Response To Movie
Critic's Review

From Sheryl Jackson

Mr. LaSalle, have you never read the last twelve hours of Christ in the Bible? I think you should read it before you make comments about it.
What part of being viciously sold out (for thirty pieces of silver) by your friends (other Jews), drugged and beaten by Roman guards, sent before a jurist (Roman Pontius Pilate) of sympathy who then appeased the priests (other Jews) who called for his death, then being made to carry a two hundred pound tree on your back to where you will die, further beaten by bloodthirsty citizens (other Jews), pelted by stones, then being hung on the tree with huge metal spikes, wearing a crown of thorns while tears of misery mix with your own blood and run down your face, then denied water by the Romans as you try to die, then being speared in the side while the soldiers play dice for your clothes, laugh at your pain and slow agonizing death. Don't you understand? And your mother being a witness to your suffering and pain to the last breath?
Read the scripture of His demise and then see where that is an action movie. Whether or not the Bible is true, Mel Gibson believes in what the scripture says and if you read it you will see that the movie is exactly what the Bible says. He did not put 'Hollywood' in the film, he wrote and directed it as it is written..............
Read it for yourself, and see if you can see the horror of betrayal, condemnation, persecution and finally the Death Penalty for something that is really not a crime. Expressing your belief. No Freedom of speech there.
Sheryl Jackson



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