The Secrets Of Alexandria
By Beverly Jaegers <>
Alexandria - fabled City of Alexander and home to Cleopatra - Her lost secrets revealed themselves to an American Remote Viewing Team more than twenty years before the French Divers re-discovered them...
A Mobius strip is a famous geometric anomaly usually first encountered in High School - a thin strip of paper with one end reversed and reattached to the other end. In formal geometric terms it cannot exist as it has no measurements, surface, beginning nor ends.
In 1979 Stephan Schwartz followed a career as advisor and special assistant to CNO (Chief of Naval Operations) to follow other interests which had led him to becoming a fellow of the Royal Geographic Society and a member of the Explorers Club. Having become fascinated with the idea of using Remote Viewing, under study at Stanford then at SRI, as a tool to be used for discovery, he and other scientists formed The Mobius Group, devoted to such research. He had thus committed him-self to exploration of a human skill almost as mysterious as the mobius strip itself.
Mobius, the first partnership between scientists of varying dis- ciplines and remote viewers, first took on an underwater project, that of discovering a previously unknown shipwreck. This venture, known as Operation Deep Quest was so successful that he determined to broaden its scope. In essence, he would pit the new concept against an even larger mystery, the discovery of lost treasures such as the tomb of Alexander the Great, in the harbour of his own City in Egypt.
Nothing of this nature had been done before. Though single researchers had sought the knowledge of the past, such as the work at Glastonbury or that of Emerson in Canada; no formal team of science specialists and tried remote viewers had been pitted against such a target as this long-lost tomb site.
The Mobius concept was unique, in that little or no contact would be allowed between any of the teams - remote viewers, geologists, historians or underwater sonar experts. Even the remote viewers themselves would not be encouraged to interact, but only to do their own best work. Geology and psi-functioning would perform their separate jobs and the results, if any, would be recorded permanently on film and audio recording. The idea was novel - to combine the intellect along with the intuitive.
Alexander of Macedon had conquered the known world of his era, and was reliably reported to have been entombed in Egypt at death. Thus the quest would have a result of major importance to history if it did succeed. Legendary Alexandria a city itself still fabled for its mythology and intrigue was the logical place to begin the quest.
Once the jewel of the Mediterranean, home to such icons as Cleopatra herself, Antony, Euclid, and the martyred St. Mark, not to mention its still legendary Library and the fallen remains of the ancient Pharos lighthouse, had suffered partial immersion by seawater, concealing many of its once-famed landmarks.
Schwartz's concept had already proven that deep submergence would not be a problem in such a venture, as far as the psi team was concerned, for his success with discovery of an unknown wreck off Santa Catalina had shown that to be no problem. (another trial, not involving his work, had shown it's value in locating a small missing boat that sank off Gibraltar) Depth of water would not be the problem - but maps of even the modern harbour were notoriously sketchy.
The remote viewing team wiuld be selected from some of those associated with the SRI program associated with Russell Targ and Dr Hal Puthoff. A map, which had been reworked to essen- tially disguise the exact location would be sent to potential psi operatives, along with a list of questions about what might be found in the area.
Mobius's founder understood psi functioning perhaps better than any researcher has before or since. His idea was that the human mind could operate better as a remote sensing biocomputer, capable of operations far beyond the pedestrian and boring card guessing or earlier times. His thought was that psi skills could be better stimulated through a search for some tangible unknowns, concealed by time or landscape.
Another controversial but groundbreaking technique was the use of a team of reliable remote viewers, rather than a single psi operative. A third was the open use in his 1983 book The Alexandria Project (soon to be re-released in update form) of the term 'remote viewing' to designate the abilities of his working team.
Because of its unique approach and lack of affiliation with any University, Mobius had a continuing problem with funding, which would limit its initial search to only one season in Egypt. Working under tight restriction - the team had to 'produce' or to fail. It did not fail - though much of the validation had to wait for well-funded diving teams to show the value of the early work through their own re-discoveries in the 1990's.
Reality vs Legend
A team of specialists was thus assembled to carve away legend and myth to uncover what real facts about Alexander's City, his tomb and his monuments could be located.
The maps and questions had been sent, and a selection of potential 'targets' had been outlined on the maps and returned to Schwartz. The teams included a physicist, a grocery clerk, an auto parts store manager, a photographer, a professional fund raiser and an Italian Count. All were essentially normal men and women who wanted to participate but preferred to keep their identities secret.
