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From Jim Mortellaro
Some years back, I knew a man, Normy, who was the complete opposite of me. I am Christian, he was Jewish. I was young (back then), he was in his seventies. We were night and day.
Normy was the president of our condo association. He always wanted me to join the board. I refused. One day Rosemarie and I were in our condo lobby when Normy cornered us both and sold Rosie on the idea of becoming a board member. Rosie thought it was an honor. I knew it was a terrible chore.
Rosie had recently been diagnosed with MS. I was in the process of winding down my consulting business. Normy thought it was a good time to get me to work. A year later, Normy was again elected president, I was elected vice president.
Normy had a mind like a steel trap. He was great with numbers. The only thing he was unable to do was get the condo's reserves built up. I was the fall guy. Raising the common charges, making repairs as the money grew. Meanwhile, Normy was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer. His wife, a brilliant librarian who read everything and spoke four languages, developed senile dementia. Normy was a wreck.
I took over as executor to his estate, shopped, managed the shopping and the spending, all under the auspices of our attorney who had power of attorney.
Normy was not doing well. His cancer metastasized to his bones and he needed frequent blood transfusions. Every time he had a transfusion, he would tell me, "Jimmy, I must have gotten Arnold Schwarzenegger's blood. I feel great!" But it never lasted long. As Rosie became more ill and Normy and his wife as well, I hired 24/7 help for them.
One night Normy fell in the bathroom of his unit. His head hurt but there wasn't more than a bump on his head. After retiring, he went into a coma and never woke up. Before this happened, Normy told me that he changed his mind. From Do Not Resuscitate to Keep on Life Support. But it was not in writing. He told me that as long as there was a chance, he wanted to be kept alive.
The surgeon, whom I knew well, did an emergency operation for his subdural hematoma. Blood leaking into the brain causing coma. The surgeon called me at my client and told me he was brain dead. He wanted me, as executor, to give permission to pull the plug. I refused. The attorney refused. "I'm not God!" he said. Neither am I.
So we kept him alive. As long as he was breathing on his own, the breathing apparatus was removed. I would go to his bedside and hear him snoring away. I spoke to him. He was just asleep. But there was never a response.
He passed within ten days. I did not kill him. The Lord took him.
Part II
My grandmother, at age ninety-nine and a half, had a series of mini strokes. The doctor said, "No food or water. Let her pass in peace." But she was still there to the last. Seeing her die of hunger and thirst at her home was to me, the final insult. Her children, my parents, agreed to the doctor's decision because to them, the doctor was god. He was not god.
None of us are gods. If we were, this world would be quite different.
To allow a person to die when there is hope, to deny food, water or life support, is to this writer, an evil act. I know, brain dead is one thing, but many people diagnosed as being brain dead survived. That spirit, that life force, is still with the body. As long as the body is sufficiently capable of being maintained by that life force, there is no reason to end that life.
I burn every time I hear the words, "It's hopeless. Remove support!" I become angry at the lives, the two lives I've known, taken before their time. Perhaps I am old fashioned. Perhaps I am too sensitive. But life is too precious to destroy. By one hand or another or by the hand of the one dying.
That's my take on it.
Jim Mortellaro
From George
As I write this I shed tears and pray not only for Terri but for all of humanity.
What in the name of life & love is going on !!!???

Alton Raines

We don't even treat dogs like they are treating this woman! Dogs are euthenized in a more humane manner! This is truly a sign, a marker, a moral milestone. We're finall crossing the line to our utter and complete doom and judgment. Our courts have become a farse of injustice and madness. Where the hell are all those pro-life people who toss themselves in front of bulldozers and chain themselves to abortion clinic doors now? Why aren't they making it impossible for this to happen through civil disobedience? Where are the PEOPLE? Sitting on their fat asses watching it on TV, that's where. "Oh, my, how horrible," and the going on about their business. When will someone over there SACRIFICE and take a stand?? Where's the family? If that were my daughter, they'd have one hell of a fight on their hands before they unplugged her feeding tube!

