Dear Senator Feingold
By Chris Rye

Senator Russ Feingold
1600 Aspen Commons, Rm. 100
Middleton, WI 53562
P: (608) 828-1200
F: (608) 828-1203

ATTN Feingold Aid who opens this letter: I want the Senator to read this correspondence with his OWN EYES, no exceptions, so please add about 30 minutes to the Senator's schedule so he can complete my request undisturbed. I want a written response from the man Russell Feingold himself, and not a generic response I get every other time I write in. Russ is a good man and I like him. He was the only Senator out of 100 to vote against the US PATRIOT ACT and that tells me he is a man with character, morals and integrity. The issues I discuss in this correspondence are not ordinary, but extra-ordinary, and thus are worthy of a non-ordinary response from the Senator. I also want the enclosed two-part article, The Grand Deception, and the VHS videotape, 911: The Road To Tyranny, to be given personally to the Senator with this 13 page letter. If I am not making myself perfectly crystal clear, I would like everything in this envelope to touch his physical hands, be put before his physical eyes, and adequate time scheduled for him to physically read the materials I have provided. Also, I would like a telephone call to the number below confirming my request has been carried out. This correspondence deserves his FULL attention. Thank you.


"You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence." -Charles Austin Beard, American historian

DISCLAIMER: I am aware that under the appalling, unconstitutional, and absurdly titled 342 page US PATRIOT ACT (which was passed with most of the legislators of the House and Senate having not even read it - traitors), I could easily be considered a "terrorist" for expressing my personal views on the topics I am about to present and discuss freely and openly in this paper. Without informing anyone and without a warrant or probable cause, federal thugs could come into my home in the middle of the night, drag me naked out of my bed, beat me, and lock me up forever without right to an attorney or any outside contact whatsoever. They could torture me until I swore my allegiance to a false God. If I did not cooperate they could freely kill me and no one would ever know such a great injustice had transpired. To my family, friends, and loved ones, I would've just one day disappeared without a trace or a whisper, and they would be left to forever wonder what had become of me, the person they knew and loved as Chris Rye. In those final moments, perhaps lying in a pool of my own blood and vomit, I would look up at my conscious-less human captors, smile, and I would die an American. Now I hope I have your attention.

Dear Senator Feingold,

I spoke to you briefly at the Sauk County, WI listening session on 4-12-03. Since I generally do not get up in front of groups of people and speak, it was a very odd experience and I felt extremely out of place, surrounded by people, most, it seemed, with no concept of reality. Maybe I should've waited until you came to Madison. I like it here and I like the people here. Be that as it may, my primary questions were directed at NORAD's non-response on 9/11 and the validity of the official story of events from that day. I am writing you today to let you know NORAD is not my only area of question, but that there are many unanswered questions which need immediate addressing by you, my elected official.

You stated during the listening session to me that you personally believe the official story of 9/11 given to us by our government. You might be thinking, "What's not to believe? They wouldn't lie. Right?" Well, we would hope not. I'm going to prove to you they are lying by offering questions that lead to their own obvious conclusions. I'm not sure what you think privately about 9/11 but I'm here to tell you it's a complete fairy tale, a series of monumental LIES fostered on the American people and the world. If you don't agree with me well then by all means read on. If you agree with me, well, then kindly read on anyway since I have taken the time out of my likewise busy schedule to pen the following words.


Senator, I urge you to please, stand up for what this country was founded on. If we do not stand up to the massive corruption and tyranny taking place every day (and getting worse) we are going to lose America forever and what it stands for in the minds of the People of the world. Without some kind of intervention by Congress, we are going to lose our liberties and freedoms without any doubt. It is right around the corner, to be quickly ushered in with the next big "terrorist attack". It will too, just as 9/11 was, be based on lies and media propaganda and cover-up. This is without doubt.

I have studied the works of our Founding Fathers and know they would be appalled if they could see what their brilliant creation, the Constitutional Republic, has become today, ruined by pure and unadulterated greed above all else. If they were to rise from the dead they would take a look around, and surely go find some baseball bats and start swinging in the halls of Congress and in the White House without even thinking twice. I believe in our Constitution almost religiously and feel it is one of the most divine documents ever written by man. To see it demonized and all but taken away today makes me very angry, especially since the justification is based on LIES.

