US Military Releases Three
Reuters Staff In Iraq


The US military has released three Iraqis working for Reuters and one employed by the US network NBC after detaining them last week following the downing of a US helicopter in Fallujah.
Reuters described its team -- Baghdad-based cameraman Salem Uraiby and a Fallujah-based freelance cameraman and driver -- as shaken and exhausted after their three-day detention which ended Monday.
The news agency confirmed an NBC employee had been released alongside its staff.
An OH-58 Delta Kiowa reconnaissance aircraft was brought down by rebels on the outskirts of the restive western town Friday afternoon as it assisted a US military raid on the outskirts of the volatile town.
Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt, the coalition's deputy director of operations, told reporters Friday five people wearing black vests marked "press" pulled up at the scene of the crash and began firing rocket-propelled grenades, adding that they were chased by US troops, who captured four of them.
Reuters later said three of its employees had been detained by US troops at the crash site and had earlier been shot at by US soldiers.
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