Major James F. Linzey, US Army
Dear Jeff,
I am highly disappointed with the judicial system for allowing Terri Schindler-Schiavo to be murdered. I am also disappointed with the facility in which Terri Schiavo has been treated. It is my understanding that medical doctors have sworn to save human life by becoming members of the American Medical Association. Abiding by the dictates of the court to take Terri's life from her, in my opinion, is no different than those who abided by Hitler's dictates to take life from Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, and the disabled during the Holocaust.
We cannot idly sit by and do nothing, for who will protect us if the judicial system comes after us when some maniac decides our lives are not worth tolerating and sues to kill us?
Major James F. Linzey,
US Army
President, Operation Freedom
(505) 373-9074

The Worth Of A Human Life
From Jerry L. Gardner
Dear Jeff,
My cry is: "Do not murder Terri, Florida."
I am so fed up with the hypocrisy we display here in the supposedly, "land of the free," and "home of the brave," that I really wonder sometimes just how, or if we deserve to remain free. It's about time to overhaul the judicial system, beginning with liberal, socialist, anti God, anti Christ Judges. These anti God Judges are the one's destroying America, not the laws, it is those evil souls who have been placed into a position to interpret our laws and twist them to a pcifist/socialist NWO, big brother agenda. We should all keep in mind Reverend Martin Niemoller's admonishment:
First they came for the Communists, and I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up, because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me. --Rev. Martin Niemoller, 1945
Maybe some would say this doesn't apply in Terri's case, well, they had better think again, long and hard on this. It is all about control over our lives and destinies, just as our rights are being eliminated and even our right to freely travel where we wish. As the saying goes, something evil this way comes. The winds of drastic subversive change for the worst are blowing in America, yet few feel this breeze of destruction.
The old axioms, "live and let live, as well as, "where there is life, there is hope," don't seem to be politically correct in our greedy, "me" and "I" generation today. I have followed to some degree, the plight of Terri Schiavo and her parents struggle to save her life. It is a foregone conclusion that Terri can display signs of life and understanding, even though she is seriously suffering from brain damage. Why should this girl be allowed to die (murdered) as long as there is hope?
Hope means just what it implies, that there is a chance, however slim, that this girl might recover, at least to a degree that she could appreciate her family, and life in general. As marvelous, and wonderful, and complicated as the human brain is, who can really say for a certainty just what Terri might be sensing or thinking while she lies there in her own private world? Who knows, she may (as weird as this may sound) be on a higher plane than the most of us. She definitely appears to be on a higher plane than her X husband and his lawyer. Who, and at what point did anyone give their permission for man to play God? Have we become so calloused through murdering millions of babies that life now is meaningless? Life, at any stage, is STILL precious! Sadly, if Terri were a dog or a cat in America, the entire nation would be up in arms and totally revolt at this demonic decision to kill Terri.
In my personal opinion, any physician who would deliberately "pull the plug" on a human displaying life's functions, however small, yet obviously their own functions, is in violation of his/her Hippocratic oath and should be charged with aiding and abetting a crime. There are a number of people in Washington, DC more "brain dead" than Terri, yet they not only are permitted to live, but they sit at the power helm of the strongest nation on earth, and look what they're doing with it, working toward peace? No! Killing their fellow man. Of course I can see where the leaders of a nation who so willingly send our young men and women to a decimated country to be slaughtered for "oil and "corporate wealth" would have a problem fighting to save a "common citizen."
Surely this decision to "allow" Terri to die without every possible opportunity to live isn't based on economics. It cost the American tax payers millions, no, billions of dollars each year to maintain the health and welfare of countless illegal aliens, and more pouring in every day now, people who have never contributed one iota to this great nation, yet we kill our own.
Surely, there must be a point on life support that it is beyond any doubt that the patient has succumbed to all traces of "natural" mobility or signs of life. ONLY then should any plug be pulled. This is someone's loving daughter we are discussing here, not "a thing" or an insurance liability, or just some piece of worthless meat taking up a valuable hospital bed.
