Men Are In Trouble
By Deborah Hornblow
Hartford Courant

They don't like to admit it, but a current shift in popular culture is saying it for them. Loud and clear.
This month, cable television made room for what is being billed as "the first network for men" on TNN. (Initially christened Spike TV, the network name is in dispute.)
British author and genetics professor Steve Jones' fascinating new book "Y: The Descent of Men" explains in bold biological detail why men are the true "second sex."
"Males are, in many ways, parasites upon their partners," Jones writes. "Their interests are to persuade the other party to invest in reproduction, while doing as little as they can themselves. Like all vermin, from viruses to tapeworms, they force their reluctant landladies to adapt or to be overwhelmed."
A recent article in BusinessWeek is titled "The New Gender Gap." The subtitle declares that "from kindergarten to grad school, boys are becoming the second sex."
Meanwhile, an article by David Brooks in the Atlantic Monthly heralds "The Return of the Pig" and suggests that grown men are returning to the ways of the male chauvinist for reasons that are partly defensive.
The roots of the problems facing new-millennium guys are as varied as the cultural corrections evolving to deal with them.
A favorite place to lay blame is, of course, at the feet of today's women.
Feminism has long been a dirty word among men who are uncomfortable without implied dominance; and as a result of the growing achievements of women in areas from business, politics, sports and culture to such traditionally male establishments as the military, some guys feel diminished.
As the pithy and eternally amused Jones puts it, "The present century may be the age of women: the first in which, like it or not, slightly less than half the population is forced to accept that biology no longer gives it an alibi for injustice."
Biology also appears to have less and less use for males.
"Men, toward the end of the last millennium, felt a sudden tightening of the bowels with the news that their services had at last been dispensed with," Jones writes. "Dolly the sheep -- conceived without masculine assistance -- had arrived. Her birth reminded half the population of its precarious position."
If that isn't enough bad news, medical studies show male fertility being compromised by a host of factors.
Jones describes in scientific detail the myriad ways in which environmental changes are lowering sperm counts. Meanwhile, testicular cancer is on the rise. And a study of Italian taxi drivers shows that sitting all day in a warm car seat -- effectively overheating what your grandmother called "the family jewels" -- compromises a man's ability to produce sperm.
"Perhaps, as men suffer the pains of modern life, so do their vital parts," quoth Jones.
Health studies of males -- from conception to old age -- demonstrate the myriad ways in which, as Jones puts it, "Masculinity emerges as a fragile and uncertain thing."
Now brace yourselves, guys. That's not all. Guys are feeling the heat in the workplace, too.
Susan Faludi, writing in her landmark 1999 book "Stiffed," points out that white-collar guys are hard-pressed to develop and maintain a sense of manliness in a context that essentially denies their physical selves. Men who are paper-pushers disconnected from their inner hombres may be longing for the "fight club."
Equally emasculating is the fact that traits and characteristics traditionally associated with women -- cooperation, adaptation and teamwork -- are prized in today's service-driven industries more readily than typically male attributes such as dominance and aggression.
Men seeking refuge in popular culture are in for a cold shower. For every supersize male action hero at the Cineplex, there is a larger-than-life go-girl kicking the stuffing out of his weekend grosses. The same pattern is discernible on the Billboard charts and on the lists of best-selling books. Where once guys and their interests held sway, men are now having to share what was once a biologically derived sense of entitlement.
But wait ... there's more. ...
An increased cultural emphasis on men's appearances -- from fashion layouts to Diet Coke commercials -- finds that men are under the same pressures to achieve idealized standards of beauty that have burdened women for decades and produced insecurities to which the marketplace offered expensive solutions -- from cosmetics and clothing to plastic surgery.
The guys in trouble are not just the adult males.
In classrooms across America, boys are slipping, too. BusinessWeek reports that what is under way is a "stunning gender reversal in American education." The story quotes William S. Pollock, author of "Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons From the Myths of Boyhood" and a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. "It's not just that boys are falling behind girls," Pollock says. "It's that boys themselves are falling behind their own functioning and doing worse than they did before."
Part of the problem seems to be that, in plain terms, boys aren't being allowed to be boys.
So what has begun to surface in pop culture is a masculinity reclamation project, a defense and validation of beleaguered boys and men.
In much the same way that specialized television programs, movies and publications evolved over the years to cater to women, a whole new breed of guys-only offerings are cropping up.
