Postmodernism's Final Truth
By Pete Wagner
c. 2004 Pete Wagner

The history of philosophy today is often modeled as an evolution in steps from the earliest primitive beliefs, through the modern classics, finally to what is referred to as postmodern philosophy, currently topping the model. The model is usually laid out to show how subsequent philosophies address problems inherent to earlier ones, while inevitably creating new more complex ones inherent to themselves, with the unenlightened implication being that this evolution naturally leads to superior philosophies, and possibly one day to an ultimate philosophy supreme.

We all know that philosophy gets no respect these days. But this is just a reflection of the postmodern influence, and simply proves that 1) philosophical movements still do shape our thinking, and 2) postmodernism has a hard time seeing beyond itself. None of this should cause much surprise because, after all, postmodernism is based largely upon the concept of relativism, which of course holds that values and truths are relative and thus dependent upon one's perspective, or one,s personal philosophy. As such things can be very fickle, philosophy today probably deserves its reputation, particularly in light of the considerable number of liberals who proceed, knowingly or unknowingly, as if postmodernism is in fact the philosophy supreme. Granted, postmodernism does have a natural ability to defeat a conservative argument -- particularly as it was designed to do just this, but it will not be the ultimate philosophy supreme.

A few true (as opposed to the other type) conservatives continue to counter that postmodernism is inherently flawed because it destroys standards (e.g., their own standards) and is essentially, simply put, too liberal. They obviously do not recognize or seem to care that the ideological fight for conservative standards has basically already been fought and lost. Their old arguments are not going to get the liberals to defer to any concepts antagonistic to liberalism, despite whatever empirical evidence may be available to support the conservative cause in these deteriorating postmodern times.

But what should really be noticed is that most of those who call themselves "conservatives have resigned themselves to the current postmodern reality and have all but abandoned the old philosophy for a new politics that somehow undeservedly manages to hang on to the conservative label. They have apparently recognized the futility of using conservative arguments in a liberal age, and rarely get seriously philosophical about anything anymore. The fight for universal truth, morality, and the nature of God has been largely abandoned, despite the political banter that may occasionally and deceitfully have us believe otherwise.

Despite a last ditch thrust by the few true philosophical conservatives that remain, the postmodern genie will never be coaxed back into its bottle with the old arguments. We know postmodernism can address those old arguments because it has already done so to achieve its current prominence. That fight has already been fought and decided, and the philosophical evolution that has led to this outcome cannot now be undone merely by greater desire. The conservative appeal to the conservative heart is not likely to change many liberal minds in postmodern times. But it is very amusing nevertheless.

On the other hand, we can certainly marvel, but not necessarily happily, at the completeness of the postmodern revolution. It confronts us in a broad range of manifestations, from the radical to the subtle, from the bizarre to the politically expedient. Any time our instincts tell us that any one of these manifestations is not "the right thing", we are inevitably reminded of the futility of our judgments. In this regard postmodernism has destroyed our ethos and given us only personal "expression" in return which lately has morphed into something synonymous with behavior just not quite bad enough to be outlawed. When we see what has become of our institutions, not to mention that cultural line that used to separate the sublime from the ridiculous, we realize that our complaints are probably best kept private. Dorothy, we are not in Kansas anymore.

Thus while we cannot blame those few conservatives for gallantly charging the postmodern lines, we are not encouraged by their old tactics, weaponry, and angles of attack. Postmodernism already tells us that the human mind is a fickle gray biological mass, far short of any universal measure of value, especially since it tends toward irreconcilable disagreement. Still the conservatives cannot seem to get away from the frontal assault on the postmodern mind as if it is the philosophical center of gravity. They apparently do not understand the nature of today,s philosophical battlefield, where an attack on the nature of the mind is an attack on all minds, conservative ones as well. We are left to wonder if the conservatives have run out of bullets or feet in which to shoot themselves.

