My Political Analysis For Today
Alton Raines

Bush wants to go to outer space. Let's send him there. ASAP!!!!!!!! :)
Kerry just shot himself in the foot big time. Someone with a video cam caught him at an informal gathering in someone's house and he looks over at someone off camera and makes the classic "toke a joint" sign with his fingers to his lips and then grins and laughs... it comes off as "God, could I use a spliff right now!" HAR!!! You just know he's got an old 8 track of Country Joe and the Fish in an restored rambler somewhere on his property and some stashed Columbian stuffed in a tube sock in tin foil under the seat. Party on, John. :) (Remarkable how little air play this footage is getting on most networks)
Clark: Inexplicable gains in the polls. Satanic powers. No other explanation. Every time I see him I hear the Omen theme. God help us all. :)
Dean continues to look like one of the cyborgs from the movie "Westworld," ready to pop a spring any day and just topple over, smoldering and buzzing with his face detached and teetering on the floor. He's declared that he'll no longer be the "pin cushion" for his opponents and he's fighting back. A definite sign that some microchip in there has fried. Westworld... where nothing can ever go..go...g...w..ron..g...
Kucinich -- this man can't even dress himself. What the !@#$ is the deal here???? How did he get THIS FAR? He needs to eat his Wheaties, too... bad. Sheesh.
Braun was all over the tube yesterday talking about becoming president despite coming in 0% in all the polls, smiling confidently like Cheshire cat, and this morning she announces she's out. Of course. I bet she had a high ole' time living off that war chest running for Prez. Wonder how much she gets to pocket home with her now? Might explain that revolting grin. She throws her full endorsement behind... who else? Dean. Surprise, Surprise!
Edwards. He's such a nice boy. Clean cut. Ever so slightly hip. Doesn't consider himself a DC insider like the rest of the lizards up there. Pat him on the head. Send him home. It would be like electing Beaver Cleaver.
Gephardt, who desperately needs a pigment infusion from somewhere before he bloats like a puffer fish or Dr. Moreau, is like a fish flip flopping and gasping for air on the hot cement. Aimless...hopeless... no chance in hell. He's so D.C. he makes Kerry look like an independent.
Leiberman continues to suffer under the delusion that a Jew could ever get elected President. Unfortunately, so do a vast number of Americans who support the Zionist Senator, frighteningly enough. He says he wants to 'continue the Clinton legacy', despite the fact that Al Gore, who also wanted to continue the Clinton legacy endorsed Dean(bot)! I don't know how an orthodox Jew could pull that off anyway, the sexual restrictions are simply too hard to work around. And curiously, how will he conduct himself as President from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday?? He can't do a lick of work on Sabbath!




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