Hero - Scott Ritter
Was Right All Along

By Carl F. Worden

Scott Ritter was right all along. That former Marine and Weapons Inspector has got more redeeming character, personal integrity and raw courage, than just about anyone in America. In my mind, he ranks right up there with Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore, who has been suspended ten days for refusing to remove the Ten Commandments from the entrance to the Alabama Supreme Court, and former Army Specialist Michael New, who got drummed out of the Army for correctly refusing to wear United Nations insignia.

Our children are not being taught what a real hero is anymore. They are not being taught right from wrong, let alone trained to use those unwavering principles to make correct, everyday personal decisions. Only real heroes do that. It doesn't matter to heroes how many others ridicule and try to shout them down. They have the basic Laws of God written into their hearts, they know right from wrong, truth from lies, and they stand up for what they know is right because they know God Himself is standing right behind them. Frankly, they don't need anybody else.

Such is the person of Scott Ritter, who appeared on Fox's Geraldo Rivera segment August 24th. Ritter has been hammered repeatedly for his stand against the war on Iraq, primarily because he insisted Iraq didn't have the weapons of mass destruction the Bush Administration claimed it did. He has been accused of collusion with Saddam Hussein, and investigated to suggest Saddam paid him off. Everything, including the kitchen sink has been thrown at Ritter to shut him up, but like one of those old-style punching bags, he just keeps popping right back up.

Well, Ritter did it again last night. Geraldo interviewed Ritter at the same time as a gaggle of soldiers stationed in Iraq, and a retired general whose name I can't recall at the moment.

You have to appreciate Geraldo's set-up. There's this group of soldiers standing like deer in the headlights, knowing full well that if they question the necessity of the war, complain about their atrocious living conditions and lack of supplies, food, personnel and equipment, lament the occupation and their mounting dead, or anything else that could possibly be construed as criticism, their military careers will be road kill. Okay, so we already know what they're going to say.

Then there's the retired general, who appears regularly on Fox to give his analysis of the military goings on in Iraq - and we know he doesn't do it for free.

So we've got this one gutsy guy named Scott Ritter facing another virtual firing squad, and standing up to them with complete confidence that he'll walk away unscathed. He pulled it off just like he always has before - only this time he had a lot more backing his position than he ever did before the war commenced: Now he has the hard proof.

Ritter made it clear from the onset that he emphatically supported the troops, and that they had done an excellent job as ordered. He also stated our troops should be brought home immediately.

Ritter correctly stated that this was a war "elected" by President Bush (read without a congressional declaration) on the basis that there was an imminent threat by Saddam to use weapons of mass destruction against America and her allies. He pointed out that in lieu of such a threat, the war had been unnecessary - just as he'd warned all along - and that the United States should pull out of Iraq immediately and let the people of Iraq have their nation back. Ritter also pointed out quite succinctly that because no imminent threat from Iraq actually existed, then by default, our attack on Iraq was an act of naked aggression.

Naturally, when Geraldo interviewed the soldiers, they made nice and said they were oh-so happy to have helped "liberate" the people of Iraq from mean old Saddam. One said he joined the military to "serve his country" and was proud to do it. Unlike Michael New, he had apparently forgotten that he is sworn to serve his country within the confines of the Constitution and his oath.

The retired general was just a pom-pom girl for anything our soldiers are ever ordered to do, congressionally declared or not, constitutional or not and legal or not, just like a lot of our brain-dead flag-waving citizens whose enthusiasm for war and killing has been noticeably muted of late.

Scott Ritter won that little debate hands down. Real heroes always do.

By the way, we've captured most of the "Deck of Cards" in Iraq now, and not one of those high-ranking officers has cut a deal for themselves by pointing out where those WMDs are hidden. What, not one? The inevitable offer of wealth and immunity in a nice safe place anywhere they want to go, and no takers? Trust me, if they knew, they'd be talking. Bush can't keep this fat lie alive much longer. Ritter was right all along: Saddam didn't have weapons of mass destruction - at least not anymore.

If you really want to know how our soldiers are doing in Iraq, don't waste your time watching staged interviews with intimidated soldiers on CNN and Fox. Get the straight scoop from the horse's mouths by logging on to hero David Hackworth's Website at:


Hackworth is a trusted friend of the military grunt, and he is collecting numerous letters from some very angry soldiers stuck in the quagmire of Iraq.

Take note of the fact our soldiers are so poorly equipped that they are taking up confiscated AK-47 assault rifles because they have more confiscated ammunition for those rifles than they have issued to them for their M-16s. They've found the AK-47 to be far more reliable than the M-16, and the AK is superior in close quarters battle.

To my hero Michael New: Had you not stood up for what was right, you might also be partaking of the plagues of Iraq yourself. Excellent choice! I hope that message rings in the ears of those gutless cowards now stationed in Iraq who would not stand with you.
Carl F. Worden




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