Much of the new go-guy fare gleefully plays to the lowest common denominators -- the beer-guzzling, belching, T&A sort of entertainment generally associated with the average bachelor party. Guys seeking more thoughtful explorations of what it means to be a man can look to Jones' laudable "Y: The Descent of Men."
In the end, the largest shift in thinking -- for both men and women -- must come from the realization that guys are not at the top of the heap anymore. Their strength lies in accepting -- and being accepted for -- the idea that they are part of it.
Let's hear it for the guys.
From Kim Weber
A very fundamental change in our society needs to take place if we are going to continue as a country. Women need to just grow the f**k up and start supporting, in all respects, their men.
This article shows just how pathetic we women have become.
From Marilyn A. Guinnane
To address your MEN IN TROUBLE essay, I believe all that's really needed to put men back on track is for them to feel self-assured. Let me assure, then, all men out there in Rense-land: YOU ARE LOVED!!! YOU ARE NEEDED!!! There is no replacement for what you have to give, yin to our yang (or is it vice versa?). Your wonderful minds, your great senses of humor, your little boy charm, your very masculinity. What would we do without you? What would you do without us? We are a team, fellas! Women don't want to see you feel badly about yourselves. Our fathers, our sons, are MEN. You are fabulous!
And just because you don't have the top of the heap all to yourselves anymore simply means that you learn to share. That's all. There's no need to feel threatened. After all, as a song of yester-year so aptly said, "There ain't nothin' like the real thing, baby." You cannot be replaced.
And me? Oh, I'm just your friendly neighborhood feminist; thought I'd drop in for a while to tell you a great truth: Love yourself, (your soul) and matters just sort of magically become solved.
Life just wouldn't be worth living without men. I'd be willing to bet that 99% of all women on this planet would concur. Bless you, guys.
Marilyn A. Guinnane
Washoe Valley, NV
From Richard
Founders' America
Jeff -
Regarding your posting about the decline
of men's influence and power, this may be informative.
©1994-2003 Founders' America
There is a direct correlation between the rise to power of the emoting feminine mind - feminism - and children killing children in the streets. If you apply inductive and deductive analyses to the issue of America's decline, you'll come to that conclusion yourself.
Feminism is destroying the greatest civilization the world has known. And men in America ((particularly white men)) are impotent to stop the destruction because mothers have been emasculating their sons for decades while fathers have been abandoning their children and familial responsibilities.
Women are more likely to try suicide ((men are more capable and succeed more often)) and women suffer more mental disorders than men--suffer from depression at a rate twice that of men. And they report dissociative mental states at a 9:1 ratio to comprise a majority population in mental hospitals. Why?--because women's hormonal system is more fragile, more prone to instability; ergo, women are more emotionally unstable than men.
The emoting feminine mind displays excessive emotionality and/or a variety of mental imbalances including PMS, FPS ((False Pregnancy Syndrome)), FMS ((False Memory Syndrome)), AAS ((Alien Abduction Syndrome)), Satanic Ritual Abuse Syndrome, Multiple Personality Disorder, Affective Nursing Syndrome, Münchausen by Proxy Syndrome, Factitious Disorder Syndrome, and others.
Of course, these afflictions are denied by feminists to be biological in origin, so they attribute them to men's tyranny against women since men are virtually free of such disorders, and since, in their illogic, feminists believe that women and men would be truly equal but for certain unfair environmental influences.
Recent reports about "facilitated communication" with autistic children -- reports of "facilitators" helping otherwise autistic ((uncommunitive)) children type out meaningful messages, but who later are found to be typing the messages for their charges -- make my case ((I call this phenomenon "False Facilitated Learning"; read postscript)).
Skeptics have been vindicated by reports on ABC's 20/20 and CBS's 60 Minutes. It now appears that we have a new category of female hysteria: False Facilitated Learning syndrome.
On February 20th, 1994, 60 Minutes was the first news organization to reveal the truth about widespread reports provided by professional social workers and psychologists that autistic children were suddenly making connections to the outside world from their heretofore secret and closed inner world, using the typewriter and the helping hand of facilitators who held the wrist of autistic children while the kids typed coherent responses to questions.
On April 29th, 1994, 20/20 aired the definitive conclusion on the phenomenon, reporting that it was neither a real breakthrough nor a hoax--but a manifestation of psychological delusions on the part of female facilitators ((the one or two male facilitators who displayed the phenomenon may have right-brained, emoting temperaments like that of women; a gender-based trait that seems to impede rational thought processes)).
