Global Warming

From J R
Dear Jeff,
Whenever you see these articles of cold weather might be, could be, probably, should be, maybe caused by global warming people should roll their eyes.
The earth's heating and cooling off is accomplished by that huge nuclear reactor in the sky called the sun. It is not CO2, cows belching or cars running.
The new fad is this "just found information" to get headlines about Gulf Stream action and the mumbo jumbo of icebergs melting and causing warm streams to flip.
The ONLY way this could ever happen in their might be, could be, maybe scenario is IF all that water melted at once and dumped into one spot....but since it would sink as all cold water does it would only increase the speed of the ocean rivers and not stop them.
Volcanoes, meteors, the sun have the power to change weather conditions for periods of time on earth and the fact is humans do not, because the earth is too big of a system.
As an example, a leader could order that a state like Minnesota be destroyed with all the toxic waste, nuclear bombs, pesticides and herbicides and anything else leathal mankind has...and if you went back in a years time you would find plants sprouting...and in 10 years it would clean itself up.
We know this because Lake Erie was dead in the 1970's from industrial pollution and it astounded the experts by healing itself and coming back to life.
This could be, might be, maybe "science" is as absurb as a butterfly flapping it's wings and causing a typhoon.
In closing, Jeff, you will notice something in this that the whiners again are socialist Europeans complaining about having 'Labradore' weather. If you happened to notice, people live in Labradore and it is a wonderful place just like most of North America who has below zero weather winters. It was 25 below where I reside and 20 below for highs and we had no problems with living.
I would suggest that you keep these stories for when your great great grandchildren are looking through your memoirs and musing of the past on their own programs informing the public of what the truth is...because I will bet a snowy day that there will be "scientists" declaring, "There is great danger in the oceans dropping because icebergs are reforming in antarctica and it is man's fault, because we stopped burning oil and coal fuels".
That statement will be followed by as they always are....NOW SEND ME A GRANT SO I CAN STUDY THIS SOME MORE.
Thank you for listening.
Always, Jess


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