Why, I ask Senator, in over 2 years, has there been no investigation into the 9/11 attacks? Do they have something to hide? They must if they tried to appoint Henry Kissinger to head their short-lived "investigation". The same Henry Kissinger who delivered the check to create the AIDS virus (see Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola: Nature, Accident or Intentional? by Leonard G. Horowitz). The same Henry Kissinger who can't go to over half a dozen countries for fear of being arrested for murder charges. The same Henry Kissinger, who if tried for crimes against humanity, would have to reincarnate several times for the trial to be completed. No wonder this pathetic excuse for a man had to step down. Do they think we are all that stupid, that none of us can think for ourselves anymore? Even though it's hard to believe, some of us still do have independent thought processes going on in our heads. We're not all mindless groveling zombies led around by the mainstreamnot yet!

According to the government and the mass media, we're asked to believe these guys in a cave somewhere in Afghanistan managed to suddenly pull off this master stroke that the Russian special forces in their heyday would've been proud of, to strike right at the heart of possibly the best air defense system in the world, totally by surprise, and without any resistance from our Intelligence or Air defenses what so ever?! It's total rubbish, which any thinking person can clearly see if they are only exposed to the material countering the government's claims and to some cleverly hidden history (thank God for the Internet). The problem is that most people never get the chance to be exposed to the material because they are too caught up in their daily lives, their minds polluted and controlled by mainstream thinking and beliefs. "Certainly most Americans are none the wiser, having long since been intellectually spayed and neutered by the brainwashing of pop culture and it's vicious consumer ethic, and by an education system that is more often than not nothing but a cowering baby sitting service, often staffed by heroic teachers who have been so emasculated by the socialist agenda, that many of them want out as soon as possible." - Jeff Rense, radio host

The only plausible explanation allowing the attacks to happen was that NORAD (IGNORAD if you like), which protects the airspace over North America and has the state of the art in tracking technology on the planet, was called OFF, ordered to STAND DOWN by an extremely high level within the corrupt Military-Industrial Complex. Otherwise it couldn't have happened, PEDIOD, NO EXCEPTIONS! At the listening session you said you were familiar with the crash of the golfer Payne Stewart's plane. But are you aware of NORAD's by-the-book response to that situation? They had jets up escorting Payne's LearJet in under 19 minutes and responded over 100 times just like that in the year 2000! They have procedures and follow them by the book every time, which their record proves! Where was NORAD on 9/11 Senator? It's painfully obvious that they were CALLED OFF so the attacks could go on as planned. Please read on.


Witnesses in New York saw explosions in the WTC buildings right before each tower came down. This is not speculative, but fact (some people have it on videotape), and just because the controlled monopoly press does not report this and much more does not make it untrue. The pathetic, corporate-owned and controlled mass media is just as complacent in this as NORAD is, by purposely HIDING anything or suppressing anyone from raising these kinds of questions in a forum with the ability to be viewed by the masses.

