Russian Roulette Stunt
Backfires - Fraud Exposed

LONDON (AFP) -- An illusionist's attempt to trick British television audiences into thinking he had played Russian roulette with a loaded pistol backfired today when police said the weapon had contained only a blank round.
"There was no live ammunition involved, and at no time was anyone at risk," said Lenny Harper, chief of police on the British Channel Island of Jersey, where the stunt was filmed.
Derren Brown, 32, had been televised on Sunday by Britain's Channel Four television pretending to shoot himself with the loaded pistol, raising protests from police and anti-weapons groups.
Viewers saw the magician point a Smith and Wesson revolver at himself before pulling the trigger.
Brown said he used a series of psychological tests to supposedly read the mind of the person who loaded the handgun, to determine which chamber contained the bullet.
He asked the person to count to six, using the sound of his voice to help locate the live chamber.
Brown fired the fifth chamber towards a sandbag, and it apparently went off. The cameras then showed a hole appearing in the bag.
But police revealed today that a prop company had brought blank ammunition to the island.
"There is absolutely no way that the Jersey police would allow anybody to put themselves at risk, and shoot themselves dead," Harper said.
"This program was made by a television company very experienced in pyrotechnics, in making smoke and bullet holes appear. It was no different to film which uses special effects," Harper said.
"This was just an illusion. The question of whether it was in dubious taste is another matter," Harper said.
Brown had claimed the stunt needed to be filmed at a secret foreign location to bypass Britain's strict gun laws. However, the laws in Jersey are just as tough.
Channel Four refused to confirm that blank ammunition had been used, but admitted it had liaised with police in Jersey before filming.
Brown's spokesman declined to comment, apart from saying that if the illusionist had fired a blank round into his head "he would have died anyway".
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