CSICOPians And Pelicanists
And Skepti-Bunkies, Oh My!
By Alfred Lehmberg

This is a one-shot-gets-all, honored reader! No one is singled out. I mean, the "addressed" know who they are. The larger (Thank God!) remainder of us know who -they- are, so Jeff may allow this, then, for its lack of personal specificity.
Having publicly pointed out the aforementioned *breed* of "them" currently (these head eating aliens of the planet CSICOPia), it becomes necessary (based on the attendant heart-felt E-mails recently received) to put some pointy little craniums to rest and assuage some piqued dishwater sensibilities ... cool some angry teapot/tempest outrages... Not!
I come to bury Caesar... not to praise (or assuage!) him!
Addressing the "addressed" directly... your hurt pouties and officious condemnations are not with me, you too comfortable, elitist, and ironic (if not moronic!) anti-ufological lack-wits, no. They are with named ufological writers and thinkers, investigators and researchers, professors and doctors... brave women and men who have shown (over an extended period of time!) that they can put behind them their more childish ways (regarding a supposed homocentric intellectual position at the center of the whole freaking universe!), and think constructively (very likely more profitably) but, necessarily, OUT of the shallow box that Planet CSICOPia would proscribe for them...
In short? ...Your fight is with persons who -don't- have their heads locked, smotheringly, up between each others amply pimpled, hairyly abundant, and mal-academic ass-cheeks... the way -yours- are!
The aforementioned ufological writers, thinkers, investigators, researchers, professors and doctors I allude to hold the -higher- cognitive ground, have the -wider- intellectual view, know the -greater- psychological reality, and make the -superior- scientific contribution. They lead (and have led) you mouth breathing CSICOPians by your bubble-blowing noses! In level debates they mop the academic floor with the best your intellectually constipated CSICOPia can offer (or your best would debate Stanton Friedman (et. al.), right now, on national TV... and put this little "UFO problem" behind you, straight away!).
Your fight is with the aforementioned! It is not with me, only -one- of the genuinely innocent observers in the ufological debate where you prove, over and over again (embarrassingly for you), that you shall not win! This is despite -all- the accommodations of your lap-dog mainstream!
...And me? I've no axe to grind but the one that cleaves for truth... about my society, about my species, about my reality, and about myself. I'll walk away, gladly, from someone or something that has shown itself to be false (as I have recently demonstrated), and it won't matter how well connected it is. My bias, if I have one at all, was created by the greater bias of the opposition (the same way unrestricted capitalists create a communist, racial bigots create Black Panthers, Chauvinists create femi-nazis, and homophobes create militant gays!). Someone stood on someone else's neck at the start... and there was a *consequence*. CSICOP has created -me-!
Moreover, I'm the absolute first with a mea culpa! Why? Because admission is advancement! You on the other hand can admit -- nothing!
Your fight is with the aforementioned persons ! It is not with me, just one of the perturbed and irritated masses who finds you as unconvincing as he finds you presupposing! I'm merely one of the growing numbers of persons who perceive your sneering confidence as complacent arrogance! I'm merely one of the expanding population who sees your current collective worldview not as the "intellectual redemption" of humankind you'd proclaim, but as a diminished potentiality for it, and a tragic missed-opportunity for same!
Your fight is with the aforementioned! It is not with me, a mere mote of consciousness that you have been able to convince... not at all!
...And not because of some intellectual failing on my part! ...Not because of some cognitive defect I possess! ...Not because of some mental aberration afflicting -me-... no. It is because of the lack of substance in -your- arguments. It is because -you- are shown to be so often in error. It is because -you- are shown to be rationally inconsistent! It is because -you- are shown to be duplicitous, character assassinating, and deliberately obfuscating! Lately you even gloat about it and spin your canted chicanery as a service to science! Astonishing!
Your fight is not with me! It is with a long list of names you work busily to discredit and marginalize, that you furiously prosecute in your totally corrupted mainstream, and that you passionately persecute in Ufological Lists all over the world! Adjudicate -these- persons conclusively, ardent pelicanists, scurrilous skepti-bunkies, and insentient CSICOPians, and your battle with -me- is WON!
...But I right cross with a "David Rudiak", upper-cut with "Stanton Friedman," jab with a series of trip-hammer "Richard Halls" and roundhouse with a decisive "Jerry Clark"! This is a random grab of punches from a seasoned ufological arsenal, bunky; there are dozens more past and present!
You're on your patent -ass-, Pelican boy! Verily, you skepti-bunkies are a -sad- and pathetic piece of work, you know that? CSICOPia be not proud!
...And don't throw your degrees and certificates at me. I'm singularly under-whelmed! I've graduated college recently, MCL, so your degrees have been abundantly (and very necessarily!)... demystified, shall we say...
Moreover, the worst of you has turned an honorable quest for academic truth into a "tyranny of letters" ( letters in many cases pointless and inappropriate, or what's Dr. Nickels doing in CSICOP?). PhD's are the BS of a bachelor in science... just Piled Higher and Deeper... more often than is fortunate for us (and for them!)! The message IS more important than the medium, an argument you'd make stridently, I'm sure, but then ultimately betray... I digress...