Am I the only one wondering how it's possible for a paper passport from one of the "terrorists" to 1) survive a massive fireball and flutter to the ground safely, and to 2) manage to be "found" by "investigators" as "confirmation" this person "hijacked" the plane? Does anyone else wonder why GW Bush said he saw on a TV the first plane hit the WTC when there was no live footage of it? I'd sure like to know what channel was he watching because maybe we could tell NORAD about it for next time! And why is it exactly that he continued to read about a pet goat to Florida grade-schoolers as planes continued to hit buildings around America? This is massive incompetence at least which should've brought about impeachment. Speaking of Florida, why did Bush's brother, who cost American taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars with the S&L scandals, Florida Governor Jeb Bush, sign, on 9/7/01, Executive Order No. 01-261 declaring Martial Law in Florida only 4 days before the attacks? Was it possible he was warned, given a heads-up by his brother, the President Of the United States?? Who were the people who profited millions of dollars in stock "put options" on the airlines, businesses in the doomed WTC, and insurance companies' whose stocks were sure to plummet, who obviously knew the attacks were coming? And why hasn't this been investigated?? Just why is it that none of the named "hijackers" on the FBI lists have been confirmed to having even been on those planes?? The FBI now even admits this! In fact, a handful of the so-called "hijackers" have been shown to be still alive! Why did General Meyers, the highest ranking military man in America at the time of the attacks, who, on the morning of 9/11 came out of a scheduled meeting with Senator Max Cleland, saw the WTC burning on TV, and went calmly back into that scheduled meeting, without canceling to get his ass to the Pentagon ASAP? Speaking of the Pentagon, how could a "terrorist pilot", trained on a flight simulator and who didn't even complete, much less PASS the classes, proceed with a highly sophisticated, highly skilled 270 degree banking descent maneuver with a Boeing 757, swoop precisely low enough to the ground as to clip off light poles, and score a direct hit on the newly completed, newly reinforced part of the Pentagon? He hit the part that would inflict the least amount of damage. In all his haste to strike "the infidels" the pilot must've had the damn compass upside down! And while that aerial maneuver was being directed under the grace of Allah, Mr. Aspartame himself, Secretary Of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, already aware two of America's landmark buildings in New York were in flames, claimed he was in the Pentagon when he felt a "jarring thing" when the plane hit it! Let me get this straight then, just so I have it clear: the United States Secretary Of Defense, who was in direct contact with NORAD at the time, had no idea there was an inbound rouge plane in route towards Washington D.C., which explains why he and his staff had not evacuated the building?!? He is the SECRETARY OF DEFENSE for God's sake! And why weren't planes scrambled from Andrews Air Force Base (they call themselves "The Capitol's Guardians") which is only ten miles from the Pentagon, but instead scrambled from Langley which is 130 miles away?? Then, why did those planes fly at only half their top speed, "not getting there in time" they said? Why the gross incompetence everywhere you look? Was is purposeful as to let the events unfold as planned? And who was really in control of those planes? Could remote-controlled "Global Hawk" technology have been used, which would explain how under-trained "terrorists" could maneuver massive commercial airliners the way they did and strike direct hits with such precision? I am utterly bewildered Senator, how the "official story" can explain these obvious anomalies in a tale that, frankly, reads like a B movie script. It is literally unbelievable.


Just why is it that FEMA people admitted being in New York on September 10th, the day before the attacks? Why does the government still say flight 93 crashed when debris was found up to 6 miles from the site and eyewitnesses heard an explosion and saw a fighter jet quickly leave the scene? How could frantic cel phone calls be made from the flights when cellphones become virtually useless at cruising altitude? And am I the only one wondering why the towers came down so perfectly? Hello. Hasn't anyone seen Discovery Channel shows on the controlled implosions of buildings? Are you aware the company who removed the debris from the site was called Controlled Demolition, and quickly shipped it off for scrap and recycling before proper fire and engineering tests could be performedmuch to the anger, frustration, and dismay of the fire investigators? The government: "Oh, how convenient, no evidence, oops. Hmmm, looks like we'll never know for sure just why that pair of 110 story buildings, which were designed to withstand a plane hitting them, neatly collapsed. Too bad, looks like you'll just have to take our word for it. Yeah we lied about Pearl Harbor, the murder of Kennedy, the OKC bombing and the first WTC bombing in '93, and pretty much everything else we tell you pathetic fools, but hey, what can we say? Looks like you're just gonna have to trust us on this one." Give me a break! Controlled Demolition was also the company that removed the rubble from the Murrah Federal Building after the OKC bombing, and again protected it from being analyzed by engineers. What are they hiding dammit, considering it has been shown without any doubt the Murrah building was taken down by devices inside the building, not by the "fertilizer bomb" in the truck parked in front? Is this merely all a coincidence Senator? Does not anyone in Congress recognize the fact we have been taken to a major horse and pony show here? That we've allowed our belief systems to be taken over by the mass media's propaganda and cover-up, forcing our independent thinking processes to halt on this matter? How dare we ask questions! And what about WTC #7 that fell to the ground without even being hit by the planes? How do you explain that one?


Exactly why is it that our non-elected, insider-trading and non-intellectual war mongering CFR puppet President GW Bush, his Halliburton Vice President "Dick" Cheney, their poison approving Secretary Of Defense 'Mr. Aspartame' Donald Rumsfeld, the non-reacting General Richard Meyers, and all the other conspiring, complacent, compliant, complicate, and corrupt criminals involved in planning, carrying out, covering up, and lastly and most importantly, telling us what laws, no matter how unconstitutional or Orwellian, we need to pass to protect us from this ever happening again? And yet with all this obvious evidence against them, and while the major media ignores it, they continue to tramp around the White House and Congress, being allowed with virtually no resistance whatsoever, to start wars with countries who are not a threat to us, even after being CAUGHT lying, falsifying documents and creating propaganda, murdering innocent men, women, and children in the process, throwing the entire PLANET into chaos and what is sure to erupt into WWIII, and getting away with it all, unfettered, unpunished, and with time to fly to Texas for a little R&R because it was all so tiring!!! Answer that one for me Senator. Take your time though because we have to watch what we say these days you know, and any member of Congress who speaks out against the Agenda will be dealt with quickly, harshly, and mercilessly. If you need references, just ask Cynthia McKinney, Paul Wellstone (recently deceased), Tom Tancredo, Ron Paul, and the handful of other brave men and women in the United States Congress who have attempted to speak up against this absolutely EVIL Administration.

