Chariot And Skeleton Crew
Found On Motorway

By Martin Wainwright
The Guardian

Motorway builders have unexpectedly unearthed one of the most important Iron Age relics to be found in Britain - appropriately, a chariot.
Buried for 2,500 years, the find is a complete chariot containing the skeleton of a tribal leader, with the remains of at least 250 cattle, probably slaughtered for the funeral feast.
The fragile remnants of iron, bronze, and carved, delicately spoked wheels are under guard by the A1M at Ferrybridge, in West Yorkshire, after a visit yesterday by the local coroner to determine legal rights of treasure trove.
The burial was discovered by an archaeologist after bulldozers stripped away topsoil over a limestone chamber where the chariot had been concealed.
Its position, well to the west of a similar grave at Wetwang in East Yorkshire, will prompt a revision of theories about population dispersal in Iron Age Britain.
Chariot burial at the time - between 500BC and 400BC - was reserved for high-ranking figures in the Parisii tribe, originally from France.
They had been thought to have limited their settlement to the east coast, and Ferrybridge is 40 miles beyond previously known boundaries.
Neil Redfern, English Her itage's regional inspector of ancient monuments, said: "It could indicate an expansion of territory we were previously unaware of, or perhaps a client tribe copying the burial practices of a superior neighbouring people.
"It has tremendous national importance, posing all sorts of questions about what was happening in our country 2,500 years ago."
Tests are under way on the relics, which include iron and bronze harness fittings, a spear head and a mysterious carved piece of bronze. The iron "tyres" of the three foot wheels, the wood of which has rotted but has left detailed traces in the surrounding soil, are also intact and - curiously -do not match.
"It's as though a modern motorist put different tyres on his car," said Angela Boyle of Oxford Archaeology, which is carrying out an emergency dig ahead of the £250m motorway widening. "So it's possible they were assembled specifically for the burial, as a ceremonial chariot rather than one for practical use."
The remains will be salvaged before the site is reburied under a bridge abutment over the A1M at its junction with the trans-Pennine M62.
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