I know how you love to wallow in your self-involved little details and mire your opposition in sticky protestations regarding convenient *definitions*, spun *logic*, and artful *fallacy*. I know how you ask the trick question, ignore the given citation, provide the evasive answer, and employ the disingenuous! I know how you contrive to define your terms, ignore the evidence and engineer same! I know how you fix on the immaterial, cherry-pick your substantiation, and drive data to your foregone conclusions. Truly, *You* are what you'd accuse!
Additionally, arguing with you is like arguing with a drunk or a Fundamentalist. The former's room is spinning, and the latter spins the room. Neither will admit, remember, or be instructed by error. A pox on all of you!
...And You call -me- a believer! How can I be a mere believer when I find it so effortless to -not- believe -you-? Admit it! It's my lack of "belief" in -you- that qualifies me as a rank "believer"! What a wonderful irony, eh, if you -can- think about what you -can- think about...?
Further, you dismiss me as a credulous advocate, when I am only a genuine advocate for the huge volume of -extant- evidence of a quality that cannot be forever ignored...Verily, the eminence of the anecdotal evidence, compounded with the vetted photographic evidence, and then added to the documented historical evidence, gives -every- indication that a ufological assertion regarding this phenomena -must- be more real than not... ! I'm being -abundantly- conservative!
Moreover, when the preceding is framed by the serious artistic evidence, qualified by the available physical evidence, and then compellingly buttressed by the conclusively personal evidence (...if you have any, and I do...), I can only be annoyingly astonished by your continued inexplicable and unsupportable reluctance ... an unbrave reluctance... to face the "highly strange" music that just cannot be -forever- marginalized!
Does the information available justify attention by the mainstream to perform a more *in depth* investigation of UFOs? Absolutely! Do -you- blithely ignore same? Also, absolutely!
This is the element of your ultimate discredit, you serially insouciant skepti-bunkies, pompously pontificating pelicanists, and soullessly shopworn CSICOPians! We're -tired- of your lot pissing on our aggregate cognitive leg and telling us it's rain! The problems you whine to me about, actually, are not with us (and not with me)! They're with you... your argument, your attitude, and your outlook!
You see? Your paradigms are 19th Century! Your worldview is medieval! Your sense of position in the scheme of things is dismayingly ancient! You are old, you are outdated, and your scientific preeminence is increasingly undeserved (even ludicrous!) with each passing day!
It is -you- that is the millstone around the neck of humanity, pelican-boy, not an undisciplined and impassioned fringe -evolved- to fill a VOID that -you- provide and make work for you! It's you, actually, that is the scurrilous disease affecting our science, degrading our spirituality, and hobbling our intellectual advancement as a species!
It is -you- blunting the point of our creativeness as a people with your too narrow, excessively shallow, very exclusionary, two-color, bigoted and ideologue-aping (convenient and self-serving!) sliding-scale values! It is -you- employing your complacent and unequally applied ethics and moral absolutes (provided for and demanded of others... -outside- your conflicted clan!) that is the problem, sirs, not those of us noticing that your flag won't go all the way to the cosmic top, that it fumbles the four-field *deadlock-nut* regarding a "handle on things"... that it continues to confuse honest "reach" with contrived "grasp"!
In closing, let me say that all you running-dog PSCs can just -stop- with the whiney, insulting, and ineffective personal mail, your accounts are handily frozen-out as they occur, I'm indifferent to your angry arguments regardless, AND there are too many to try to debate effectively anyway (another scurrilous attack ploy your conflicted lot practices). I'm not banging a drum I expect you to ever agree with because you see your agreement as, well... your death, actually. And you're right!
...But, your *death* connotes our -rebirth-, dim-bulb! So, for your sake and ours, *die* already! Please!
You proclaim that you alone hear the music playing... but you want to isolate the individual notes in the symphony, at best! If you do -that- you'll never hear the complete symphony, and, consequently, never discover which notes carry the ascendant tune!
Awwww... That was probably too *rich* for you poo-poo tushy pelicanists, pompous lock-steppers who don't know from a moribund moot-pooty -- anyway! It doesn't matter. I'm not here for YOUR hurdles, you're here for MINE! You can be satisfied, or not, with critical poems at 30 paces, sniper commentary that doesn't respect you, and the occasional piece of art to fly up your self-important noses! On my -own- recognizance, I'm decidedly out of -your- box and comfort zone. You can pound wet sand for your trouble!
Know this! I'm happy to lurk in the tall grass for you. Your disservices will be highlighted! Your fallacies will be explored! Your inconsistencies will be chronicled! Your agendas will be exposed! I won't be the -only- one to "such" and "so".
I'm not in here with you, proud CSICOPian, glad Pelicanist, and fat-cat establishment Skepti-bunky. You're in here with -me-! Get used to it.
"To the last I grapple with thee! From hell's heart I stab at thee! For hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee"! ...From the creative tall grass, you fatuous myopic! From the -tall- grass!


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