The Dangers Of Vaccines
By Mark Sircus

Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
An advisory group to the federal government is considering recommending that all Americans receive annual flu vaccinations, a step that would result in the largest vaccination enterprise in United States history. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) is a group of people in the background of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) making recommendations on what federal health policy should be at the CDC. Staffers of both the FDA and the CDC are known for their close financial and working ties with the pharmaceutical people and conflict of interest is a real problem in both of these agencies, a problem being raised in congressional hearings but one getting regularly swept under the carpet.
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices is something else again for they represent the very heart and soul of pharmaceutical companies. They are every parentís worst nightmare and there are no polite words to describe their true intentions though some like Doctor John Martin, a scientist well familiar with the inner circles at the FDA and the CDC says, "My reaction of the members of the ACIP that I have met personally is that they first avoid any criticism of their own actions. Second, they work towards the interest of vaccine manufacturers in the sincere belief that vaccines are good."
It is not in the financial interests of the pharmaceutical industry to prevent common diseases because the maintenance and expansion of diseases is a prerequisite for the financial health of this industry. It does not take a full medical education to understand that these people are not interested in the publicís health. The pharmaceutical industry is an investment industry driven by profits so improving human health is not the driving motivating force of these people. The same investment groups that control the global petrochemical and chemical industries strategically developed the pharmaceutical investment industry over an entire century. They are poised for a massive assault on everyoneís body including that of your children for they would add another shot to be received each year, starting for babies of six months of age.
The implications are staggering. This news is not surprising, though, because "It's a direction toward which the ACIP has been moving in the past few years in terms of broadening its recommendations for who should get vaccinated," says Keiji Fukuda, an epidemiologist at the CDC in Atlanta. Best-selling author John Le CarrÈ stated, ìBig Pharma [the industry in general] is engaged in the deliberate seduction of the medical profession, country by country, worldwide. It is spending a fortune on influencing, hiring and purchasing academic judgment to a point where, in a few yearsí time, if Big Pharma continues unchecked on its present happy path, un-bought medical opinion will be hard to find.î The ACIP succeeded in getting the Hepatitis B vaccine on the universal list demonstrating this seduction by adding a highly dangerous ëunnecessaryí vaccine administered starting from the first day of life. Now they want to add another one in an even more universal vaccination campaign.
For several years now newspapers around the world have threatened the public with graphic accounts of a flu plague that was destined to kill. A perfect example of the hysteria that has been deliberately introduced in the publicís mind appeared in The Sunday Mirror in England back in September of 1997: ìMILLIONS AT RISK FROM KILLER FLU - Doctors are preparing for a massive outbreak of killer flu this winter. Millions of people are expected to die worldwide as a new strain of super-bug sweeps the globe.î In reality there was no flu pandemic anywhere. But the lack of any flu plague across the globe in 97 did not bring a halt to those ëkiller fluí front-page specials and we were again treated with such a menu at the end of 2003, again with the same results.
The winters of 1998, 99, 2000, 01, 02, 03, saw the same, tired old headlines appearing in the press driving the public and herding them with fear into clinics to get their desperately needed flu shots. It does not take a lot of imagination to recognize this all as a long-term strategy leading up to the present recommendation by the ACIP to make flu vaccines universal and mandatory.
Our children face the possibility of death or serious
long-term adverse effects from mandated vaccines
that aren't necessary or that have very limited benefits.
Jane M. Orient, M.D
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
The 1.55 trillion dollar health industry has Americans sick and suffering more than ever before. Not satisfied with their tremendous profits, the pharmaceutical makers want a vaccine program that targets everybody in the country to get vaccinated annually. At the same time, there is no mention of the accumulative side effects that such repeated shots would implicate. A flu vaccine program would require yearly inoculations due to the constantly changing strains of the disease. Advocates tell the public that such a program would reduce incidence of the disease and, quite possible, reduce fatalities. Saving lives is the ultimate selling point for the vaccine industry. Still, they hide the information clearly indicating how many people they are actually killing with their shots and how many more get injured.
ìWhile the drug companies would like us to believe that these deaths are the unfortunate side effects of a careful and caring industry, they are actually the direct result of the ways in which pharmaceuticals manipulate drug trials and skew research data to produce the positive efficacy and safety results they need to bring new products to market,î says Lynne Born health care activist, writer and independent medical researcher. Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the National Vaccination Information Center suggests extreme caution when moving toward the universal application of flu vaccines to all citizens because once instituted it will be very difficult for most Americans to avoid them.
"I think it is something that is going to happen, and I think it's something that is called for," says Len Novick, executive director of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID). The Bethesda, Md., coalition represents private and public healthcare groups and industries, including drug manufacturers. The movement toward universal vaccination programs pumping toxic chemicals and biological compounds unnecessarily into the blood streams of the unsuspecting population serves only to pad the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies and their supporting groups that dictate and recommend public health policies all in the name of 'good'. Novick thinks itís good but there are doctors who claim that five consecutive flu shots will increase a persons chances of contracting Alzheimerís disease by a factor of ten making reference to the yearly build up of mercury that is contained in some flu vaccines.
The marketplace for the Pharmaceutical Giants is the ever-trusting public that believe that any recommendations handed down through the medical system are reliable and must be 'for our own good'. Agencies such as the NFID and The Advisory Committee on Immunization are continuously looking for new applications for the use of existing drugs and vaccines already on the market, as well as the creation of new designer drugs that earn them billions. The Advisory Committee on Immunization sits at the very center of a drug cartel that operates in every nation and they zealously guard the sanctity of vaccines so as not to cast serious doubt on modern medicine as a whole. To do so would destroy the empire that they have so carefully structured and the image of allopathic medicine would forever be shattered.
Many people today believe that the integrity of the medical cartel, at the highest level is suspect and serves to harm, weaken and ultimately destroy the very people it claims to protect. To weaken the immune system and interfere with the brain's ability to function optimally serves only to strengthen the ever-growing health monopoly and financial profits. The handwriting is already on the wall. If the forces opposed to the medical cartel do not form an alliance, we will see vastly increased use of vaccines and increasing penalties for those who seek to avoid them. This is a critical moment in medical history with implications for the whole human race.
"Thiomersal has no place in medicine. It should be banned for use in
humans," says Dr Mark Geier. "These are our children."
The Advisory Committee on Immunization is one of the most dangerous, untrustworthy and all-powerful institutions of this century and they commonly ignore fine physicians like Geier. If they are unable to come clean about the catastrophic mercury problem in vaccines, which the flu vaccine does contain, what can we really say about this organization? You will get parallel organizations like The Department of Health pointing out that reviews by the Committee on the Safety of Medicines found no evidence of low doses of thiomersal impacting on childhood development and then drop into the intellectual medical gutter with statements like, "Thiomersal has been used in vaccines for over 60 years. It has played an important role in maintaining the safety of vaccines."
There is no evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed
is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza.
The producers of these vaccines know that they are worthless,
but they go on selling them, anyway.
Dr. J. Anthony Morris
Former Chief Vaccine Control Officer FDA.
Fukuda from the CDC comments that universal flu vaccines could be up for a vote before the Center of Disease Control in October 2005 with its earliest use as a standard coming in 2006. This translates into about nearly 300 million doses a year, one for every man, women and child in the United States. Who knows, soon it might be against the law to get the flu, unless of course you are already vaccinated against it. The entire discussion about the flu and a mass vaccination against it is actually ridiculous for the same thing caught in July is called a bad cold. We must remember though that billions of dollars are involved so the chances are the powers that be will have their way. That is unless we can have a medical revolution happen before 2006. If not the last thing I would want is to be an American in 2006.



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