Jesus said, in placing a high value on man's soul: Matthew 16:26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
I would ask the same question a little differently; "What would a man/woman give in exchange for their life? Is life not worth much more than the temporal things of this world? Man will go to extraordinary means to save the life of an animal, yet his patience grows short when dealing with humanity. A savage bear on the loose will be tranquilized and put to sleep and placed safely back in it's habitat, yet a man suffering extreme anguish and displaying abnormal behavior will be shot dead on the spot by trigger happy cops. Do tranquilizers not work on humans? Is a bears life worth more than a life created in the image of God? Miracles happen every day.
My point is, there is nothing more precious than life, all possible means should be used to save it. The smallest breath is worth much more than silver or gold. Don't think so? Then watch your young baby as it sleeps peacefully and soundly, words cannot express the joy and wonder at watching a day old baby breath silently in it's mother's arms. that in it's self is a miracle. This is what Mr. and Mrs. Schindler are holding on to....HOPE! Isn't that about all most of us have in this man hate man world....hope?
Jerry L. Gardner
Jim Mortellaro
Jeff, several things dawned on me with regard to the only negative post in the "Comments" section of the story, several conclusions.
First, I find it interesting in the extreme, how much more a belief in a Creator and in the spiritual element of our lives here on earth, brings to the equation.
And further, that the problem with that negative comment is not with what the man believes, but rather, in what he does not believe. Which proves conclusion number one.
From Dean Doepke
I read all the comments posted about Terri, and lo and behold, not one dissenter is listed so put me in here...
You people need to take your long stories, your feeble excuses, your (religious) idol worshipping, and YOUR personal feelings out of this!
Every one of you people looking down their nose at this situation have made ONE and only ONE valid point in all of your ramblings.
(It IS cruel to give our most evil murderers and even sick animals a clean 3-minute death while Terri will last who knows how long.)
Besides that singular point, almost all of you gave "personal" stories or ranted about being "GOD".
Not a single one of you has been motionless for more than 10 minutes at a pop your whole life!
Not a single one of you has suffered the humiliation of having bed pans shoved under their butts.
(In Terri's case, it is probably so bad that she does not even have the basic control to even do that herself and she is likely strapped in some sort of adult diaper, totally dependant on someone "smelling" that it is time to clean her up.)
This poor woman did not even get to smell, taste, or chew the food she was being fed for years!
I listen to all of you talking about acts of cruelty and a lack of compassion, and it's funny because that's my take on your opinions.
(To keep this woman alive is cruel and it lacks compassion. On top of that it is greedy and self-centered of these parents to want to make Terri suffer who knows how many years more in this condition.)
I do not have my wish to die in writing either, but my family is fully aware that if I ever end up HALF AS BAD as Terri is (and I'm talking JUST a quadriplegic, with FULL communication, AND my eating ability) they are instructed to, "take me out" or face my wrath.
The Japanese of the past would NEVER allow themselves to lose "face" OR to be a burden in such a manner.
Everything was about HONOR and DIGNITY back then.
A Samurai would sooner die than eat the food of his own starving child.
(And yes, I know we are not Japan.)
The point I am trying to make is this...
There is only so much to go around in this world.
If you consume resources, and are unable to contribute to society, you are a net drain of resources, period. (Regardless of whether it is lawsuit money, family money or government money paying.)
I understand this, I am sure Terri understood this (at some time), and you all can deny it, but you all know it is just the way it is. I don't care if people believe the husband about Terri's wish to die.
This is about dignity people.
Giving your share up for your country, your family, and your fellow man WITH DIGNITY. (Although killing Terri like this is way over the top, Terri will be the catalyst to usher in new, and more humane euthanasia laws just like Rush Limbaugh is going to be the catalyst to change the drug laws.)
Besides, if all of you do believe in one of the 15,690 known "GODS", don't you want her to run with HIM, HER, or IT?
