One News Site Reports Arafat Dead

This is a French/Israeli news site. Part of the translation was done via bablefish.
20:36 We do not have any more information on the state of ' ' santé' ' of Arafat. The news of its death is still not confirmed. (Guysen.Israël.News)
20:19 Arafat according to our advisors would be deceased following a cardiac faintness. News to take with the conditionel a hoax or an attempt at misinformation are not to exclude. (Guysen.Israël.News)
20:13 the news is contradictory concerning the state of Arafat, but our sources seem formal. News to be always taken with the conditionel... (Guysen.Israël.News)
20:08 Un bruit court dans les salles de rédaction : ARAFAT SERAIT MORT !!!! News à prendre au conditionnel.... (Guysen.Israël.News)
20:08 noise runs in the newspaper offices: ARAFAT WOULD HAVE DIED!!!! News to be taken with conditional.... (Guysen.Israël.News)



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