What Really Happened In Iowa
From J.R.

It is amusing to watch the "news" people ponder what really happened in Iowa....since it was all a set-up from day one.
What you have been watching is manipulation....and Howard Dean just had a coup pulled on him. What is amazing about Dean is that the people of Vermont actually voted for a man as governor who appears to be nutty.
Dean is like the boardermen of the last century who seem normal most days until they get you alone...and then they pull a gun on you.....get wild eyed and tell you.....I COULD KILL YOU.
Gephardt, the only reasonable candidate in the race....reasonable because he for the national good went along with Bush's policies was obviously weeded out for being reasonable....and we can never have reasonable in the Democratic Party.....Dick sold his soul in supporting everything from abortion to gun control to get power...but the party has pulled his plug.
The BIG story in this is YOU UNION PEOPLE better get the message BIG TIME just how dead your power is!
Gephardt had heavy union thug support......and it did not matter. Bill Clinton sold you out...and you are dead politcally and do not even know it yet.
The bigger story is John Kerry......who the communists in the media adore. He, like Bush, is from the infamous Skull and Bones Cult ... demonic and lifetime, once you join.
Kerry's miracle will not fly, though. He might like blowing up babies and looking presidential, but that is not his purpose in this coup.
As we move onto New Hampshire....we will encounter Wacco Wes Clark of wanting to start WW his Dr. Strangelove sweater of "trust me nuclear wars are gooooood".
Clark will either win New Hampshire or come in second to the Clinton boy toy he will be the warrior compared to Kerry's fly boy Vietnam status. The real "man" in the race that Yankee Democrats can "wahm tha hauts" over in loving him.
Into this mix we now have John Edwards, the redneck who supports Americans being spied on (like Kerry, Hillary and company) is against partial birth abortions and the need for jobs......this guy almost sounds reasonable.....but we can't have that!
Edwards will show nice enough to keep his cart in the race in New Hampshire for his big push into the South where he should be strong.....and he might even be allowed to win a few races as a regional candidate.......allowed until the next dog show starts so all the puppies are coming in at a tie.
That is what brings us to "what really happened" in Iowa. A state that has a coffee clatch in deciding how to vote...and a state of idiots who rarely pick anything or anyone that can win.
For those people who think Democrats are really choosing who will run against Bush...and that all of this matters.....please take a few breaths and understand manipulation by the elite.
What happened in Iowa was a coup....and there is engineered, a coup, to happen during this entire process....for the real Democratic candidate to stand up and take her spot.
She is the reason Carol Mosely Braun was in the race....reason Waco Wesley is there...and the reason the media cut the cord on Dean.
The Tavistock Institute has already told you 2 months ago when Dean was crowned the winner that this was going to be a Democratic primary where no one wins......where they all go into the convention looking weak...and it will all come down to choosing the winner there.
This little dog show is designed so one Hillary Clinton will not have to run the primary races and have people looking at her.....and listening to her, because everytime she opens her mouth for extended periods of time they end up hating her and her numbers drop.
Instead Hillary will float in on a scripted cloud of salvation...there will be high drama as the savior of the Democrats picks up the trophy......the media coo's.....the nation is told it is inspired and shifting to her in the polls........ALL BECAUSE HER AGENDA WAS DECIDED UPON LAST YEAR........ALL BECAUSE IN NEW POLLS IT SHOWS SHE WILL NOT WIN ANOTHER SENATE RACE AGAINST REPUBLICANS IN NEW YORK.......ALL BECAUSE THIS IS THE WAY THE REAL POWERS WANT IT TO BE.
It is the season of miracles....after all.....the Republicans stated last week it could be another 2000 close race...and miraculously last night Bush barely wins in a poll against an "Unknown Democrat".
Perhaps now you know what really happened in Iowa and who the unknown Democrat is.
None of this is set in stone.....but as you have seen with Bill Clinton once the powers that be decide you will be can rape women, be a dope head, sell out your country, be impeached.....and you go chugging right along into the White House as Neocon Supreme.
....and don't be mistaken people, Bill Clinton was thee first Neocon...he implemented the entire Gingrich social agenda, installed bin Laden as boogeyman and started this global war for oil par dux in Kosovo.... importing al Qaeda out of Afghanistan.
The primaries won't be the interesting part in all of this.....but what will be interesting is if they pull this all off again....and then God help Christians and Americans with what is in store under President forever Hillary.
This is what Patriot Act and the police state was set up for.
nullus exspecto aqua oriundus absque aqua



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