What the hell is going on here? What really brought down those towers Senator? It surely wasn't from the plane impacts alone and from "burning jet fuel melting the steel" as independent engineering experts have clearly shown to be false. And how could jet fuel contribute to the towers burning for 3 MONTHS afterwards? Why aren't all these obvious questions being asked by Congress and the media?!? Why is the cover-up being allowed to continue while the world is thrust into unimaginable turmoil and conflict by America's arrogant ignorance? I do not want this war in my name, especially since it's for none of the reasons they tell us it's for.


The following is a quote from the classic and great alternative radio host Jeff Rense, by all means a TRUE American hero (4-10-03): "These are evil times. I don't know how else to phrase it. Black has been turned into white, up is now down, war, of course is now peace, and "liberation" - that wonderful word, now often means death. Especially if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time. The Iraq "war" is not a war by any measure I am familiar with. "Iraqi Freedom" has been a slaughter, and was planned as you surely know, long before George Bush was given the presidency. This turkey shoot is, as you may fully realize, being conducted for and by Zionism and Big Oil. It is geopolitics and above all it is greed. At the cost of a little over 150 US and British soldiers killed, or so we're told, and several hundreds wounded, the Zionists have successfully begun to redraw the entire map of the Middle East, and Big Oil now has firm control of up to 30% of the world's known oil reserves in Iraq. Pretty good deal, no? Never have I seen more media manipulation, nor have I seen a more compliant, controlled, marionette press than I've witnessed in the past months, most especially, of course, during the past four weeks. Disgraceful." Indeed.

Senator, I'm doing my best here to help you see the light. Perhaps you already privately know what's really going on, I don't know. Regardless, we have been lied to repeatedly by our "leaders" on a massive scale. History shows it if one looks closely. There is no question anymore. It is a FACT, and we are in serious trouble unless we quickly wake up to reality and take our power back as Individualists like our Constitution not only allows, but requires of us.


"The interests behind the Bush Administration, such as the CFR (Council On Foreign Relations), the Trilateral Commission - founded by Brzezinski for David Rockefeller - and the Bilderberg Group have prepared for and are now moving to implement open world dictatorship within the next five years." -D. Johannes Koeppl, former official of the German Ministry for Defense and advisor to NATO

"The Council on Foreign Relations is "the establishment." Not only does it have influence and power in key decision-making positions at the highest levels of government to apply pressure from above, but it also announces and uses individuals and groups to bring pressure from below, to justify the high level decisions for converting the U.S. from a sovereign Constitutional Republic into a servile member state of a one-world dictatorship." -Former Congressman John Rarick, 1971

"We shall have world government whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent."
-Statement by Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member James Warburg to The Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17th, l950

Senator, we know what they're doing, it's in their own policy papers right out in the open now. It's a global cartel of Collectivists at work at their Agenda: it's the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR), The Trilateral Commission, Skull & Bones, the Carlyle Group, the Rockefellers, the tax exempt foundations (Ford Foundation, Carnegie Foundation, etc.), the CIA, the Bushes, the Bilderbergers, the Rothschilds, the Windsors, the Fabian Society, the mass media, etc., etc. Different names wearing the same mask, they're all the same to me. It's all the greedy people in power in the world who agree on the same end result but disagree only in tactics. They're destroying the world!!

