'Stay The Course, My Ass!'
By Dennis Rahkonen
From Smirking

As I'm writing this, news reports are coming in of at least 15 U.S. troops - - heartsick American mothers' precious sons -- being killed in an Iraqi helicopter shoot down.
Yesterday I attended a peace rally focused on the central demand of immediately ending Bush's obscene occupation of Iraq.
Predictably, our "Out Now!" demand elicited objection from some.
Despite acknowledging that weapons of mass destruction were never found and that other manipulative rationales for going to war never panned out, those folks tenaciously maintain we can't "cut and run" because doing so would "precipitate chaos".
Tell that to the ghosts of the young soldiers -- kids, actually -- who felt unimaginable terror as their damaged helicopter hurtled to the ground.
Tell it to the other Americans yet to die. The ones who'll make grim history by becoming the victims of that cataclysmic Iraqi equivalent of the Beirut Marine barracks bombing that we all know will surely come if we don't promptly terminate Dick Cheney's oily wet dream.
I'm fed up not just with the Bush gang's bald-faced lies used to promote this sinister war.
I'm also tired of how ordinary people who know the truth in their heart of hearts are meekly unwilling to speak out in numbers sufficient to stop the bloody madness. We've got to find the spine to act on what reality savagely tells us. Are we not the home of the brave?
There is a pivotal truth every American absolutely needs to acknowledge:
No fundamental difference exists between Bush's unprovoked attack on Iraq in 2003 and Hitler's unprovoked attack on Poland in 1939. Or Mussolini's aggression of Ethiopia in 1936.
In all three cases, governments beholden to rightwing/reactionary interests blatantly violated international law and the very soul of human morality, using outrageous pretexts to dupe domestic populaces into supporting their crimes.
It's taken just a few months for falsehood-transparency to emerge in the U.S. regarding Iraq, but it took until WWII's end before the German people discovered that the alleged Polish "provocations" which supposedly triggered their nation's response were actually carried out by Nazi party operatives dressed in purloined Polish uniforms. It would be foolish for us to assume that no such deceptive activities are beyond the present American administration...either already committed, or about to be (as Bush grows more desperate for re-election success).
Nothing good can come from something as totally wrong as the White House's profit and power grab in Iraq. Bringing that travesty to a complete undoing is the only intellectually and ethically responsible course of action.
A few years ago I visited my grandparents' graves in my hometown cemetery.
While there, I also viewed the local war memorial, a large granite wall bearing the names of young men who'd perished in battle overseas in various conflicts.
I was deeply troubled to notice that a section of the monument's right side had been left blank, providing space for more names to be added in future wars that were obviously thought to be inevitable.
Why is that? Why do we not practice the art of diplomacy through a Department of Peace, such as presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich envisions?
Will the Leninists be proven correct, confident in their view that increasingly monopolized capitalism will inexorably lead to escalating exploitation of working masses, and endless wars in which poor and minority youth are routinely sacrificed for rich, old, white men's profits?
Maybe this helicopter incident won't be the straw to break neo-colonialism's rampant belligerency. Perhaps Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld can weasel their way out of this one, too, setting the stage for the much larger, abrupt loss of American life that will add new names to war memorials left blank on someone's unhealthy expectation that wars (including the most needless and dirty) will always be with us.
But I certainly hope, with fervent passion and patriotism to right ideals, that these horrible, Sunday-morning sacrifices of Americans who should be enjoying life at home with their families instead of having been turned to mangled, burnt flesh in far off Iraq...will mark a decisive turning point.
The warmongers' madness must stop.
May we all find our voices and say exactly that in a thunderous chorus so loud that it brings even the highest flying hawks fearfully back to earth.
"Out Now!"
Dennis Rahkonen, from Superior, WI, has written progressive commentary and verse for various outlets since the '60s. He can be reached at <>



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