Why did it take reporters so long to expose the truth, especially after those news broadcasts in early 1993 aired video tape showing autistic kids being "guided" by facilitators, and typing out meaningful messages while the children were looking away from the keyboard? Upon first seeing the "miracle," I immediately knew that either the facilitators were self-deluded or they were knowingly pulling off a hoax ((this is not to deny that some mildly autistic children do begin communicating through facilitated means)).
It's politically correct for major news media to avoid any story which might reveal gender-based mental imbalances in women--like that in "Janice," a facilitator who apologized to an emotion-wrenched family on that 60 minutes report, after she had wrongly charged the parents with childhood sexual abuse through "proof" of her guiding hand and the typing finger of the parents' autistic child.
But there were dozens of Janices out there doing the same thing! Certainly that's worth a follow-up report to discover what's in the mind of women that would predispose them to such self-delusion. And even though 20/20 and 60 Minutes staff displayed courage in exposing this extremely dangerous phenomenon, which infects American culture in many other ways, they lacked interest in addressing the much bigger story: How could so many professional women be so perfectly self-deluded?
Janice appeared confused and embarrassed in her apology, after she had nearly destroyed a loving and well-adjusted family. She claimed not to understand how such a thing could happen when she learned that her charge hadn,t typed out those messages--but that she was doing it on some unconscious level for the child, and providing messages containing a deviant sexual theme! There's one for Freud.
Actually it was Freud who first reported an overly delusional mind in women. Freud was so shocked by the great number of women who reported incest during psychotherapy he concluded that many of them had to be mistaking fantasy and dreams for reality, so he abandoned his theory on incest-related neurosis in adults.
A similar phenomenon was reported in 1992 by several dentists who had discovered that an unusual number of women were falsely reporting sexual abuse after having been anesthetized, and even though female assistants were present to confirm the impossibility of such molestations. Female patients had conjured up sexual events while asleep, then believed them to be real upon waking ((this is not to deny that such kinds of sexual abuse do occur)).
I believe the capacity for the emoting feminine mind to become self-deluded negatively impacts our society in general, especially in the social sciences ((there's no room for the phenomenon in the hard sciences, where the scientific method must be employed)). And I believe that it contributes to the many bizarre manifestations found in religions and New Age cults.
I believe it is the creature now infecting the liberal Hollywood establishment, liberal news industries, and liberal education in America--to rapidly destroy American civilization.
Emoting feminine mind accounts for the strange gender gap among the recent Menendez trial jurors. And it was at work, too, when news people across America reviewed those video tapes but denied their own eyes--feeling certain that somehow those autistic children could be typing sensible messages while looking away from the keyboard!
[[NOTE: A male researcher conducted the tests to determine that facilitated learning was actually facilitator-driven, which forced the news organizations to accept what their own sight would have confirmed for them if their emotionality hadn't clouded their rational mind.]]
If an alien race were to descend on the planet and take note of the psychological differences between men and women, and if they could get by the PC police, they would conclude that women are simply more susceptible to emotional instability than men are; that feminists are distracted by the emotional appeal of an equality between the sexes that only eons of human evolution might lend, since men's greater aptitude for rationality - for logic in math and science - is genetic-based. And because a civilization's long-term survival depends on the appropriate and natural division of its labor force, they would conclude that ours is a civilization destined to collapse if women continue abandoning the rearing of children to take positions of leadership and responsibility from men, and if the twin government tyrannies of affirmative-action quotas and proportionalism, which require a dumbing down of qualifications to suit the needs of women ((and minorities)), aren't stopped.
Rather than concluding that woman have been oppressed because men are brutes, feminists ought to take a more rational view and answer this question: Why have societies throughout the ages evolved a sex-based division of labor in the workplace, in the rearing of children, in defense, in leadership, etc.? And then ask themselves if they're willing to destroy a civilization for their acquisition of a mendacious equality.
-Founders' America
False Facilitated Learning: false claims that autistic children have learned to communicate through their therapist using a keyboard, when, in fact, the therapist has unconsciously learned to go into a dissociative mental state and provide both the child's and the therapist's communications--while guiding the autistic child's finger over a keyboard.

