Another Outrageous Lie
From The Neocons

By Wayne Madsen
Contributing Writer
Online Journal

The neoconservatives, who learned the art form of the Big Lie under their philosophical godfather, Professor Leo Strauss of the University of Chicago and his ideological soul-mate and mentor, Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's Minister of Propaganda, are at it again with their tactics of deception and defamation. It is time for the world's record keepers - journalists everywhere - to label neocon disinformation for what it is, shameless propaganda aimed to destroy anyone who disagrees with the neocon worldwide hegemony agenda.
The latest outrage is the publication of a "list" - yes, the right wing has always fancied "lists," from the days of Senator Joseph McCarthy to today's "no-fly lists" - published by a "new" Iraqi newspaper called Al-Mada. The list, ostensibly taken from Saddam Hussein's government's archives, is said to contain the names of 270 former government officials, legislators, political activists and journalists from more than 46 countries who are accused of personally profiting from oil money garnered by Saddam Hussein as part of the United Nations food-for-oil deal.
But the list was almost simultaneously translated and published on the web site of the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), a tax-exempt operation run from a Washington, DC, post office box. Not surprisingly, MEMRI also maintains offices in Jerusalem and London. MEMRI's "contributions" to the news media have, not surprisingly, been only cited in neocon media outlets such as the New York Sun, The Weekly Standard, New York Post, Fox News, Wall Street Journal, Sunday Times of London, World Net Daily, Washington Times, and UPI. In fact, very little is known about Al-Mada, and the fact that it could be a neocon-owned newspaper doing the propaganda work of its masters in Washington and Jerusalem cannot be entirely ruled out.
Progressives who are opposed to the war must become much more savvy about countering the form of neocon propaganda disseminated by the Al-Madas and MEMRIs of the world.
The Al-Mada "list" and its translation by MEMRI contains a predictable list of the accused. They are politicians, political parties, and others who have been opposed to the invasion and occupation of Iraq and who have voiced support for Palestinian rights. The list is likely as phony as Senator McCarthy's infamous list of "57 known communists in the State Department." He got the idea from a bottle of "Heinz 57" steak sauce on a table at a banquet where he was speaking. Al-Mada obviously got its list from a notorious group of neocons, who enjoy the administrative cover of the Pentagon and the Vice President of the United States' office, who are teetering on oblivion after their duplicity in creating bogus intelligence about Saddam's weapons of mass destruction has come to light. Rather than face the facts that their gambit has been uncovered, they now want to shift the subject and blame others for taking oil money from Saddam.
Al-Mada said it showed some documents from the Iraqi Oil Ministry that it used to create its list to the Daily Telegraph of London. That neocon outlet was already caught last year disseminating disinformation about documents its Baghdad correspondent "found" in the ruins of the Iraqi Intelligence Ministry. They suggested that British Labour Member of Parliament George Galloway had received bribes from Saddam. The documents were later proven to be crude forgeries. In the case of the list, Agence France Presse reported from Baghdad that Al-Mada's management "refused to disclose how the daily procured the documents." Of course, they certainly would not want to disclose where they got the documents - which were only photocopies at that. The originals may even have the fingerprints of the Iraq National Congress' Ahmad Chalabi or the Pentagon's Harold Rhode on them.
Let us review the list that Al-Mada somehow "discovered" and deconstruct it for its obvious propaganda value. Although Al-Mada claims to be an unbiased and independent newspaper in Baghdad, it only surfaced in relation to the bribery list story. Before that, it was a fairly unremarkable newspaper, starting up after the U.S. occupation began and publishing stories about daily car bombings in Iraq.
First of all, the list contains the names of organizations and individuals who are opposed to the neocon agenda in Iraq and other countries. It includes the Russian Orthodox Church, which has been allied with President Vladimir Putin in his crusade against the Russian-Israeli mafia that has permeated Russian business and political life. It includes Samir Vincent, an Iraqi-American who once arranged for a group of Iraqi religious leaders to visit President Jimmy Carter. By default, the attack on Vincent suggests that Carter may have somehow also been in Saddam's pocket. As expected, George Galloway is once again on the list, the neocons having before been unsuccessful in their attempts to link him to Saddam's purse strings.
Also on the list is found the Indian Congress Party and the African National Congress, two parties opposed to the neocon agenda in their respective regions of the world. Some neocon propaganda outlets falsely offered up as news reports that French President Jacques Chirac was involved in the Iraqi bribery. But it did not matter. One Big Lie begat other Big Lies. It is the neocon method. We must become wise to it, deal with it, and stamp out the intended effects of this form of arson in an era of instant news.
The neocons also apparently wanted to embarrass the sons and daughters of the Non-Aligned Movement, a group that the neocons and their Trotskyite parents always despised. Consequently, on the list are found Megawati Sukarnaputra, the daughter of President Sukarno, and Khaled Gamal Adbel Nasser, the son of Egypt's Gamal Abdel Nasser. Sukarno and Nasser were co-founders of the Non-Aligned Movement.
Eastern European political parties opposing Western interventionism and the setting up of NATO military bases in Eastern Europe are also on the list. They include the Bulgarian Socialist Party, the Yugoslav Socialist Party, the Italian Party of Yugoslavia, the Romanian Labor Party, the Russian Communist Party, the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, the Slovak Communist Party, and the Party of Hungarian Interests.
Similarly, politicians and businessmen in other countries that were not members of Bush's "Coalition of the Willing" are on the list. They include political leaders in France, Russia (including the republics of Tatarstan and Chechnya), Serbia, Sudan, Yemen, Algeria, Lebanon, Canada, Syria, Oman, Libya, Cyprus, Palestine, Vietnam, Liechtenstein, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Jordan, Pakistan, United Arab Emirates, India, Indonesia, Morocco, Qatar, Chad, China, Nigeria, Kenya, Ireland, Austria, Brazil, Bahrain, Panama, Turkey, Myanmar, and Belarus.
More curious was the inclusion of Glencore of Switzerland on the "list." Headed by American fugitive Marc Rich, who was pardoned by Bill Clinton, the inclusion of Glencore may have been an attempt to tarnish the former American president in an election year which will see him stumping for Democratic candidates. But by naming Glencore, that strategy may backfire. Rich's attorney was none other than Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff and neocon arch-ally of people like Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, and James Woolsey.
So, if Saddam's oil money truly went to people like Rich, could it have eventually ended up in the coffers in the neocons? And while we are looking into the financing of politicians, maybe someone should check into how the $125,000 senior fellowship chair that Lynne Cheney occupies at the neocon citadel, the American Enterprise Institute, is funded. Word has it that the money comes from sources linked to the Russian-Israeli mafia oligarchs based in Israel.
- Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based journalist and author. He is the co-author of "America's Nightmare: The Presidency of George Bush II."
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