Schwartz knew that psi was a normal human talent, yet not all who were exercising it could work with a project of this type. Medical intuitives, for instance, usually pre- fer working on physical problems rather than historical unknowns, or with maps. The team was asked initially to begin with simple, unambiguous questions such as the location of the tomb of Alexander and an additional site known in the ancient world as 'the Hall of Many Passages'. The location of Cleopatra's palace or any monuments of her own era were a secondary target.
Several of the psi team who received the map and questions returned their maps showing sites which were known to be under Alexandria's harbour. Enough of their circled 'target' zones were within millimeters of one another to form a clear and exciting zone for on-site exploration. They were outlining a City which was no longer visible.
Sea levels had risen in the intervening two thousand years. It was known that much of the early city was indeed submerged, yet few records remained of what had been in the area. Even the two major bisecting roads of the ancient City had lost their definition under deep layers of effluvia and silt. A tidal wave of 1600 years ago had thrown down many of the monuments and buildings and the gradual submergence of the entire northern coast of africa, which was slipping under the weight of the continental plate positioned just north of the coast. Sites once existing in the Eastern harbour area would be under six to eight metres of water and accumulated detritus.
There were a large number of sites indicated which were still on land, but an even greater number were far out into the water of the harbour. The challenge would be great....but the rewards could be greater!
With all this - it was already known that the human mind might prove even more able to discern what lay beneath this muck and water than the most sensitive electronic instrument known to man - the sidescan sonar. And so it proved.
Getting permission to dig in Egypt is always a chancy proposi- tion, depending largely on the whims and goodwill of the Government Officials. Mobius ran into severe problems with permissions for on-land investigations, but similar exploration in the Eastern Harbour per- mission was even more difficult as some of the Alexandrian harbour was occupied by defense installations, which seemed to be at the exact area to be pinpointed by the remote viewers. (Harbour COMPOSITE MAP should be received from Schwartz)
Harold Edgerton, famed marine archaeology expert and his sidescan sonar, a relatively new concept at the time - would be applied in these areas. Only conclusive proof of his track record with other Governments and projects convinced Authorities to grant the permissions.
Very little hard information was available about the Eastern harbout in 1979 other than the records which placed the Pharos Lighthouse, the Royal palaces and island along with the other target sites in the area. The main peninsula which separates the two harbour areas remains, but more of this had to lie under- water, as it had been spotlighted by most of the RV team as a 'hot spot'.
One viewer, Brando Crespi, an Italian Count and media consultant had concentrated on the sunken area almost exclus- ively. Another, Gary L, had pinpointed one area as holding the Tomb of Alexander himself. Neither was among the 'go-team' however, which included only George McMullen and Hella Hamid. McMullen, a Canadian 'natural psychic' had functioned as archaeological consultant to Prof Norman Emerson in un- covering major finds in Canada's Iroquois history. Many of his Alexandrian sites were also in harbour waters.
George, who says "I prefer to work on the area (site) as I can see what it looked like in the time past, and I can follow the developments in its future. I just seem to know what the ans- wers are to their questions. I can go back to the time in question and I can see, hear and smell the environment I am in." Hella Hamid, a photographer, had undergone testing and train- ing at SRI in the remote viewing project. Her accuracy was acute and her sketches fascinatingly precise.
On a huge light table, Stephan Schwartz's layout of maps from each respondent were laid, and seemed to show a large number of remote-viewed and circled 'hotspots' - which when transferred to a master map clustered and overlapped in several places - all under the harbour. The only good point would be that they should be relatively undisturbed by modern construc- tion piled on top, and so it proved.
Alexandria is known to be one of the most sizeable unexplored areas of ancient civilization, and one whose submergence has swallowed most of the known Royal areas described by writers such as Strabo. Alexander had seen the coastal village where Nile waters entered a huge lake and then the sea itself as a key to Egypt. The huge city named after the young conquerer was never seen by him again after he took the time to personally lay out a four-mile parallelogram with two wide avenues and sixteen lesser thoroughfares as the future city; plus a causeway leading to the Pharos. Construction began during his short overwinter stay in the area. Upon his death, Polemy Soter, his Chief of Staff, took charge of Egypt, founding a dynasty of grecian Pharaohs, which culminated in the seventh Cleopatra, the only Cleopatra remem- bered by history. Her famous liasons with Julius Caesar and later his Roman cohort Marc Antony led to the building of more great palaces, a temple of Isis, and a palatial summer house Antony had built known as the Timonium. According to Strabo, writing six years after Cleopatra's suicide, the now sunken area had included stunningly beautiful public precincts and royal palaces which occupied as much as one third of the entire circuit of the city. Much of this lay under later buildings such as the famed Neb Daniel Mosque, but a huge amount of it had to lie under a fathom or more of harbour water and was completely unexplored.