From Marilyn A. Guinnane
"Richard" from Founders' America, Jeff, launched himself into a rather lengthy diatribe with regard to a woman's mental instability, in effect stating that the hysterical female should always hand the reins over to men in all matters of importance, from governing (tell it to Catherine the Great) to financial matters (is this "Richard" a clone of Henry Makow? This "Richard" who didn't have the courage to even offer his last name?) and so on. If we are so inept, perhaps the rearing of children ought to be turned over to you men, too. In fact, why not just turn us into baby-making-machines? You know, walking incubators? The CIA has certainly made many women into Stepford Wives through their MK Ultra mind control program; why I'll bet that just suits you, there, Richard. In point of fact, the dissociative personality disorder that you speak of is created by MK Ultra, and other mind control programs, and they do crank 'em out. Oh yes, their favorite victims are women. Not men. So there's small wonder in that mental wards are getting to be crammed with women suffering from this and other CIA created syndromes.
Two things I find of interest with regard to women in business or in any position of responsibility: One is that it's been proven that women are much more multi-tasked than men, and I needn't expound on that further, right. It's self-explanatory. Number two is that when I went through flight attendant training some years back, we were taught that men and NOT women passengers were likelier to panic in an emergency evacuation. Sort of puts the hysterical female argument to rest, does it not? I think you really need to put these items in the olde pipe and do a bit of smoking, Richard.
Really, it's a shame that most men can't cope with our rise to power, and not even much power at that. Feminism isn't what's destroying America. Television is destroying America! A third rate, at best, educational system is destroying America! The Federal Reserve System is destroying America! An Illuminati puppet president who didn't even win the election is destroying America! Bill Clinton helped to destroy what he could of America, in selling the Chinese nuclear secrets! That men occupy most places of power have nothing to do with the destruction of America, unless those men are Trilateralists, members of the CFR, high ranking (33rd degree) Freemasons, or Alan Greenspan.
That women have managed to make a teensy dent in a male dominated world has nothing to do with the destruction of America, either. We women are human beings who ask for equality; doesn't that strike a chord in your heart, Richard? Political correctness be damned. Tell the truth. Equality or non-equality; which is fair?
Marilyn A. Guinnane
Washoe Valley, NV
From CK
A large problem today in the feminist movement is in the use of term equality. Equality, as it is used in this highly charged topic, means performing the same job or providing the same function or role, i.e. feminist's demand of sameness for men and women in the military, political, work worlds, etc. If feminists, and possibly anti-feminists, were for the sameness of worth, we would not be having this discussion. To value truly a woman in her ability in being a mother, wife, nurturer, stabilizing familial influence, among many other attributes, and a man as being a father, husband, provider and protector, would prove greatly restorative for society. In fact, I would hazard to guess that women were considered more essential in 1950's-prior western society, then today because of the recognized values mentioned previously. As a kid I can still remember my grandfather, who was born in 1909, unequivocally stating to us grandkids that women are the more important of the two sexes.
Their ability to bring forth life and provide feminine sustenance for their husbands was revered with a kind of awe. Therefore, this was a kind of contract, not written but known, between the two sexes that kept things together. It was accepted to refer to people as mankind, or when writing to apply "He" to males and females together, because this was in a sense an artificial offering to men to counter-balance the huge importance of women. (As a brief aside, the Microsoft spell checker for Word does not recognize "mankind"; it instead offers humanity) Feminists, by attacking not men, at first anyway, but the women who are in touch with their true biological and spiritual femininity, broke this contract. A woman today who devotes herself to her man, children and to expressing her "hard-wired" femininity is sadly considered backward and a failure; just as a man who worked 40-plus hours a week, for his entire adult life to provide for his family, is considered someone who wasted his life in minutiae. For a Hollywood version of this prevailing thought just watch About Shmit with Jack Nicholson.
Men and women are different beings inside our skinsand of course outside, too. Our hormonal responses to stress (which is basically life on the planet) are vastly different. In a sense, we are biologically and hormonally who we are in how we stress and then act upon it. Men do the adrenaline/testosterone dance; women the oxytocin/estrogen two-step, although after menopause women tend to stress slightly more like men. The effect of these hormones on our perceptions is paramount in how we interpret life and how it is dealt with. It is well known today that when stressed or challenged men either fight or take flight; women tend and befriend. These two vastly different response patterns effect our daily interactions profoundly. To deny this though social movements, federalized programs, and plain and simple peer pressure is a tragedy, doomed from the outsetbut it is going to wreak more havoc before the pendulum returns. Androgyny and "equalness" is the current socio-political fashion. As all fashions based in fleeting newness it is a matter of time before they become outdated.
A recovering feminist



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