Dean A. Doepke
Wautoma, Wisconsin
From Deodath J. Debideen
What does Terri want?
Is her progress from vegetative to cognitive a sign that she wants to live? I believe the unequivocal answer is yes!
I know what it feels to be dependent on others for survival. I know what it's like to be at death's door. I fought back and survived. I'm sure that's what Terri is trying to do: you do know even if you cannot communicate it to others. At this point she needs food and water so the body can do it's healing miracle. Honest doctoring too, is needed. If the bone scan report is true then the parents should go to the police. This along with the evidence of the malpractice award makes a good prima facie case for attempted murder against Schiavo. His authority over her and such engagements as he may have undertaken "for" her are then cancelled if he is "booked". She is then free .
As for Mr. Dissenter, sir, you don't know the forlorn feeling of the weak and disabled. So, instead of doing mental gymnastics to justify your dissent, I suggest you shut up and let the people with empathy and compassion speak their pieces. She is not a burden to her parents. Doctoral wizardry is still available despite the quackery which supports this murder. God is the greatest. One taste of him and you're hooked. Of course, the impure of heart cannot know or commune with him, and they fault God, not their own dirtiness. I hope that she gets the help she needs to overcome this evil. If she survives, I guess she will tell us who 'kicked' her.
Janes Crawford
I want to say a big thank you to this Site for speaking out for Terri and her family.
I am mortified that she is being starved/dehydrated to death at the request of her husband, who does not seem to have her interests are heart; indeed, there is reason to suspect it is spousal abuse that has caused the damage done to her.
I've searched media articles on the Web, and the vast majority report Terri as comatose and vegetative, which is more than misleading. I believe that if the public knew the truth about how alert and responsive to her family Terri is, there would be a huge outcry against the court-ordered removal of her feeding tube.
Her husband hasn't allowed her any rehabilatative therapy or even medication for infections since he received the million dollar mallpractice settlement.
It seems only fair that Terri's parents should be granted custody of their daughter. Since she doesn't drool, that means she can swallow and there's a good chance she can relearn to eat and drink for herself, given therapy. Who knows how much progress she might make?
From Lea MacDonald
Hello Jeff - I have read all the comments regarding Terri Schiavo and her impending death. To be sure, it is a sad commentary for all involved.
I'm not sure at what point, and in the name of humanity, we have charge over those who may find themselves in such a position. Personally, I find it morally confusing to let someone die in the name of compassion and humanity. I find such actions to be in direct contradiction of, at the very least, hope, or at best, the miraculous. When one precludes hope, in the name of anything, then one is left truly hopeless.
As one person wrote:
"The point I am trying to make is this...There is only so much to go around in this world. If you consume resources, and are unable to contribute to society, you are a net drain of resources, period."
While there is truth to the fact we have finite resources to share, I doubt there are many who'd feel "environmentally compelled" to put mentally incapacitated children or parents to death in the name of such a reality. It seems to me Terri's current condition is one of being like a new born baby, totally reliant on those around her for her care. Of course, no one would condone the death of children because of their drain on resources. Why? Because, (if we follow the logic stream of one person who wrote the comment above), they hold the promise of one day being able to contribute to society, or, more aptly, pay back.
As a firefighter, who has responded to medical emergencies, I have encountered DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) orders - I do not like them. I am trained to do my best and extend hope no matter how grave the circumstances. I am trained to respond and fight no matter how difficult or hopeless it may seem. If I did not hold in my heart a sincere belief in hope, I'd never respond at all - there would be no need.
If there is indeed such a thing called humanity, how do we define it or give it meaning? Would that definition and meaning be derived from how expeditiously we do away with our own when overcome with a medical condition such as Terri? I utterly hope not.
People are more than welcome to disagree with me, after all, it is part of the human condition.
As a firefighter, I would rather err on the side of hope and the miraculous than throw in the towel.
Kindest regards,
Lea MacDonald.

