None Dare Call It
Treason? Says Who?
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By Albert V. Burns

The first part of the title above is taken' of course, from the fairly well known statement by Sir John Harrington' (1561-1612) that:
"Treason doth never prosper, what's the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason!"
A succinct statement of the fearful attitude of the vast majority of Americans, but more especially of those who are supposed to represent us in the government at all levels, in business, in the mass media, in education' in short those who are responsible for informing the American people about those people in the United States who are blatantly acting treasonously to our country-blatantly and openly working to subvert the freedom and sovereignty of this nation with virtually no objection from anyone!
Let us examine what the Constitution specifically says about treason to this country:
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."
Seems fairly simple and straight forward, doesn't it? Unfortunately, while the statement is apparently easy to understand, there are two words included which desperately need to be examined is we are to understand what is taking place in the world at this time. Those two words which must be defined more clearly are: "War" and "Enemies."
At the time the Constitution was written' the word "war" had one universally recognized meaning: armed conflict between two countries or groups of countries. Simple and easy to recognize when a state of war existed.
For the past six decades, at least since the end of the Second World War, that term "WAR" has been steadily, deliberately and insidiously propagandized into the minds of the American people to mean ONLY that set of conditions which exist AFTER CONGRESS has declared war upon some foreign country-that, of course, has not happened since the early days of December, 1941! The mere fact that tens upon tens of thousands of American youth have been deliberately sacrificed in no-win conflicts all over the world and that hundreds of billions of dollars of arms and ammunition have been fruitlessly expended couldn't possibly be thought to mean that we were at war! Could it?
The second word which needs more precise definition is: "ENEMIES!" Again' the forces of misinformation and disinformation have worked tirelessly to pound home, in the minds of Americans, that the word "enemy" applies ONLY to someone from a country with which we are at war in the classical sense.
The dictionary gives a much broader definition to the word beyond speaking about countries, i.e., "one who hates and wishes to injure another; one hostile to an idea, cause, etc.; anything injurious." AHA!!! Based on that definition can you think of any enemies to the freedom and sovereignty of this nation who AREN'T being pointed out in our mass media, government and schools?
Unfortunately for the American people, our enemies (both foreign AND domestic) recognized well over a century ago that armed conflct was the LEAST IMPORTANT aspect of war! True, they have implemented armed conflicts, on a massive scale, several times in that century but the effects of those wars was primarily directed at Europe and Asia.
While the American people have been blissfully enjoying the "good life" provided by our system of government, our enemies (foreign and domestic) have been aggressively waging TOTAL WAR on this country, our Constitution and our future as free and independent people.
TOTAL WAR? Are there other aspects of warfare about which the American public has not been educated? Let's see! The first which comes to mind is psychological war, the conditioning of the American psyche to accept, unquestioningly, actions on the part of our politicians, our mass media and our education establishment which are direct attacks on everything which has traditionally been thought of as being "American."
Consider the question of economic warfare! Those who wish to incorporate the once-free United States into a one world government (to be ruled by them, of course) early recognized that the wealthy colossus which was the United States could NEVER be merged with well over one hundred third world nations which exist at barely above a subsistence level. Since there was no way that those other nations could be raised UP to the standard of living of the United States and Europe, in their perverted thinking, there was only one thing to do: DRAG the prosperous nations of the world DOWN to the level of the less affluent parts of the world. Our enemies, in this case, mostly DOMESTIC have been working since the end of WWII to destroy the economy of this nation. (Technically, the start of that assault began in 1913 with the conspiracy which resulted in the establishment of the Federal Reserve Act and the passage of the 16th Amendment, which opened the door to an income tax, but that discussion is too large to include here.)
The economic warfare continued with the removal of all backing of our money with gold or silver; with the initially slow but rapidly escalating imposition of bureaucratic controls over American industry to put our manufacturers at an economic disadvantage versus foreign companies; with the deliberate export of technology, machinery, and even whole factories to foreign countries to compete directly against our own companies. To make the situation even more dispicable, the American people were forced to PAY for this destruction of our economy with their taxes. Then came the so-called "free trade" agreements, NAFTA and the World Trade Organization. This "free trade" was (AND IS) regulated by literally thousands of pages of bureaucratic rules to stultify and destroy selected industries at will. It is like a bumper strip I once saw which proclaimed: "ENFORCE FREE WILL"
Possibly the most insidious and, ultimately, the most destructive form of war being waged against the United States is SPIRITUAL WARFARE, the destruction of all universally recognized and accepted concepts of what is right or wrong. This country was founded on the principle that the American people would be self-governing! Those who wrote the Constitution clearly recognized (and stated openly) the self government applied to the INDIVIDUAL more than it did to the government. It was pointed out that the Constitution was only suitable to govern a moral people and was wholly inadequate to rule those who were not self governed by a universally recognized moral code. Long before the Constitution came into existence, William Pitt who was involved in the establishment of Pennsylvania stated: "Those who will not be ruled by God, WILL be ruled by tyrants!" Our enemies, again mostly domestic, have long recognized and acted upon that knowledge and have been doing everything in their power to destroy what was once the crowning achievement of the Judeo-Christian belief system: the United States of America.
None Dare Call It Treason? Only the willfully unseeing or the hopelessly brainwashed can fail to see that treason is taking place in this country 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year!
Albert V. Burns writes from Utah and is a regular columnist for the Spanish Fork (UT) Press. An expert in the Hegelian/Marxist theories of Antonio Gramsci, he has an extensive knowledge of the conspiracy which seeks to incorporate the United States into a one-world government.



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