Ashcroft Pushing PATRIOT II,
Bush Hesitating

By Bill Straub Scripps
Howard News Service

WASHINGTON - Attorney General John Ashcroft is pushing for enhanced law enforcement powers to conduct the nation's ongoing war on terrorism, but the White House is taking a cautious route in the face of some public and congressional reservations.
Ashcroft, the moving force behind the USA-PATRIOT Act, said the law he credited with helping to "save innocent lives" nonetheless contains "several weaknesses which terrorists could exploit, undermining our defenses."
With that in mind, the Justice Department continues to work on what is popularly referred to as PATRIOT II, which would further broaden law enforcement's mandate. Ashcroft already is publicly lobbying for three changes - making it unlawful to fight for a designated terrorist organization, imposing the death penalty for various terrorist actions and extending pre-trial detention for those arrested for terrorism-related offenses.
Several members of Congress, including Republicans like Rep. James Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, have expressed concerns about providing law enforcement with much more authority, raising questions about civil liberties.
"I believe the (Justice) Department and Congress must be vigilant toward short-term gains which ultimately may cause long-term harm to the spirit of liberty and equality which animate the American character," Sensenbrenner said.
Now the White House is sending signals that it prefers a slow approach to dealing with any changes and is promising to work with lawmakers in assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the anti-terrorism laws.
Ari Fleischer, the president's press secretary, said the administration is constantly reassessing the status of anti-terrorism laws, "because it's an ongoing issue against opponents who quickly realize what strengths we have and then design ways to get around our strengths to exploit potential weaknesses."
It's likely, he said, that the period of constant review will continue for an extended period.
"And this will also be, of course, done with an eye toward maintaining civil liberties and constitutional protections," Fleischer said. "And this is where it's very important to continue to discuss these matters with members of Congress in both parties who have important thoughts about this."
Asked specifically if President Bush supports Ashcroft's push for broader powers, Fleischer said, "the president wants to work closely with members of Congress on anything that will help strengthen our ability to fight terrorism, and it depends on the specifics and we'll work with Congress on those."
Recent reports have raised questions about the USA-PATRIOT Act as it pertains, for instance, to holding individuals in police custody without a warrant while authorities investigate their immigration status. A recent inspector general's report criticized the Justice Department for the treatment accorded some illegal aliens who were rounded up and detained even though it turned out they had no connections with terrorism.
Ashcroft is unapologetic, insisting that the USA-PATRIOT Act has resulted in "steady progress in America's war on terrorism." The Justice Department, he said, has reached plea agreements with 15 individuals charged under the law who are providing "critical intelligence about al Qaeda and other terrorist groups, about their safe houses, their training camps, their recruitment, their tactics in the United States and the operations of terrorists who mean to do citizens harm, both here and abroad."
From Alfred Lehmberg
I feel like I'm putting myself at peril, a little bit, here (and resent being compelled to feel that way by present national circumstances), but why do we treat Senator Ashcroft (a failed politician who couldn't even beat a DEAD man in his own state election) as a person whose judgment could be remotely considered, trusted, or acted upon regarding =anything=?
Verily, he's a self-anointed and puddle-deep religious fundamentalist, a wool-dyed social neo-conservative with an up-tight authoritarian mien, and is, in his own way, as loopy as Osama Bin Laden is supposed to be. Moreover, can't any -other- fellow American perceive that it is not about control of manufactured *terrorists* and inveterate *criminals* that is the issue at hand (and who can blithely end-run most of the Senator's disingenuous initiatives in their lawlessness); it is the -control- of rank and file citizens that Ashcroft covets, their -domination- that he desires, and their -subjugation- to his two-color and people-hating (and hate mongering!) religious -will- that he would have.
...Impeach NOW! He's the -real- terrorist!
From Alfred Lehmberg
[...] A telling addendum to my comments above (which I perceive to be at -least- as "fair", "balanced", and "accurate" as anything I see on "Fox-snooze" and "BSN") regretfully follows. My wife, a German National I met, fell in love with, and married while stationed overseas in Germany in 1972, is extremely upset that my comments were published on the Rense site at all... why is she fearful?
She's not concerned that I might be further associated with "ufological loopy-ness", "abduction nonsense", or "Crap Circles"! She's concerned, fearfully (and chillingly!), regarding the horror (and aftermaths of horror!) she and her parents experienced in the 30's and 40's in her own nation (Hitler's Germany) where she spent the first 25 years of her life. She fears the Fascist Gestapo!
She's concerned, genuinely, that the smirking men in black leather dusters are going to show up at the house and take me away! She's concerned that our military retirement check is going to be stopped, and our taxes called into specious question! She's concerned that we are going to be placed under surveillance and our neighbors are going to be questioned (smearing our reputation and standing in the community). She's concerned that her boss (who has a contract with the U.S. government) is going to fire her from her part time job (which is the only thing keeping our heads above water). She's concerned that we are going to get death threats!
In a recent conversation with her father, a veteran of the second great war who served on the transcendingly -ghastly- Russian Front, she remarked to him that she was more than a little intimidated by this new "American" nationalism that unites disparate social factions into a United States... somehow fundamentally different since 9/11. His reply was that, "we [Germany] had that once... but it went -bad-, it likely -always- goes bad. It will go bad for the US, too, and for the same reasons."
I think that he's right. I think that corporate interests and government facility have met in an unholy alliance of faculty, purpose, and execution (that Eisenhower warned us against), and that we are -well- on the way to our -own- fascist state... encompassing all the abject fear, eventual horror, and degrading misery that that evil path entails! Our liberty is in peril, our livelihoods are compromised, and our sense of well being is devalued! Our citizenship has -already- been asked to spy on that same citizenship and soon we could, nationally, be naught but a mad dog eating its own tail, just like NAZI Germany of last century!
As you read these words, conflicted law-makers are signing volumes of immutable infidelity into law that they have neither read nor understand! I remind the reader (in light of these observations on the political health of our nation) that we are still at the point where -each- of us only has to be only a -little- bit brave... to combat this turn to the worst that our nation fatuously pursues! We are Americans, damn it! Individually, we love liberty and aspire to fairness. Individually, we appreciate that we are -nothing- if we are not champions of free speech and proud of our right to lawful dissent. Individually, we are what America is -supposed- to be, not what Multi-national corporations and their articulate talking heads coerce it towards!
We can turn this tide if we are just a little braver as individuals, now. A little bravery from everyone NOW will preclude any one of us from having to be =consummately= brave later on. The time to act is now. The time to speak out is now. The time to respect individual sensibility and freedom of expression is now! The time to demand more than an illusion of civil liberty is now! We can't wait another minute!
Truly, being just a little more brave -now- will preclude law abiding, tax paying, and freedom loving persons (such as my innocent but still, astonishingly, government terrorized wife!) from that which is elected, subsidized, and legislated to protect them, and NOT make them miserable and fearful! That's not the America that I've sworn oaths too, and which I've put my life on the line to defend! Not by a long shot!
I abhor what my nation is becoming if it can make my wife, who has ALWAYS been an American asset, fearful of =being= an American, thinking what an American thinks, and doing what an American does (by right) -- LIVING FREE! Free of fear, free of minimal want, and freedom from corporate neo-conservative (and increasingly more fascist!) government tyrannies!
Be brave people! Spit in fear's eye! The life that that fear dictates is not worth living, verily! My wife, bless her heart of hearts, deserves more than that, and so do YOU! ~~Ö~~ EXPLORE "AlienViews" at:
"I cleave the heavens and soar to the infinite. What others see from afar, I leave _far_ behind me." - Giordano Bruno, scourged by the scabrously specious scurrilous.



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