Big Oil, The War On Drugs
And Terrorism

By Dr Siegfried E. Tischler

1859 saw the publication of "The Origin of the Species" by Charles Darwin" Henry Dunant founded the Red Cross, after having experienced the suffering of the ordinary soldier during the Battle of Solferino (France and Sardinia under Napoleon III. fought Austria under Francis Joseph I.) 1 [1]. This progressive humanitarian measure was paralleled by the conservative elitist foundation of the Anthropological Society in Paris by Paul Broca who had started to "pickle" the brains of eminent personalities.
Strange things were happening in a world where artificial lighting had turned the night into day and where man extended his effective life-span by some 30% 2 [2]. The first oil-well near Titusville in Pennsylvania had been drilled; John David Rockefeller and Maurice Clark formed a trading company which soon should become Standard Oil, forming a huge monopoly by concentrating 96% of the refining capacity of the USA in one hand [3]. In the beginning [4] they profited from provisioning of troops in the War of Union against Confederates, later then from outfitting (arming) "pioneers" in their war against nature and humanity.

1859 also saw the start of huge migration of Ashkenazi Jewry from what is now the region of Ukraine into western parts of Europe. The "Eastern Jews" swamped Europe and brought with them little else but the shirts on their backs as well as intellectual and artistic brilliance. Immediately these immigrants made their presence felt in all walks of life. Scientific research and discovery took a giant leap forwards, when Ashkenazim ability was seeded into the fertile soil of a continent which was in the process of emerging out of the age of feudal reign.
When in 1863 the carnage due to modern weapons had taken a huge toll on the largely volunteer Forces of both combatants in the American War of Secession, conscription was introduced (first by the Confederates). Until then, the land-owners of the South had been fighting for their "rights", while the soldiers for the North had been spilling their blood in order to maintain the tax-income for the Union. The new Union President Abraham Lincoln [5] had the "daring" idea to get motivated fresh blood into the reservoir of cannon-fodder by promising Blacks their freedom [6] if they helped to defeat the South. In 2 years the war was won for the North, the Negro nominally then freed but still stayed a de-facto slave. Almost 140 years later one wonders whether emancipation was the same kind of labelling-fraud as was the eventual outcome of the Civil Rights Movement.

It is now hardly ever commented on, but the American Civil War "happened" while the Oil Industry was being established. Some 600.000 lives were ruthlessly wasted between 1861 and 1865 for "ideals" which when viewed today were phoney (at best) and to no material effect (as in betterment of the lives of the people). What had really happened was that a very few people had laid the foundations to very great wealth and dominance. John Davison Rockefeller was born in Richford, New York, on July 8, 1839 (d. 1937), and educated in the public schools of Cleveland, Ohio. He became a bookkeeper in Cleveland at the age of 16. In 1862 he went into business with entrepreneur Henry Flagler and with Samuel Andrews, the inventor of an inexpensive process for the "refining" of crude petroleum. In 1870 their company was renamed into Standard Oil (of Ohio) Company and in 1872 J.D. Rockefeller founded the "South Improvement Co.", which had amalgamated by 1887 all but a few percent of Americas refining capacity in one hand and became a corporate giant of such vast might that it in effect was a "running" America. The USA was fighting another brutal "War of Independence" (this time from Standard Oil) which it won in 1911, when the Rockefeller monopoly was dismantled. Just as in the case of the other War of Independence, victory was an elusive concept.

The rest of the 20th century has been called by many in very simple terms as "Rockefellers Revenge". To all intents and purposes, this was a "re-Volution" -- as it effectively re-established the dominance of the Oil-Industry over American politics and the American people.

What has changed, is the fact that not only the American people are pushed around the chess-board, but most of mankind was made into pawns in the game of "Big Oil".

1823 US-President Monroe had (in wise prescience) declared the Americas as "off-limits" to any other polity and the world was divided into the "Western Hemisphere" and the rest. Zischka (see endnote# 3) gave a chronological account of oil industry,s early development. It turns out that there were early in the 20th century two major players on this stage, with an early contender for "second place":
* John Davison Rockefeller, son of a Rabbi come haberdasher and purveyor of comforts to the men in the Pennsylvania oil fields. He focused his attention on the "downstream" side of the oil industry and established by the late 1880ies an almost total monopoly on transport and refining of crude oil.
* Henry Deterding, an enterprising young Dutchman had clerked in a bank in Batavia (Jakarta) when at the turn of the century the Duri Oil Field in Sumatra was discovered. He was a quick study -- became involved in the company holding the lease over this oil field and by 1902 had risen to the Presidency of this company. Deterding was determined to seek domination over the Oil Industry via the ownership of concessions.
* The "side-show" developed in the northern foothills of the Caucasus mountains. A brother of the inventor of Dynamite Alfred Nobel, was sent by his father, who at this time was an arms manufacturer supplying the Imperial Russian army with guns, into the Caucasus region to secure a supply of walnut-wood to be turned into gun-stocks. Instead he came back with owner-ship of the oil concessions on what is known now as the Baku region of Azerbaijan.

The House of Rothschild, through its various branches established by the sons of Amschel Mayer [7] ("Rothschild" -- after the label on his house in the Frankfurt Ghetto) in London, Paris and Vienna financed

- the Rockefeller Oil Imperia in America,
- the emerging alliance of the Dutch and English Royal Houses to take control over the Oil Fields in the Far East (soon to be named Royal Dutch Shell) and
- the Russian oil field operations controlled by the Nobel family.