Georgetown University's Carol Quigley laid it all out in his thirteen hundred and eleven page book Tragedy And Hope. We know about Oxford University's brilliant intellectual John Ruskin and his student Cecil Rhodes, and so should you, seeing you attended Oxford and are a Rhodes Scholar. Bill Clinton is also a Rhodes Scholar, and shortly after he was elected President, Clinton gave honorable mention to his Professor Carol Quigley. Quigley, a die hard Collectivist, wrote in Tragedy And Hope: "The Rhodes Scholarship, established by the terms of Cecil Rhode's 7th will are known to everyone. What is not so widely known is that Rhodes, in five previous wills, left his fortune to form a secret society, which was to devote itself to the preservation and expansion of the British Empire. This secret society continues to exist to this day." So then, what we're seeing is the global Collectivists at work today, and the CFR is the American branch of the British aristocracy. These Collectivists, or at least a faction of them, are ultimately responsible for planning and carrying out the 9/11 attacks. If Bin Laden was involved at all, then he and his CIA-trained and funded Al Qaeda were all but patsies to take the blame and be the cover for a much bigger operation, because every terrible tragedy needs bad guys to rile the people against, right? Just like in a Hollywood movie. Remember the Germans, the Japanese, the Cubans to name just a few? Now it's the entire Arab world who have been demonized!

Along with the Zionists, the global Collectivist cartel have already taken over the United States government (and most other countries) through its corrupt financial and political systems.

"If Congress has the right under the Constitution to issue paper money, it was given them to use themselves, not to be delegated to individuals or corporations." -Andrew Jackson

The unconstitutional and corrupt Federal Reserve is a massive scam on the American people, as is the IRS and the income tax. The 16th amendment was never legally ratified, and pretty much everything we believe to be true about our world today is based on lies. All part of the suppressed history of America. They are continually spraying Chemtrails in the skies over our heads, like Congressman Dennis Kucinich pointed out in H.R. 2977 (see, containing God knows what, but most people don't notice. They just think they're harmless contrails, if they think at all, ignoring the fact the trails are in X and tick-tack-toe patterns and spread out over time to cover the entire sky with a white haze. "No big deal though, it doesn't directly affect me so I don't really care" says the average brain dead American. The people have been beat down so bad through the financial system forced upon them, and dumbed down so much through the decrepit federal education system and mainstream society and pop culture that they have literally lost track of reality. It is a sad state of the union isn't it Senator? But yet Bush gets up there, as instructed and scripted, and states otherwise, keeping the people strung along thinking everything's OK. Well it's not OK and they know it.

"The real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self created screen....At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both political parties." -New York City Mayor John F. Hylan, 1922

"There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself."
-Senator Daniel K. Inouye

"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining super-capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control.... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent."
-Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets

"Today the path of total dictatorship in the United States can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by the Congress, the President, or the people. Outwardly we have a Constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system, another body representing another form of government - a bureaucratic elite." -Senator William Jenner, 1954

The people do not have the government they think they do, but one that's masquerading as something legitimate. Fortunately (or unfortunately - however you want to look at it) for us, Congress still has some power left because is has to be made to seem real. Otherwise the system breaks down and too many people start asking questions. That's where you come in.

The global Collectivists want their New World Order, they want to take over America and rest of the sovereign nations of the world, they want us to live in compact cities, they want us micro-chipped, dumbed down, and complacent. They want a global population reduction of several billion people and will go about it by ruthless means. They want global control of the entire human population, so they, the "elite" can rule the flock with ease and minimal effort, taking advantage of the secret advanced technology (such as zero-point free energy and life extension) they possess through research our tax dollars paid for. Or, more likely, that their illegal drug trade paid for since our unconstitutional tax dollars are laundered to foreign banks to pay the interest on the federal debt (quietly admitted by the Grace Commission convened under President Ronald).


"Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." -Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom, 1913

Senator, through my own personal research, wisdom, and soul searching, I believe, without any doubt, that 9-11-01 was a massive social engineering project, laid out as carefully as you'd lay out a movie script, and designed to install FEAR into the people so they'd willingly lay down their cherished freedoms and ideals for "security". A false security that will never come to America no matter how many Offices Of Homeland Security and Tom Ridge's there are running around. Benjamin Franklin once said "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty or safety." Where has that kind of wisdom gone these days?

The sinking of the Lusitania, the event that, more than any other motivated the American people to accept the necessity of getting into WWI, has been shown to have been staged. It has also been shown without any doubt that President Roosevelt allowed Pearl Harbor to be attacked, (even moved all the newest ships out of port) thus getting America into WWII. Is it not so unbelievable then, that history could repeat today, convincing the American people they need a "war on terrorism" and to support an unjust perpetual war in their name? Is this not then, what we are seeing today WWIII? After all, after much scholarly discussion and debate, the final conclusion of the Carnegie Endowment Fund for International Peace was that the only way to get the Americans to give up their cherished freedoms and ideals was through WAR. And what do we say on the world stage today? Just that,without any end in sight. Good for them.

