or more precisely, the Yaguarundi of the Chaco region. It was immediately associated with the "Chupacabras" by the locals, since some time ago dozens of birds died from exsanguination in that region.
According to the police report, the black-furred animal resembling a cat, but with notable differences in its ears and hind legs, was captured by leaseholders of the Pinchulao settlement in the commune of Lautaro, 690 km south of Santiago.
The creature appears to be a wild cat. However, it continues to inspire songs and magazine features. Throughout its existence it has fed the fires of popular culture and speculation. Like the Loch Ness monster, it has been named in the tales of various countries and cultures.
Other creatures are described as half-man/half-animal, while others seemed to be predecessors of the Chupacabras, the Yeti's tropical kinsman (sic). These beings were never given a name, although the propular press dubbed them "Cangodrilos".
The following is an image of the "Yaguarundi" provided by Christian Quintero of Planeta UFO.
Translation (C) 2003. Scott Corrales, IHU.
Special thanks to Christian Quintero



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