From Dean Doepke
I am the sole dissenter (posted on your website) to let Terri die.
A comment (about my own letter) was posted right above my letter that does a very good job of marginalizing my arguments in a way that by it's insinuations gives me a decidedly negative appearance in this debate that I hope you will allow me to rebut with these words...
Dignity, honor, integrity, service, country, and caring for others are the core foundations of my existence (as they are for many).
The problem I have with that comment is that linking these noble HUMAN traits to the smoke and mirrors of religion and THEN insinuating they are mutually exclusive to each other displays a blatant, and deep-seeded religious prejudice on the part of that author that implies, "that if I do not kneel, I do not feel".
(Touch. I took psychology courses also.)
And if anyone noticed, the commenter does not say where my argument is flawed about why Terri should be "allowed" to die. (It just insults ME for not kneeling anymore.)
(And to quash that insinuation even further, I went to a Catholic school with all the nuns, priests, religious trimmings, uniforms, and twice daily masses in the big old church right next door to my school until age 8.)
(I was an altar boy on weekends as well.)
(Hah, I spent more time in church pews by age 8 than the author probably has spent in their whole Sunday, Christmas, and Easter church life.)
See, I came to the conclusion that I did not need a "priest" chasing me around the altar any longer ((which he was)).
And wonder of wonders, I did NOT stop feeling or caring for those in the world when I closed the doors to kneeling behind me.
Yes, I came across as "insensitive" as I attacked the bleeding hearts and idol worshippers, I admit it.
I was upset about Terri and let loose a few cheap shots myself.
I am sorry for that, and it was beneath me, (however, I did not think that I would be psycho-analyzed by another poster since the Jeff Rense site typically does not operate a chat room service)
I SHOULD have scrounged around the web posted a picture of a 7 year old boy named Jack we'll say who will likely die without medical treatment but is expected to recover with medical treatment.
I SHOULD have asked you to assume that you are a Senator or local legislator and said CHOOSE WHO LIVES then since one of the two WILL die without medical help.
To save Terri, Jack dies.
That is the point you all miss here.
1 in 5 Americans has NO health insurance!
To save Terri, Jack dies.
Jack has a 100% chance of recovering fully.
The BEST estimates I am hearing for Terri's "recovery", is somewhere in the neighborhood of a 2% chance of recovery which is almost laughable odds if it was not such a serious matter.
Perhaps I think differently because I was an Inc 500 Co. supervisor whose job was to determine the needs of the many over the needs of the one.
Many times I was faces with the prospect of cutting 10-20 people to ensure the jobs of the other hundreds.
As a person way above amply stated, this is the "me" generation, BUT many of YOU are thinking with your personal emotions which ignores poor Jack who you do not see (but know is a real boy somewhere who really needs medical help).
If anyone wishes to debate the merits of Terri's situation from the position of a LEADER, feel free to E-mail me, because these are the identical choices our elected officials face every day as to which of you live or die, who gets financial/medical help and who does not, and how do we stretch 100 meals to feed 1,000.
Those types of decisions are where I am coming from everyone, and I wish people could see this from the side of a LEADER and let Terri die, "to save Jack".
(Although killing Terri does not guarantee Jack will EVER get his medical help, there are still issues of quality of life and ACTUAL chance of recovery with Terri that warrant these same choices.)
Does anyone understand that when a group of people are in front of a Judge, the judge has to ignore their own "gods", the emotional yakking of the parties involved, and go with (mostly) FACTS alone?
Oppenheimer wept AFTER he made the A-bomb (because he knew what he had to do to save the many).
As result of his choice to do what HAD to be done (to them or us) to end WWII, Terri's parents were able to sire her in the first place.
Dean A. Doepke
Wautoma, Wisconsin

From Mary Sparrowdancer
This letter to Gov. Jeb Bush is perhaps the most troubling (or telling)...unfortunately, it's not dated, but would have to have been received after the six attorneys or law groups wrote to inform the Gov. that he not only HAS jurisdictional authority to intervene, but he has a duty to act and intervene on this case.