Senator, I urge youlet me repeat, I URGE YOU, if you read anything else the rest of your life, to read the two part article I have provided, The Grand Deception, written by G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve (you might want to check that book out too). It brilliantly and clearly lays out what is happening in the world today. I think it will open your eyes if you still believe the official story of 9/11. I have also provided a documentary video by syndicated radio host Alex Jones entitled 911: The Road To Tyranny. If you ever watch any other video, I urge you to watch this one. Watch it and realize, through documentation and proof, what is happening to America and the world.

You are part of the government and I'm sure you believe in it. But what if, just what if you are being lied to and manipulated like the rest of us? Are you able to accept that as a possibility? You have seen what has happened in this country since 9/11. They search our shoes in airports now! They shoot at war protesters exercising their 1st Amendment right, arrest them for disruption, and try to pass laws that would jail them for years. We get the unpatriotic PATRIOT ACT but yet the borders stay WIDE OPEN. What is going on??

This is not America anymore. This is not the way things are supposed to be. You've voted on the Orwellian bills handed down from the evil Bush Administration, slowly taking stabs into our Constitution with the ultimate goal of permanently suspending it. You know better than
anyone what we're facing as a nation and as a free people, or at least you should. I trust you do but hear this: we are the last bastion of freedom in the world, and if we fall, the rest of the world will fall. For the sake of the world and for the future of humanity, we need leadership now more than ever. The People need a true voice in government like they deserve, in the Senate and the House, to speak up and put it all on the line for what our Founding Fathers fought and died for, and left for us to enjoy, manage and set on the right track when things get out of control and go wrong. Things have gone wrong, very wrong, because people give their power away by letting criminals get into office who then take us down the road to destruction. You, as a Senator have the power of subpoena and can grant Congressional immunity to government insiders who know what really happened on 9/11 and want to come forward because they love their country. We need this evil Administration OUT OF OFFICE NOW and never let in another bunch of thugs like them ever again! Look at all that has happened under their watch! They need to be made an example of for all the world to see. We need to take our country back from the people whom have so cleverly and diabolically taken it from under our noses: the international bankers and the people who, fueled by pure greed and power, want to control and enslave the entire population of planet Earth.


This is a lot to digest and believe me I know. I've spent the better portion of 18 months educating myself about these things and now hold ideas and concepts in my mind as truths that only 18 months ago I would've laughed at, just as most uninformed people would right now. These are my truths alone because everyone has to decide for themselves what is right and what is wrong, what is real and fake, what are lies and what are TRUTHS. We can get there a hell of a lot quicker if we EDUCATE ourselves away from the polluted, controlled mainstream, take the time to learn and accept new things, and question EVERYTHING like our inquisitive human nature desires. Senator, in my journey I have come to understand what being human is really about, where we really came from, and where we're really headed. Some things are not yet for certain in my own mind as I have not yet found the answers. Many things perplex me and many mysteries remain. I will not stop searching for the answers though, and half expect not to find all of them until my life ends, right here in this experience we all know as the Human Earth.

We learn as a collective species of unique beings on a unique planet, in a unique solar system, in a unique part of the Universe. Humanity on this planet is one, and when we as a whole are ready to break free from the bondage and slavery we are currently stuck in, and when we realize this to be so, we will break away from it. I have no doubt about that. Someone with vision once said "Overt control always has a finite life, because in the end there will be a challenge and rebellion against it. Overt control can go on forever, because you don't rebel against something you don't know exists. A person who thinks he is free will not complain that he is not." We see this playing out today.

The answers to some of the world's biggest, most elusive problems, such as energy and self-health, are readily available, only suppressed and kept hidden away by a clique of clever, power-hungry delusionaries who've managed to take control of humanity through it's economical, political, and social structures and systems. Just what do they have over there in Nevada at Area 51 and S-4? What's going on inside all the secret underground bases around this country? Senator, you would be shocked if you knew - the world would be shocked! It's such a shame to see all the needless suffering, most out of the control of the general person, just so a select few can go even higher up the materialistic ladder of wealth and power. Haven't they climbed up that ladder high enough? Is the top rung their final prize? When they've destroyed everything beautiful in the world, when the human spirit is so close to the point of breaking and we've lost ourselves in the abyss, when who we are as individuals and nations has become so faded that we see no light in our day? Then, when they've stripped the love of life out of the world, then will they be happy? For some reason I don't think they would be, as they know nothing but the perpetual advancement of themselves. To stop would kill them inside. They will continue to repress and destroy mankind until we stop them, and only then can we truly be free.


