Be Careful What You Say
To Your Doctor...

By Jerry L. Gardner

Hi Jeff,
I just read the article talking about "big brother" conscripting gold dealers to spy on citizens who purchase gold: 'Gold-Dealers Conscripted To Spy On You?' I thought the following email might be of further interest...
Although no alert, thinking American today can fail to see where our nation is headed under this administration (and would be headed there under any administration coming to power today), it still behooves us to pay close attention to our personal and financial transactions and especially who we share information with. The above article (gold dealers) brought to mind a very real possibility that I feel should be carefully considered by all. If I'm wrong, nothing has been lost but a little info. if I'm correct, strategic silence (knowing when and when not to talk) just may save us from serious government attacks.
Soon after 911, I had a doctor's appointment. While there, and still in shock like all Americans who had just had their nation violated by a diabolical underworld of elite gangsters, I shared my emotions which had been manifested in a dream caused by the trauma with my doctor whom I felt comfortable to share with.
My dream was fairly generic in nature, nothing really especially noteworthy, simply playing this horror over in my mind so vividly that I felt I had been a passenger on one of the aircraft feeling the absolute terror that those passengers must have felt. I realize that sounds very weird and somewhat silly, however, as I pointed out to my doctor, the reason for that association was because I have previously been on flying status. So, seeing the plane from that perspective was not strange to me, especially since I didn't see myself as being in any way involved with the tragedy - only feeling the horror.
I have talked to many people and have read articles where people have had similar dreams and suffered traumas even while awake from such a mind boggling incident. So, I don't feel differently in any way, especially since the dream was a one-time occurrence. As I understand it, many still have trouble sleeping today due to that unbelievable deluge of absolute terror. This was an emotional nightmare for every American, as well as people all over the world. I am by no means unique.
My point is this: I thought my doctor and I were having a shared casual conversation about the whole affair, so after leaving his office I didn't give it another thought - the dreamwas not an obsession with me, as horrible as it was.
On my next visit to my doctor's office, I was surprised that he asked me if I had had any more dreams about 911, to which I replied I had not. I was even further surprised to see that he had written a detailed account of my shared dream and concerns from that previous visit. He hasn't done anything like this before, nor has he taken any notes of our conversations of other matters since. I spotted the account right in my medical record while open on his desk and it was no small effort or report. This was not a standard medical concern or entry - I was not showing undue stress or apprehension, simply an expressed concern.
This (medical entry) didn't ring a bell or sound any alarms until the Patriot Act and the Homeland Security and DARPA came into play, then the lights finally came on. I begin to realize that if the government, or any control group wanted the perfect spy network throughout America, what better source than doctors and the medical profession? Patients trust their doctors with almost a divine trust, we will tell them anything, particularly since we are supposed to be protected by a doctor/patient confidentiality. The same would probably apply to dentist and other health care providers, it could be an extensive and powerful network.
Since my doctor prepared a detailed report on something I felt wasn't worth the typing and paperwork which was the revelation in private of my own emotions, I will no longer divulge anything no matter how insignificant it might seem to a medical person unless it is directly associated with my problem. Innocent conversation can and has been twisted, misinterpreted and used against people in the past. These are dangerous times. It is really sad that we can never conduct a casual conversation in America again without becoming suspect. It's a proven fact that once you turn anything over to the government to oversee, they go completely off scale with it, totally out of control to the obsessive, like kicking a second grader out of school for pointing his finger like a gun. Just how stupid can we get? The guy who made the innocent, but perhaps somewhat ill-timed joke about Bush a few months ago out west and drew three years jail time proves that the Gestapo mentality is alive and well in America, and it is to be feared. Power is a disease more destructive than cancer. Cancer destroys a body, power destroys a nation.
I may very well be wrong in my suspicions concerning members of the medical profession as active agents for information gathering, but I had rather land on the side of caution than to trust them with personal thoughts or conversation. At the very least this should be food for thought. Once supreme evil manifest its self as it has done in America over the past three years it becomes very difficult to conduct business as usual or to hide. We really don't have to look far to identify the real axis of evil. This is pre WW2 Germany all over again and the old war adage still applies, "loose lips sink ships." In this case, "loose lips lock chains of slavery and open doors to concentration camps." Trust is a commodity we can no longer afford. At this stage I believe resistance is futile, we will be assimilated, or at least the non-believers will be. The net is tightening quickly. Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing.
Luke 21:8 And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name (religious authority), saying, I am Christ; (anointed, called by God to perform) and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them.
God will NOT call a leader to kill his fellow man in the new testament church as some profess, this is totally contrary to the words of Jesus and the scriptures. Satan has no shortage of those willing to maim and slaughter, for the enemy has come but for to steal, to kill and to destroy, this is Satan's specialty. One who claims special divinity from God to murder is both a killer and a liar and is totally devoid of truth. Jesus and Jesus alone with his army of chosen angels will bring an end to this hell we call earth. Satan really hates this:
Revelation 19:14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him (Jesus) upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. 15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. 16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.
No man will accomplish this! Nor has any religious group, or man, been "chosen" to set planet earth straight prior to the Lord's return, the word of God declares exactly the opposite, man will almost annihilate himself. Evil men will wax worse.
The admonition of Jesus is, "Be ye also ready (spiritually) for ye know not what hour the son of man cometh."
If some think I have gone off the deep end, then simply jog your short memories and think about the government's attempt not more than a year ago to solicit informers in every community throughout America, teachers, utility personnel such as power company employees, firemen, city employees, delivery firms, anyone who would have routine access to our homes and property. The name of the game is total and absolute control. Personally, I don't even trust most of the state-owned churches and their socialist pastors - fanatical religious groups will bring in and support the "Beast" system. The danger is real, very real. Many will buy into the seductive comeback of 'what difference does it make who spies if we have nothing to hide?' I would remind those deluded souls that openness of conversation and opinions are the hallmarks of American liberty and freedom, along with the constitutional right to dissent and protest, especially against the vermin that now destroy our constitution under a cloak of religion.
There is a saying which pretty well defines "freedom" in America as we have known it which goes: "I may not agree with what you say but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." Too bad the average American today doesn't have the courage to support this belief. Like sheep, we blindly bleep, bleep right on into the slaughter pen.
The next event I see on the horizon is the arresting and incarceration of people such as I who are trying, seemingly in vain, to warn of the loss of our precious freedoms, at least what we perceived to be freedoms compare to what we have now. Free expression will soon be a "hate" crime, observed by the thought police. Examples will be made in order to silence all dissension.
2 Corinthians 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
Jerry L. Gardner




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