Excerpt: "I am a legal researcher here in California and within 24 hours I completed researching Florida's Constitution and many Florida statutes at the Florida site. Amazing, that your staff cannot recognize relevant Florida laws that I, in California, can find on the internet!"
Appearing on :
Governor Jeb Bush
Florida Capitol
FAX: 850 / 487-0801
Dear Governor Bush:
We are painfully troubled about the grotesque, terminal punishment that has been ordered and is being inflicted upon Terri Schiavo by all levels of government. She is an innocent, helpless, disabled soul. The claim that she wants to die is based on questionable hearsay. Failing to take discretionary steps jurisdictionally available to you as authorized by both the United States Constitution and specific sections in Articles I-IV of Florida's Constitution is unconscionable. There is also a legal and moral mandate upon you contained in at least 15 Florida statutes within Titles IV, X, XXX and XLVI.
Six attorneys or law groups have positively advised you that you have jurisdictional authority within Florida's executive branch that does not conflict with the judicial branch vis à vis Terri Schiavo's situation. I am a legal researcher here in California and within 24 hours I completed researching Florida's Constitution and many Florida statutes at the Florida site. Amazing, that your staff cannot recognize relevant Florida laws that I, in California, can find on the internet!
Florida judges are required by statute to take the same oath of office as you. Thus, they, too, are supposed to adhere to and uphold laws protecting disabled adults. From Florida's Constitution, they are:
ARTICLE I, Declaration of Rights (sections 2 & 17), and ARTICLE II, General Provisions (section 5).
And from Florida statutes, these pertain:
Title X; Chapter 110, Section 110.107 (4); and Chapter 112, Section 112.312 (3)
Title XXX; Chapter 415; Section 415.101 (1)-(2); Section 415.102 (1), (6)-(7)(a) 1.-2., (b) 3.- 4., (14)-(16) (a)-(d)1-2., (17) (a), (c)-(d), (20)-(22), (25)-(27); and Section 415.104 (1)
Title XLVI; Chapter 782; Section 782.04 (1)(a) 1.-2., i., o., (b) (2); Section 782.07 (1)-(2); Chapter 825; Section 825.101 (3) (a) 1., (4), (8)-(10) (a)-(b), (11) (a), (c); Section 825.102 (1) (a)-(b), (3)(a) 1.-2. (b); Section 825.103 (1) (a) 1., (b), (2)(a); Chapter 839; Section 839.24; Chapter 876; Section 876.05 (1)-(2); and Section 876.09 (1)-(2).
Judge Greer's and other Florida judges' rulings are in conflict with the clear language of Florida statutes. Is this not judicial branch disregard of the legislative branch's authority? If so, ARTICLE III, section 17 of Florida's Constitution could deservedly be invoked against these decisions ordering death for Terri Schiavo.
Florida is jokingly called "God's Waiting Room." If you do not halt this travesty and save Terri's life, you will be rightfully perceived by millions of Americans as a pro-torture, pro-death, weak governor -- a Pontius Pilate. And Florida will be viewed as a state that permits "Torture for Disableds", a "Deathtrap for the Defenseless" -- "Satan's Torture Chamber."
Allowing Terri Schiavo to die portends a terrible legal precedent for all Americans. What if, as for the Schindlers', someone in your family were to be falsely judged "vegetative"? We implore you to carefully consider the moral imperative you seem to want to ignore. Someday, someone important to you may be similarly, and unfortunately, victimized as a consequence of the decision and course you appear ready to embrace. We pray for Terri. Florida is putting her family through a completely avoidable hell.
With sincere anguish,
Suzanne & Alan Nevling
San Francisco, CA
Silence Of The Grave Is Eternal
From Jerry L. Gardner
Dear Jeff ...
I am deeply puzzled! Who determines the fine line between euthanasia and murder?
