Sad Revelation About Modern
American Medicine
It has come to light that the FDA and the Pharmaceutical Advertising Counsel ("PAC"), which represents some 35 major drug companies, have formed and co-funded a corporation under a joint letterhead, calling itself the National Council Against Health Fraud ("NCAHF"). Under this questionable aegis, William Jarvis, MD, and Stephen Barrett, MD, and others, are paid to publicly discredit as unscientific or unknown any or all viable herbs, vitamins, homeopathic remedies or non-allopathic therapies, particularly those that are proven to have the most promise and present the greatest threat to the PAC members.
The FDA regularly approves dangerous, often lethal pharmaceuticals. Most of the time, the side effects of these drugs can only be fully discovered by wide-spread use. This is despite the average $250-500,000,000 and 15 years to bring these drugs to market, including phase trial tests, trying to prove the elusive "efficacy" requirement of the F.D.&C. Act.
Typically, after one of these highly publicized "wonder" drugs fails, causes death or serious side effects, no FDA official nor PAC member company president, research assistant, corporate official, company doctor nor testing lab will be subjected to raid, investigation, indictment or jail term as often happens to "alternative" practitioners.
Chemotherapy and radiation, though known to be a total failure in the so-called war against cancer, remain as the only therapies which enjoy federal mandate. These therapies are repeatedly reintroduced as new, or new approaches, promising that sometime in the unknowable future, maybe we will have a cure for cancer. Yet the so-called alternative healing arts are consistently accused of offering false hope.
The current and long-standing 3% long-term survival rate of cancer patients using orthodox therapies remains abysmal and the statistical reportage is obfuscated. Refer to : New England Journal of Medicine, "Progress Against Cancer," May 8, 1986 by John C. Bailar, III and Elaine M. Smith, and a ten-year follow-up "The War on Cancer" which appeared in Lancet, May 18th, 1996, by Michael B. Spoorn.
In HEALTH UNITED STATES, an annual publication by the federal government, our national death rate from cancer is approximately 2,500,000 people per year and the rate is rising. In addition to the trauma and suffering to the patients and their families and the productive work force, it comes with a hefty price tag. Assuming a cost of $80,000 to $160,000 per person over the last 20 years, that figure represents $200,000,000 to $370,000,000 per year and 50,000,000 lives, or $4 TRILLION to $7.5 TRILLION dollars funneled from our collective economy into the hands of the medical/pharmaceutical cartel. Is it any wonder, then, why we cannot find a cure?
It is increasingly apparent that we have surrendered many of our fundamental Rights and have become subservient to a "legislative democracy" which usurps the legitimate sovereignty of the people and abrogates it to itself. The power structure designed by our founders as a Republican form of government, where the power descends from GOD to WE the People, from the people to the county, from the county to the state and from the state to Congress, not the other way around. By our tacit complacence, it has surreptitiously created the coast to coast "federal zone" where WE have become its federal citizens. Refer to: LOST RIGHTS, by James Bovard for a shocking look at the rights we have surrendered.

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