UFO Falls In Jizan Region
Of Saudi Arabia
By Mahmoud Ahmad Arab News Staff Writer
Arab News © 2003 All rights reserved



Dear Jeff
Please find an updated report from the Arab News. After reading the original story on your site I got the distinct impression this story had a strong "Roswell in the Making" feel to it. The story caught my eye due to the fact that I'd spent 11 years working in Saudi Arabia in the recent past. I can remember another incident that was reported in the Arab press in the late 90s which described eye witness reports of a strange object flying over, if I remember correctly, the capital Riyadh. The article concluded with a comment along the lines of "Maybe this is was one of those object the west refers to as a UFO". This left me with the impression that the incident on that occasion had been reported truthfully. 
Yet again I feel the first report was sincere and truthful, as for the second report. Hmmmmm sounds familiar to me, anyone any ideas????? ;-}
Lee Connolly
Tuesday, 10, June, 2003 (10, Rabi` ath-Thani, 1424)
Jizan 'UFO' Just a Big Balloon - Governor
Mahmoud Ahmad · Arab News Staff
JIZAN, 10 June 2003 - Jizan Governor Prince Muhammad ibn Nasser has denied that an unidentified object that reportedly fell to earth in the region was part of a spy plane.
In an interview with Okaz newspaper, the prince said the object had merely been a balloon. "No unidentified object landed in Jizan, and there was no spy plane taking pictures. It was only a big balloon," he said.
The prince said elderly and uneducated people had mistaken the balloon for a UFO.
Newspaper reports had stated, citing experts, that the object observed by a number of residents in Arraith town, about 220 km northeast of Jizan, on Monday could have been part of a spy plane that had encroached on Saudi air space.
Arraith Governor Abdul Rahman Al-Osaimi said he went to inspect the site of the reported crash and found nothing untoward. "There was no trace of anything that landed there," he said.
Other eyewitnesses described seeing a child's toy balloon, the paper added.
JEDDAH -- An unidentified flying object fell to earth in the southern Jizan region last Monday and experts believe that it could be part of a spy plane that invaded Saudi airspace.
Witnesses told Al-Watan daily that the object looked like a flying saucer and radiated light. A number of people in Arraith town, about 220 km northeast of Jizan, watched the strange object fall at about 9 a.m. on Monday.
The fall of the object sent shockwaves through the area and frightened cattle. People ran away from the object and observed it from a distance.
Abdul Rahman Al-Osaimi, governor of Arraith, told the Arabic daily that he visited the area where the object had fallen, adding that it had frightened the residents.
"The object is not big, but it scares people," the governor said.
Informed sources told Al-Watan that security officers visited the site to inspect the object and interview witnesses.
If the UFO turned out to be a spy plane, it could bring back memories of stories of flying saucers frequently found during the Cold War period. The United States recorded some 850 flying objects crashed on its territory in those days.
Salman Al-Raithy, a resident of Arraith, told the daily that he had watched the object flying at a low altitude and then fall on the ground.
Wadi Amoud in Arraith saw a number of strange incidents over the past years.
It witnessed the emergence of poisonous carbon water from a well in the area, which the superstitious used to treat diseases, forcing authorities to cover the well. An old mass grave with the remains of people killed in battles was also found in the area.



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