Meet Mr. Leonard -
A Giant Amongst Men

By Judith Moriarty

Where have I been? Well mostly dealing with local waste incineration, and the ending of a contract that will most likely see the wasters bigger and better; despite our protests, letters, petitions, signs, briefs, court hearings et al.
Why bother? Simply because one must! Injustice towards one is injustice towards all. Why bother? The picture enclosed will explain. The man you see sitting with the plaid shirt with chin in hand, is Mr.Donald Leonard. No, you will never him meet outside this e-mail and his photo. Mr.Leonard epitomizes why one must become involved in local issues.He represents many in our community; that are dying or have died these past years. Mr.Leonard was diagnosed with inoperable stomach cancer No carouser-drinker he, the love of his life a tiny two year old grandchild.
This scene, in a senior citizen's center in NH, shows Industry (waste) honchos, and citizens gathered on a warm balmy July night. The issue? A permit which basically will have Industry legally permitted to pollute big time. Everyone, well most everyone, (area citizens unaware) knew the fact that this public hearing being held was farcical. NH has never turned down a Title V or, Permit to Pollute (our identification of it). "All the world's a stage", and everyone dutifully took their chalked places, excepting a few cameo appearances by citizens attending such a meeting for a first time.
The drones, from our state Dept.of Environmental Services, a stepchild to the Federal Environmental Protection Agency; take this road show to various communities to meet the required technicality of a "public hearing"; written somewhere in their massive volumes of jibberish and effusive "aren't we wonderful" volumes. My opinion sees them merely as the bureaucratic, regulatory partner of industry; to maneuver the language of Clean Air-Clean Water-Quality of Life etc; that they allude to in their literature. State or Federal, the name of the Game is money! Protecting money, and writing the loopholed legislation, that sees citizens saddled with all costs financially, environmentally and health wise. Industry writes the standards and are self monitoring and self reporting; which needs no in-depth rocket science thinking to tell you that; everything is always fine, and they are just your good corporate neighbors.
In our case, an incinerator sitting at the edge of town, burns 24 hrs. a day, seven days a week, year in and year out (16 now). This belching monster, spews lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, arsenic and carcinogenic dioxin over a populated area located in a valley. The toxic ash from this filth sits above our drinking water on a leaking liner, all 300,000 tons of it! Stupid? Insane? Incomprehensible? Depraved indifference? Sure, but get real. Money-profits-quarterly reports-lucrative industry jobs--cozy contracts--energy deals; take precedence over the maudlin emotions of citizens in poorer areas of the country; be it NH, Maine, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Florida, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, et al. These lesser ones, are identified by EPA/Industry as "risk assessments". This is a formula that decides, outside of public knowledge, how much toxic pollutants are "acceptable" over "certain" locales. No, the owners, attorneys, honchos, big shots don't live where they do business. Their children are not subjected to daily doses of various cocktails of chemicals. God forbid!
Why care about Mr.Leonard? Because Mr.Leonard is all of us (those that is that are identified as acceptable risks). Mr.Leonard, has the bad fortune of living in an area that has him assailed from all sides with pollutants. Ground Zero sees citizens at extreme risk. People, react according to the cumulative effects of pollutants in their bodies at different ages. Those with chronic illnesses, babes in the womb, small children and the elderly have higher risk factors. Our Department of Environmental Services refers to them as a "sub-group". People with weaker constitutions, of course, succumb more quickly to these daily (cumulative) deluges. Other names for citizen victims are; abutters, acceptable risks, fringe, extremists, trouble makers, etc. Much like war sees human beings, not by name-dreams-hopes-and talents, but as "collateral damage" expendable, so too does industry.
Mr.Leonard, like other victims, is charged with PROVING that such things as mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium,dioxin and a stew of other chemicals has anything to do with his misfortune! The fact that each of these chemicals separately causes everything from cancer, sterility, impotency, birth defects, auto-immune diseases etc., is not considered. "Prove It. Take us to court", is the mantra of industry. Yes, penniless Mr.Leonard, his monies exhausted on his medications for his terminal disease, surely has the energy, and money to contend with designer suited, coiffured legions of lawyers. He has a hard enough time making it through the day. But then industry already knows this.
Why battle? If we can't care for our neighbor whom we know and see, what hypocrisy has us marching for strangers in a foreign land, that we shall never meet? Not that they are of lesser importance but it is safer. One can return from their demonstration, march, rally etc., feeling patriotic, responsible and caring. Of course, one will never have to minister to the napalm flesh, the limbless child, the fear, hunger or lack of daily necessities. Meanwhile, our neighbor lies in the gutter, suffers evictions, shut off notices, or if elderly, relegated to the humiliation of seeking food at a local under funded soup kitchen. Our veterans, live in abandoned cars, under bridges or are killed in their plastic tents by crazed drug addicts. Sure we care, but we care feebly.