The pathologist Dr. Jack Kevorkian was arrested and found guilty of aiding and assisting in the death of terminally ill human beings, as he should have been, yet a Judge can order the killing of a patient who thus far exhibits none of the sever pain, discomfort, or immediate threat to life that Dr. Kevorkian's patients displayed, according to published reports.
On 13 April l999 retired pathologist Dr. Jack Kevorkian was sentenced in Michigan, USA, to two terms of imprisonment for helping a man suffering from A L S to die. For the 2nd degree murder of Thomas Youk he received a sentence of 10-25 years and for using a 'controlled substance' (lethal drug) he was given 3-7 years jail, the sentences to run concurrently.
I have read enough apparent evidence that foul play could have definitely been a factor in Terri Schaivo's condition that it would scream out to any humanitarian society; "give this lady a chance to be represented by competent legal assistance." With all the possible evidence coming to light, why on earth would our "legal" system fail this girl? What could a few more weeks or months possibly hurt, she seems to have survive very well for thirteen years? Once in a cold grave, it's too late to say I shoulda, I woulda, I coulda, I'm sorry. We can then only hope Terri's spirit will torment her killers for all time to come.
On the surface, it would appear that Terri is purposely being silenced.
Also, I would think that any insurance firm who would pay out over $1,000,000.00 would definitely want to hear this case again, or at least gather all the facts possible in a "possible" fraudulent claim where it has been determined, according to reports, that Terri displayed multiple internal injuries and broken bones, Not being a physician, I don't think this happens from a "heart attack in a twent-six year old girl.
Insurance companies have some of the best attorneys in the world, you would think if there was the slightest chance of recovering this money, they would be quick to enter into the legal mix.
Terri Schaivo should not be murdered/silenced! All the facts should be thoroughly examined, and if need be, re-examined, we are talking about a human being here. Given her X husband's possible conflict of interest, why could a higher court not assign a non associate, neutral guardian to Terri?
Every effort seems to be taking place to insure NO ONE has an opportunity to hear what Terri might say, should she miraculously and suddenly gain control of her faculties. How heartless can one be to deny parents the right to be at a dying child's bedside? What possible harm could be done, given that she is going to be killed anyway? Even her Priest can't be with her. No one should be denied the last rights!
Everyone in America, at least all compassionate American's smell something very rotten here. With all of the hatred and killing going on today in America and by America, I feel as though I have entered some Twilight Zone in a foreign land. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, what a profound joke in America today.
I have finally learned the meaning of "blind justice," it simply refers to how our judges and "legal system" close their eyes to justice today. The name of the game is expediency.
Hey Judge...why the rush? Is it more convenient to kill Terri than to have her obstructing her X husband's marital plans, which might affect how he uses this massive sum of money he collected? Also, what is the difference in Dr. Jack Kevorkian "pulling the plug" and a United States Judge "pulling the plug?" Murder by any other name is still M-U-R-D-E-R!
These are just some questions that inquiring minds want to know the answers to.
God help us all if the state ends up with the final call on our life's live or die situations. We are indeed in very serious trouble when one judges verdict cannot be overturned, or at least delayed by higher authority.
If Terri is allowed to slowly die, it will be a perpetual scar on the very heart of our nation.
Jerry L. Gardner
From Jerry L. Gardner
To: Hon Jeb Bush
Governor of Florida
Dear Governor Bush:
Please do not permit the murder of Terri Schaivo. Based on what I have read about this case thus far, it would appear that much needs to be done in the way of investigating the circumstances surrounding Terri's disability. Laws are not written in stone, else there would be no commuting the deaths of rapist and killers on death row.
If we indeed can spare the life of a convicted killer, then surely we can permit an innocent girl to live, at least long enough to obtain all of the facts in this highly unusual case. I would ask you, as an elected representative of the people of not only Florida, but this great and compassionate nation of ours to take an active part in saving this girls life. What could possibly be lost but a little time?
Sincerely yours,
Jerry L. Gardner
1010 Serenity Woods
Bessemer City, NC





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