Israeli Raids Leaving
Thousands More Homeless

Reporter: Mark Willacy
The 7:30 Report
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

KERRY O'BRIEN: Elsewhere in the Middle East, Israeli tanks, troops and bulldozers have once again moved against suspected Palestinian terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip, which separates Israel from Egypt.
The United Nations criticised Israel over a similar operation last month, when Israeli forces entered the Rafah Refugee Camp, searching for tunnels used by Palestinian militias to smuggle in arms.
According to the UN, the raid left hundreds of homes destroyed and thousands homeless.
Israel rejects those figures, and says the operation was essential to protect its citizens, including Jewish settlers living in the Gaza Strip.
One such community is only a short drive from Rafah.
And soon after the Rafah raid, the settlement of Netzarim was in turn attacked by Palestinian gunmen who killed three soldiers.
Middle East correspondent Mark Willacy reports from the Gaza Strip on the two battle-weary communities, each trying to find peace and security.
MARK WILLACY: The first cold winds heralding the approach of winter have begun sweeping through the Rafah refugee camp.
For many Palestinians, like Azza Al Absi, this winter will be their toughest yet.
AZZA AL ABSI, RAFAH RESIDENT (TRANSLATION): All of us were in the house, 36 family members in all, when at midnight we saw the Israeli tanks and helicopters, so we ran away.
A few people were shot, one of them was my son.
We came back the next day and found that our house had been demolished and everything inside destroyed.
MARK WILLACY: Israeli raids into Rafah are routine, but last month came Operation Root Canal.
This was no ordinary incursion.
MAJOR SHARON FEINGOLD, ISRAELI MILITARY: The reason for the operations are the tunnels which are dug under the international border between Egypt and Israel.
These tunnels, as we see them, are the arteries of terror.
MARK WILLACY: Israeli soldiers spent days inside the camp hunting for the tunnels which are used by Palestinian militants to smuggle weapons.
They found three before pulling out.
None was found under Azza Al Absi's house.
But, when the Israeli troops and tanks pulled out, her house was a pile of rubble.
The UN estimates that this one raid left at least 200 buildings flattened and about 2,000 people homeless.
PAUL McCANN, UNITED NATIONS REFUGEE AGENCY: The town is hemmed in on one side by the Egyptian border, which is controlled by Israel, and on another side by Jewish settlements, controlled, again, by the Israeli military.
There is firing almost every night.
There's nowhere for people to go.
They're up against death, really.
There's very little work.
It was already a dusty, poor town and so now we're feeding large numbers of people, providing them with shelter, assistance, tents, blankets and water.
It's a really very desperate situation there.
MARK WILLACY: The Israeli military says it doesn't know the exact number of houses it blew up or bulldozed during Operation Root Canal.
MARK WILLACY (TO MAJOR SHARON FEINGOLD): Do you concede that some innocent people are having their homes destroyed because they've been caught up in all this smuggling?
MAJOR SHARON FEINGOLD: Yes, and this is the unfortunate thing about Rafah and about most of the Palestinian areas.
It's a sad factor that the people of Rafah, the innocent civilians who live there, have to pay the heavy price for the mobsters and gangsters who operate these tunnels.
Like most of the Middle East, Gazans are observing the Muslim holy month of Ramadan - fasting from sunrise to sunset, night is a time for family and feasting.
It's also the most dangerous time to venture out.
Here on the border with with Egypt, Israel keeps a close eye on all movement, and every night Rafah reverberates with gunfire.
It's about 7:15 in the evening and, as we can hear, the guard posts which ring Rafah have started firing out.
There are about four guard posts starting from about there, one there, one there, one there.
There's been sporadic firing for about the last 10 minutes but it's been enough for several of the local families to pull their children inside.
During this clash, a 14-year-old Palestinian boy was hit by Israeli fire.
He died the next day.
Rafah isn't the only dangerous spot in the Gaza Strip.
Twenty-five kilometres down the road is the Jewish settlement of Netzarim, home to 60 families.
Here, Israelis arm themselves with machine guns to walk their children to school.
Last month, under the cover of fog and disguised as soldiers, two Palestinian gunmen - one from Hamas, the other from Islamic Jihad - cut their way through Netzarim's security fence.
Once inside, they killed three soldiers, two of them women.
The soldiers were members of an entire battalion which is stationed at the settlement.
Despite the constant Palestinian attacks, the 60 families in Netzarim say they're going nowhere.
SHLOMIT ZIV, NETZARIM RESIDENT: They must understand that this is our home and this is our land and we are the rulers.
And then they can stay.
MARK WILLACY: Shlomit Ziv and her husband moved to Netzarim 11 years ago because it's what she calls an idealistic community.
She acknowledges that the constant stream of attacks can be hard on her seven children.
SHLOMIT ZIV; It can be shooting towards the village, it can be bombs fall, it can be trying to come into the village even though the army is doing a good job.
And they are so many times that they try it and they don't succeed.
But, when they succeed, all the country hears about it, all the world hears about it, but the times they try and don't succeed is every day.
MARK WILLACY: The only way in or out of Netzarim is in an armoured bus under army escort.
Three days before the 7:30 Report visited, the bus was hit by gunfire and, a few days before that, an anti-task missile narrowly missed it.
While there's renewed talk of a cease-fire from the armed Palestinian militias, the largest and most deadly group, Hamas, believe settlers are fair game.
SHEIKH AHMED YASSIN, HAMAS SPIRITUAL LEADER (TRANSLATION): Until now we've made no decision about a cease-fire.
But those people, the settlers, they always have to be targeted because, if they aren't targeted, it means we accept the settlements AND the occupation.
MARK WILLACY: Palestinians say, while several thousand Jewish settlers live in 40 per cent of Gaza, the 90,000 Palestinians in the Rafah refugee camp endure cramped, Third World conditions, and, as winter looms, Azza Al Absi's search to live somewhere becomes more desperate.
AZZA AL ABSI (TRANSLATION): First, I need a house to live in, but here we don't have a life or future as long as the Israelis stay here.
We don't have stability either.
SHLOMIT ZIV: It's war, and in war people get hurt.
MARK WILLACY: Rafah and Netzarim may be only minutes apart geographically but these two communities are miles apart when it comes to finding peace.
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