I found it appalling that this group of people were meeting; not for a community get together, joying in the summer but over something as mundane as having the RIGHT to breathable air! What right, I thought to myself, looking out over the people did others outside our realm have to decide what level of toxins was "acceptable" to drench us with? No right, and thus my outrage. Get out of my town and stop killing my neighbors, you greedy insatiable, conscienceless, satiated bastards! Go away.
Interesting, the players last night and the various parts they all played. Interesting, also, I noted that they were (mostly men) all of the same age grouping. I watched as Mr.Leonard approached Industry honchos after the meeting. The contrast was for me, quite gut wrenching. Mr.Leonard, in his fifties and with cane, thin, ghost-like palor, his eyes pools of unrelenting pain and his counternance defiant and confrontational. I thought to myself, when one is dying there is a certain liberty afforded; that says what it feels, no need for posturing or pretense or measured safe middle of the road shallow banter.
Hardly Herculean, I thought watching him maneuver himself amidst the coven of waste men, in their expensive suits, silk shirts, designer ties with gold watches, gaudy bejeweled white sausage fingers. Mr.Leonard, a slight man of maybe 5'4" was diminutive, in this crowd of towering elegance, and satiated, rotund florid faces. His attire to me was Sir Galahad armour; as he took them all on. He pulled out the picture of his beautiful grand daughter, two years of age, who lives on the west coast. He thrust it into the vice-president of the company's hands and stated, "You killed me. You are the reason that I will never enjoy my grandchild, you did this to me. You killed me." He grabbed the picture back and gallantly turned and left them standing there silent.
A few seconds passed, and another citizen, a woman crying approached them. She'd lost several friends and knew of neighbors children who had died. She had given testimony of how a young man, who'd been assigned to see to odds jobs at a store, surrounded by fields near the incinerator. Part of his job; seeing to the mice was no longer a chore; she related, as they didn't run anymore. The birds, found in the parking lot could no longer fly! Like Mr.Leonard she too was not going to dance around with any cotton candy pleading. Her voice was forceful and quivering as she asked, "What has happened to you men? What is wrong with you? Are you soulless? I know that money is important to you, but is it this important? Important enough to not care of people dying! Dying!" A looming giant of a man, his face red with fine dining and fine living, a Ph.D, I was told (to impress? it didn't), started the canned industry mantra to her of how good industry was, how it wasn't their faults, it was the government's fault and oh, he did want to know more about the MICE and BIRDS! I had to respond to this patronizing manure. I said, "Why are you lying to this woman? How dare you excuse all this and shove it over to government, when anyone with any sense knows about your armies of lobbyists, who damn well write the regulations and legislation? And don't go denying it because I was there first hand watching it, and I didn't see you there," He responded with some attempt at forced joviality of, "Ho ho ho, I see I've stepped into a can of worms." I turned and left not wanting to vomit on his elegant gigantic lizard footwear.
Yes I am angry. The fact is, more anger is needed. We become angry for the moment without effecting any change. Our anger is feeble, conciliatory. There is the destructive anger of some environmental groups, that colors all concerned citizens in small town U.S.A. as rabid also. I am led to believe that this is deliberate to invalidate ordinary citizens. It is interesting, that the violent destroyers of ski lodges, housing developments, SUVs and labs make the news and not mothers with signs!
All of these men, industry--various citizens--representatives of comparable age. Revealing, the various paths they'd all chosen. Mr.Leonard in rural NH. You'd imagine him safe from all the horrors of pollution that we hear of. An ordinary man, known for his solicitous care of his neighbors, until he too was stricken. And now he's dying, and men who live far outside his realm, who are involved in the loopholed language, contracts, and profiteering; demand that he "prove his dying". Yes, and how do you hold a moonbeam in your hand? One woman said it bluntly, attacking the apologist DES woman, and her made up numbers of industry being 99% compliant and faultless. She responded with the retort of being 99% cancer free. It's that 1% that'll get you.
Mr.Leonard's dying presence, made some uncomfortable and accusatory; of why he would "ruin the meeting". Listening to this callous, vindictiveness; against; not the poisoning pirates of Ahoy Garbage, but the victim; I could well understand why a woman, decades ago in New York City, named Kitty Genovese, was beaten and raped over some hours; while those in apartments above looked out, and just as quickly closed their blinds to her screaming of, "Help me, help me he's killing me". It is a strange malady that some possess; (maybe from toxic or other poisons?) that renders them hollow, soulless, mutations of humanity; without feelings or conscience. What happens to the other; man/woman is none of their concern. They appear 'normal', mimicking other humans and miming empathy and compassion; devoid of the capacity to love, to enter in with another's suffering or anguish; has them, the tragic living dead; leaving the odor of decay wherever they tread. It's been said, that the greatest sin against our fellow man is not hatred but indifference. Hatred at least acknowledges the other's presence. Indifference does not acknowledge that the other even exists. Sad tragic world we live in, that such walk amongst us.  



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