On May 8, 1979, Mobius was in place and the sonar survey of the harbour sites by Edgerton had begun. Sound waves sent out hit the seafloor and reflected back, apparently 'molding' themselves to the hard physical shapes they touched. This produced a red and white silhouette layout on a continuous strip chart. Divers would explore areas where the remote viewers had pinpointed targets with the aid of this technological resource.
Almost imediately, discoveries of worked stone blocks, partial walls, sunken sphinxes and what looked like statues were found; showing that the areas pinpointed in California months before were to yield results. French archaeological divers later confirmed just how important the work of the remote viewers had been.
On May 14, Schwartz himself, an inexperienced diver on his first dive was able to see the mass of pillars, plinths and pedes- tals that lay across the width of a small peninsula. Just such a peninsula had long been known to have been built to hold Antony's summer 'lodge' theTimonium. The placement was too acute to be anything else and was confirmed by the master map.
Later in the same day, the diving team discovered a paved floor that had been seen only once before by a Mobius diver, and with- in a short distance a complex of pillars and sphinxes arranged as would be the ruins of a temple of Isis, known to be close against the Pharos Lighthouse, an enormous structure that must be the cause of a looming pile of debris only yards away.
Schwartz himself had been able to see and to swim through, at last, what would prove to be Marc Antony's house by the sea. He would be able to see and touch stones which belonged to the long sunken temple of the Goddess Isis, probably built by and for the great Queen. Not far away lay the bulk of a fifteen foot high statue which seemed to have a crowned head.
In only a few days, the remote viewers' work had been able to guide divers to sites of not only great antiquity, but which would also extend forever what was known about ancient Alexandria, its harbour, the island Antirhodos and the royal seaside complex. After such a climax the team had to leave Egypt, due for a return in November. On this trip Brando Crespi and other viewers who'd missed the first, were able to accompany Stephan Schwartz, while additional investigation and filming of the findings were completed.
On the final day, the team was harassed by sewage in the water near the ruins of the Pharos, and moved back to the area of the Timonium. Here, an odd sea phenomenon had cleared the watrer consid- erably and the team could see many huge round stone spheres lying on the sea bottom. Each of these was pierced by a hole, and looked exactly like enormous stone beads. George McMul- len's previous remote views had mentioned these as adornments of the Pharos when he'd seen them before the first Mobius probe and again at a later time. No authority has yet explained what they are, but it is clear that they were where McMullen had specified they would be found - although at the time he'd seen them they'd been covered by several feet of silt and debris. It was the sea change in currents and visibility that uncovered them at last. Such finds are the solid proof of the value of remote viewing in archaeology. (PHOTO of these 'beads' could go here)
The expedition in 1979 was the first of its kind. Applied Remote Viewing combined with and complemented by more traditional science had proven its true promise on its very first trial, in Alexandria's harbour.
Almost as an anticlimax, the Oceanex, bearing Franck Goddio world-famed submarine explorer, his diving and filming teams along with a sophisticated array of nuclear magnetic resonance magnetomers and computers (along with a much improved sonar array) arrived in that same harbour in 1996, and began a thorough survey.
Apparently totally unaware of the earlier pinpointing of sites by remote views and divers, Goddio was nevertheless able to rediscover the Timonium ruins, the limestone-paved area, sphinxes, statues and sites they felt were the palaces and Isis temple. This confirmed the accuracy of the Mobius probe.
Goddio's exploration was fully covered by the Discovery Chan- nel which had not existed in 1979.
In essence, the Mobius probe that led to Stephan Schwartz's book, The Alexandria Project, published by a Division of Dell Publishing in 1983 and soon to be re-issued in updated form, will stand forever as a pioneer effort as important as mankind's first step onto the Moon; for as one represents a step into one aspect of the future through technological means - the second outlines a step into a different aspect of the future - one in which technology can only be an adjunct or support to important abilities which are yet to be fully explored - the abilities of the trained and directed human mind! _____
About the Author
Beverly C. Jaegers is a longtime contributor to magazines concerned with science and science applications. Author of the Berkley book 'The Psychic Paradigm', and others, she is leader of the U. S. Psi Squad, first cooperative team of police and trained remote viewers and has spoken at the First and Second Annual RV Conferences. Her books and the Squad's recent RV sequence of downed nuclear submarine Kursk are to be seen on their website at

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