Stop The Anti-Semite Dance -
Just Tell The Truth About Israel

By Kathy Fisher

I would love just once for someone (before they spout the words anti-Semite) to come out and say so what! Why can't someone say "We are defending Israel"? Or ask, "What's wrong with helping Israel?"
I'd like to know what keeps people from saying this? What are they afraid of? What's the big secret here?
Are they worried that the United States will stop sending money to Israel if people found out tomorrow that our military was really in Iraq trying to make the middle east a safer place for Israel? Haven't the leaders of the US and the UK always referred to Israel time and again as our great ally in the middle east, or did I dream that?
For goodness sake, I'm so sick of this.
If you are going to defend Israel, then defend Israel. Open the windows and let the fresh air in - just admit it ! Don't be ashamed or afraid to yell at the top of your neocon lungs "YES WE ARE DEFENDING ISRAEL, RIGHT OR WRONG."
If we heard an American leader saying that, then I could respect that leader's honesty. I think then we would be hearing what is really on neoconservatives' minds.
That would be much better than to label everyone who may ask an embarrassing but legitimate question concerning Israel an anti-Semite. It's so predictable and tiresome now, and it is not at all serving any purpose anymore.
Soon, I and people like myself will be questioning "your" loyalty to Israel, and won't that be putting the shoe on the other foot?
By doing this "you're an anti-Semite" dance all the time, you are only causing people to wonder about your own legitimacy, and why you would fear anyone that asks the question in the first place. We might even start to wonder if you're only defending Israel because you're afraid that something bad might happen to you if you did not, or whether you have something to gain by always taking the defensive when it comes to Israel.
You see, I don't know how it feels to be in your shoes because I'm always on the other side, and I'm quite sick of being called an anti-Semite, just because I don't support the way Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his army is dealing with the Palestinian situation and the Palestinian people.
If I don't want you to call me an anti-Semite, I guess I'm not supposed to say anything critical when I see this mad man Sharon being unable to distinguish a few suicide bombers from the rest of the Palestinian people. I'm not supposed to disagree with one tiny aspect on all things concerning Israel or PM Sharon's bad judgement. I'm supposed to be 100% in total agreement 100% of the time with every single decision, every single process, every detail, right down to the ridiculous and inhumane curfews being forced on the Palestinians. I'm not supposed to disagree with anything which gives the Israeli army another chance to kill more of the people their commanders perceive as in their way. I'm supposed to look away when peacekeepers foolishly get in the way of the peace process and get themselves run over by bulldozers or caught in the crossfire by placing themselves in harm's way. I dare not question the way the Israeli army treats the press from other countries, or how PM Sharon tries to control and dictate to our own American media. Yeah, tell me again how I'm just imagining that one ...
God forbid I have an opinion about how a 60-mile-long enormously high concrete wall - which makes the old, torn-down Berlin wall look like a picket fence - has been allowed to go up with out any substantial criticism from our American leader or our pitiful corporate-controlled U.S. media. I'm also supposed to ignore how entire families get slaughtered because Sharon and his band of bullies said they were in the way of getting alleged conspirators and/or collaborators of suicide bombers that were allegedly in the vicinity.
If I don't want to be called an anti-Semite, I must also think less of Palestinian babies when they are killed, and only weep when Israeli babies get killed. The fact that an entire apartment building gets bulldozed in the so-called hunt for family members of a suicide bomber, or people get shot because they were thought to have been in cahoots with someone from Hamas - I should not let this upset me. I must ignore that the buildings they knock down never get replaced and that the land is quickly taken over, literally stolen from the Palestinians for yet another Israeli settlement. Never should I ask, where else on earth would anyone get away with this without total outrage from the rest of the world? I must be obedient, shut up, sit on my hands, do nothing and say nothing. I must never criticize the way things are done in the land of the chosen people, not unless I want to be marked forever with the dreaded "A" word.
Maybe someday I and others who dare to question the Zionists' policies and actions will have tattoos on our foreheads or arms identifying us, and saving Israel from any questions. The tattoo, of course, would be the word "anti-Semite."
I must be in total agreement, all of the time, with every decision made by Sharon (or whomever is PM of Israel in the future), because to object means being stigmatized, being called an anti-Semite over and over - all to avoid any questions.
Just call us anti-Semites, if anyone dares to question the way something is being done by the leaders in Israel, or by the Israeli Army. Right away, just throw your hands up and scream at the top of your lungs, anti-Semite!
And lest we forget, if a person of the Jewish faith dares to disagree with any Israeli policies, they must be labeled "self-hating-Jews." And with that, Israel is immune from reasonable criticism, for any criticism cannot be reasonable. It must be anti-Semitism, or "self-hating Jews."
Tell me something: If you questioned your teenager about coming home too late, and instead of answering your questions about where he or she was, the kid turned around and said to you, "Dad, you're anti-teenager, and that's the only reason you ask me this question." Would you stand for that nonsense? Of course you wouldn't. You would you demand an answer to your question.
You and most people wouldn't be bamboozled by a teenager. Why then should the American public and the world let the foolish little dictator of a failed nation bamboozle us? I still want to know ... Why is there a "no questions asked" policy when it comes to Israel?
© 2003, by the author.



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