Some scholars have characterized the unsuccessful conservative counter to postmodernism as "the end of philosophy. Scholars do tend to rush in with an arrogant pleasure to be the first to write death certificates for ideas and disciplines that have lost their edge. Of course, in response we are not surprised to hear the "not so fast" chorus chime in on cue, fulfilling their lucrative academic roles as ripple makers in the otherwise stagnating academic ponds. Never mind that it is clearly whimsical, if not illogical, for the human mind to declare itself fully understood, which is what the "end of philosophy" really means. A declaration like that is certainly likely to add to tomorrow's hangover.

As a testimony to the postmodern age, the bookstore shelves are awash in proclamations not just of the end of philosophy but the end of just about everything. Liberals generally relish in such things, often financially, just as much as true conservatives do not, leaving the scholars to scratch holes in what are left of their sore heads, staring blankly, mouth agape. The college tuition costs will, however, naturally continue to rise, defying the final logical deduction that knowledge itself has lost its ultimate value. But we can relish in the irony that the liberals, who have always claimed to know better than the rest of us, must now admit that it provides them no advantage, moral or otherwise, in the end. Maybe that was why they invented the Frisbee.

While postmodernism has already turned out to be more than just king or queen for a day, the future is thankfully likely to outlive him or her. Moreover the people do still get to choose their own philosophy, and the day postmodernism is philosophically bettered, or just plain bettered, is the day it will be replaced. This merely follows the philosophical evolution -- the endless evolution toward a mythical philosophy supreme. As we must acknowledge it is indeed an evolution, we must assume it does give us the fittest ideology for the times. The previous times were no doubt suited for postmodernism. But the times do change, and ideologies do grow obsolete, especially as they succeed and thus destroy, at least to some degree, the original purpose for their existence. When this happens ideologies lose luster and people begin to look away toward that which has more vibrancy and urgency. Eventually we find successful ideologies in the history books, with the lessons of their
times, and hopefully some wisdom for the ages.

We can only assume, hopefully, that the postmodern evolution is mostly behind us now. The ideology has secured victory and matured to a point where it no longer views modern conservatism as a threat. Its mission has been accomplished and thus its original purpose has been destroyed. But as the philosophical evolution cannot be halted or reversed, forward it continues, fueled now with the lessons and issues of the postmodern victory. Forward, too, is an unknown ideological battlefield, where unknown lessons and issues lurk.

Postmodernism was able to destroy modern conservatism by turning it back upon itself. Because the conservative ideology essentially forced the justice and morality of the powerful upon the weak, postmodernism proved it to be a contradiction in itself and actually unjust and immoral. Conservatism could not counter this argument without destroying its own tenets, so it collapsed upon its own foundation. The key lesson of the postmodern triumph is this: Ideologies become vulnerable to their own inherent contradictions when they become firmly established and inflexible; they are particularly vulnerable when empirical evidence does not correspond to the primary tenets of the ideology.

The passage of time will always give us a new philosophical landscape. With this we are given cause to reevaluate postmodernism, both logically and empirically. When we do this, we see how tenuous its position really is. Logically, we realize that no ideology, not even postmodernism itself, can claim philosophical superiority in light of postmodern relativism; the reason is that our perspective changes with the changing times, and what is true or good at one time may not be as true or good later. Additionally, we can now also recognize empirically that postmodernism is not what we thought it would be by merely looking at the results is has produced. Just like modern conservatism before it, it is only when we turn postmodernism back upon itself can we defeat it philosophically, as any postmodern counter to this would be an attack upon its own tenets. The caveat with this approach, however, it that if postmodernism suddenly decides it is not a philosophy anymore, but merely a
political expedient it now appears to be, it may get ugly in more ways than one.

Despite the political ramifications, a new philosophy suddenly appears for the sole purpose of acknowledging the only truth left standing in these postmodern times: Ideologies are also subject to a Darwinist evolution, driven by natural selection and our desire for the fittest ideology for the times. Using the tenets of a waning postmodern philosophy, we are able to justify any ideology we can logically or empirically prove would better serve us. Finding a better ideology to replace one that has lost its luster then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. This is the final truth of postmodernism, and what kills it.

Pete Wagner



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