The good news in all of this is that there is a cleavage beginning to form in America and around the world, and 9/11 was the beginning of that to millions of people. Two groups are beginning to form: 1) those who continue to believe things as they are officially presented and 2) those who know there is some kind of deeper reality going on. Obviously I sit in the latter group, hoping for a different outcome and a different future. Senator, there is a transformation taking place on the planet and I believe there is a MAJOR change around the corner for humanity. We are about to learn, once and for all, what life is really about, and what has been purposely held back from us for so long. For me personally, 9/11 was what woke me up to this reality so I guess I should thank the blood-thirsty, life sucking satanic Collectivist global-elite cartel for that. They have made many mistakes, leaving holes all over the place and vastly underestimated the human spirit, for this is the one thing no one or any group can hold back for very long. Just like in Hollywood, you can dedicate all your power and resources to making a movie, but in the end it may not be the blockbuster you planned, marketed and expected. Being a filmmaker myself I have learned this from first hand experience. The movie we see as 9/11, and it's fairytale explanation and cover-up was a blockbuster for the perpetratorsfor the first and only showing. They have most people fooled like when Spielberg put those digital dinosaurs up on the screen for the first time. People only have to be awoken out of their zombie-like slumber so they can see it for what is it really is: an illusion. The dinosaurs were not real. Neither is the 9/11 illusion, and in fact it's littered with hundreds of HOLES, obvious to see when you look at them. We must look at them.

We will prevail in the long run, the only question is do you, as a human being like the rest of us, want to contribute to the awakening or do you want to play your role in holding us and the truth back. Only you can decide, but I am here to try and lead you to do the right thing. You are a good man and many I know have assured me of that. You voted against the PATRIOT ACT and I will always remember that, it truly did make me proud to be from Wisconsin. You were the only one to stand up for what you felt was RIGHT while 100% of your peers opposed you. I applaud you for that and often think of it when dealing with these demonic realities I've discussed here.

An open and honest independent investigation into 9/11 would do wonders for humanity Senator. It would be the beginning of a very long and hard process of realization for the people. It would be hard hitting, suspending blame from no guilty parties, and a slap in the face to most. This would be a good slap, I can assure you, and would once and for all awaken the people of the United States Of America to the reality of what has been going on in their country right under their noses. Armed with reality alone, they could finally take their power back they have given away freely and unknowingly for so long now.

I challenge you to prove me wrong on anything I have written in this document. I challenge you to prove to me who really did pull off the 9/11 attacks and who exactly is to blame? No sidestepping the facts either. I elected you and you are there to serve me, which is but one of the many beauties of our great Constitution. There is a truth out there and I am capable of accepting it, and believe me I want to accept it, but only if it is the real truth as there can be only one. I will not settle for anything less than the truth and neither should you, nor any other member of Congress. If they do they are nothing but traitors to this great land we now call America. If you decide to go forward in the search for truth, be warned, as I'm sure you know, you will become a target and they will try to ruin your life. You would have to literally put it all on the line, be armed with documents and witnesses, and be prepared for anything. All things considered, I don't blame you if you stand down to the challenges I have just presented to you. But remember, if you do STAND DOWN, in the end when the truth finally comes out (it always does) you'll be blamed just like NORAD.


Obviously 9/11 was not carried out by a group of loosely organized terrorists creeping around in a cave somewhere over in Afghanistan. This is a simply laughable proposition. You need cover within the system to successfully pull off an operation like 9/11. Then, to have a media barrage follow in after you means there was sophisticated high level cover for the operation. Again, I ask Senator, why hasn't there been a proper investigation? We NEED to show the People the wizards behind the curtain.

I will gladly accept any kind of personalized response from you on this matter, but I want it to come from you directly, not written by one of your aids. I am offering my help if you'd like to pursue what I have just laid out for you, and could organize hundreds of thousands (perhaps millions) to back you up. However, if you refuse to read this or take a look at the materials I have given to you after much research, frustration, and life-changing realities on my end, I will not be voting for you next time you're up for re-election and will urge others I know to vote likewise. We need you now more than ever Senator. Thank you.

"Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead, anthropologist

Christopher Rye
Madison, WI




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