Spanish Matriarch On 911,
Ricin And Protocols

Commentary by Carmelita Gonzalez Alonso
Barcelona, Spain

Dear Jeff,
I am an older lady living now with my grand children in Barcelona Spain and I do not miss reading your website even for one day for the last 6 years.
As a result of 9/11, the Iraq war, and the fictional war on 'terrorism', I was forced as many here in Spain to read the Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion AGAIN, in order to understand the current international chaos. I would like to congratulate you as you are the only website that I know on the internet which provide good reporting on these protocols. Without reading them, no one could possibly understand world events today.
Reading the Protocols make it easy for me to predict in advance world events. Senator Wellstone assassination was a clear conclusion from reading the Protocols, just as 9/11 was. Now that the news media finally decided to expose the lies of Blair and Bush, I told my family that the Elders MUST do something fast to deflect attention from Bush and Blair. My guess was that the Elders will nuke New York and blame it as usual on a non existent Moslem 'terrorist' organization, which will give excuse to Bush to declare martial law, and Homeland Security Department will happily rule America for the next 50 years.
Fortunately, I was wrong, and instead of nuclear explosion in New York, the Elders decided this time, in my opinion, to frighten the American government with RICIN. The Elders assume that most already forgot the Anthrax that they put in Congress before.
You Americans have been sleeping since the JFK assassination. Since than, every action by the Elders has been hidden from you for 50 years in the interest of 'National Security'. As one of your readers recently said; it was actually hidden in the interest of the Elders security. And now the Elders are trying to use the same trick when Bush requested NOT to disclose the result of the Iraq War Investigation until AFTER the election !
The Elders have created a spider-web of 'institutions' and 'experts' that surround you Americans, and you can not move intellectually anymore. And CNN is always quoting these traitors, and every time that you turn on your TV you hear ONLY what the Elders want you to think - and you are still wondering why the FBI massacred 65 Americans at Waco - and why the Pentagon bombed their own building? And why President Johnson supported the attack on your USS Liberty? Treason is a way of life in American politics today!
Even when it became clear that President Johnson was involved in the JFK assassination, not a single congressman or Senator requested to re-open the JFK assassination files, because ALL of them are on the Elders payroll or afraid to open their mouths, in my opinion. Even when JFK's son was assassinated, Senator Edward Kennedy participated in the cover-up and is keeping quiet until today.
Senator Wellstone should have understood the Elders tactics, but his belief in the 'American Democracy' fiction was so strong, that he was willing to bet his life and his family lives on gullible was he. Wellstone practically committed suicide instead of believing in 'conspiracy theories'.
And now Jeff, I am getting to the purpose of this email to you. Living for many years in the USA, I met a few CIA and FBI people, I found them to be wonderful people. However, since Waco, TWA-800, Oklahoma Bombing, etc. it become perfectly clear that the CIA and the FBI and the NTSB leadership, lied to the American people under pressure from the White House. In spite of all that, the corrupt American media did not report it. You Americans could have preserved your freedom ONLY by a complete overhaul of your FBI+CIA+NTSB, this was not done, and these institutions are now being used to produce a fictional war on 'terrorism' and mislead you repeatedly. Ricin today, Nuking New York tomorrow? The Elders are perpetuating endless wars to profit from their military sales. No matter what the 'intelligence agencies' will report, your White House will always manipulate the information in their interests to justify any crime.
...and after every lie, there will be an 'investigation'... ....and after every 'investigation', the conclusions will be hidden for 50 year in the interest of 'National Security'... ...and so on....and so on.... ...and no one ever will find out that the Elders are behind everything. - and Americans will march together off the cliff, rather than believing in 'conspiracy theories'.
How can anyone trust any information coming from the White House, CIA or FBI anymore now that we ALL know the truth about Saddam 'WMD' ?
I have seen a lot in my life, this is my opinion and these are my conclusions. I do not care if you will post it, or even if you will post my name, but please do post my email. I know that you will blame me that I have no evidence that the Zionists/Elders put the Ricin/anthrax in Washington, but this is MY educated guess based on all information available, the Elders tactics DID NOT change in the 68 years that I am following them. No one has the right to deprive me of my educated guess, until we are told ALL the full truth by your government about ALL I mentioned above and until CNN starts to report the truth.
America is now a hostage at the Elders hands, it's too late, there is NOTHING you can do about it. SAD.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.
Carmelita Gonzalez Alonso Barcelona 08037 Spain
p.s. - for all of you young people, I have been using Castor Oil Packs since 1938 on the advice of Edgar Cayce. This oil is also known as Palma Christi or the "Palm of Christ". I found Cayce's advice to be highly beneficial. Ricin however, is made from the same Castor Oil beans but it is a highly concentrated form of Castor oil.
From George
Dear Jeff,
What a wonderful, informed and interesting letter from Madam Alonzo. I wish she had a weekly column, or more often, if she so chose, on your site. I like her wonderful energy. It's a breath of fresh air, clarity and experienced opinion, in my view, of this suffocating, foggy and ignorant climate of programed, polluted conspiracy of evil in this country and the globe. Spain has a lot of experience with illuminazism, zionists, and religious manipulations from the hegemony of the old Inquisition, corrupt monarchy, dying republic, facism, civil unrest and separitist factions. We could learn a lot from Spain and those of her people, like Madam Alonzo, who have lived and experienced civil war, religious persecution, Franco, monarchy, socialism and other things I have no knowledge of. I'd like to hear more. I think she's on target when she names the Protocols as the recipe for disaster planned for the rest of us non-zionist victims of the zionist holocaust against humanity and Arabs, Muslims, Christians and all non-zionists in particular.
Bravo for printing her letter, for the rest of us and allowing her to express her learned opinion.



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