Like always, the third player got mangled up in the tussle between the two strongest ones [8]: after the oil in the Persian Gulf region had been discovered (over which the British secured control) the Nobel family was forced by a "no holds barred" price war between Rockefeller and Deterding to "sell out". In order to win this fight, Deterding teamed up with Lord Samuels of London, who established the oil shipping industry. It would be too cumbersome to detail this epic struggle- just one fact should make the attentive reader sit up: Josef Stalin spent his early political life as organiser of the Oil-Workers Union in and around Baku! Another fact to ponder: the Russian Revolution kept Russian oil off the world-market for quite some time.

In the early 20th century the British Empire began to fray around the edges and First Lord of the Admiralty Captain (later Lord) Fisher argued for the (re-)fitting the Royal Navy with oil- powered engines, giving these ships a definite speed advantage over coal-powered steam-ships. With the closest supply (then) being in the Persian Gulf, the British meddling in Middle-Eastern Affairs becomes understandable. This then sounded the death-knell for the Ottoman Empire, which was in control of this region until the end of WW I. That virtually all the oil-supplies for the German Empire came from the Mossul-field in present Iraq explains the fighting in the Dardanelles (Gallipoli) during WW I.- the German Oil supplies had to be disrupted. When we look at the geography of the region and follow the rail-road line from Mossul to Berlin, we will notice, that with the exception of less than 100 km, this line ran entirely in Entente territory. The little piece of land missing was Serbia! The assassination of Austrian Crown-Prince Francis-Ferdinand on 27. June 1914 in Sarajewo (the capital of Serbia!) takes on an entirely different "flavour". The rest is bloody history, or as Kronberger so bluntly puts it (see endnote# 3) in Blood for Oil .

After WW I. the domestic oil industry in America swamped the country with cheap oil. After the discovery of oil in Venezuela, the Smoot-Hartley Act enacted by the American Congress ostensibly was designed to keep oil from Venezuela destroying the price of this abundant commodity. What it in effect did, however, was that it exported American recession globally. The rest is -- yet again -- bloody history.
One of the (other) remarkable results of WW II was that the American Oil Industry got involved in the exploitation of the Persian Gulf region (see Yergin, endnote# 3). As from that time on, the Middle East was racked with one after the other war that sent the oil-price spiralling sky-wards.
At the end of the 20th century the American War Machine had gotten so awesome, that in the absence of a credible opponent a "replacement monster" had to be found [9]. This is where the perpetual "side-show" of 20th century history comes in: the systematic terrorism with which Israel perpetrates Genocide among the Palestinian owners of the land promised (but not given) to World-Jewry by the British Empire causes symptomatic terrorism [10]. The entire situation, caused by the Balfour Declaration, is unsolvable by peaceful means, as no amount of good will (from either side) will ever overcome the need for instability in the region to "justify" inflated oil prices and provide "use" for over 50% of industrial production, which is arms-related.

This is where "Terrorism" -- yet again -- rears its ugly head. Alexandre de Tocqueville described "régime de la terreur" as a methodology to make the masses familiar with the realities created by elites [11].

While all this was happening, events unfolded on the other side of the globe which went entirely unnoticed by most then and hence their eventual outcomes, which determine the lives of a large portion of mankind at the present time, seem mysterious. That need not be, as there is an interplay of sinister "games" at work which are so plain and obvious as to be not cases of the proverbial needle on the hay-stack or trees being hidden in a forest!
Already since 1757, the British had a trade-agreement with the Chinese Qing Dynasty which limited all trade between the two nations to the harbour of Canton (Guangzhou). In the early 19th century British ships were carrying millions of Kilo-grams of Chinese tea to England, while bringing as return freight only silver bullion. When declining to open the Chinese market to British industrial products, Emperor Qianlong declared in the classic statement to King George III:

"We possess all things. I set no value on objects strange or ingenious, and have no use for your country,s manufactures."

Opium had been known since long as an intoxicating drug in China, but its use was forbidden by Imperial Decree dating back to 1729[12]. The English East India Company (EEIC) was cultivating huge poppy-fields in India[13] and selling the drug illegally to China. So the earlier ban on the use was given added currency in 1796 by another Imperial Decree which banned the trading/ sale of opium in China. When in 1833 the monopoly of the EEIC was broken up (an early case of "liberalization" -- with the ususal catastrophic effects of unbridled de-regulation!), China was swamped with Opium from India and not only the idle rich, but the common man got addicted to the drug. By late 1838, emperor Qianlong sent his emissary Lin Zexu to Canton to stop the Opium trade. This audacious man simply held the foreign traders hostage and demanded their departure under threat to their lives. The British trade commissioner Charles Elliott collected all the opium from the (British) traders and handed it over to Lin Zexu, who proceeded to wash 9 Million Mexican Silver Dollars (the international Currency of the time) worth of opium into the sea. England dispatched an expeditionary force which easily won (due to modern arms and strategy) against a vastly superior number of ill-equipped soldiers, led by generals who had no idea of what modern war-fare was all about and in the Treaty of Nanjing (Nanking) on August 29, 1842 Englands original goals were fulfilled: The cohong (Chinese Trading Association through which foreigners- effectively British- traders had to work was abolished, four more Chinese ports were opened to trade (Fuzhou, Ningbo, Shanghai, and Xiamen), and the island of Hong Kong was ceded to the British.

Just like World War II. had effectively started with the insidious Versailles Peace Treaty, the Second Opium War was an inevitable outcome of the Nanjing Agreement: when in 1856 the ARROW , a ship owned by a Hong Kong resident was searched by a party of Chinese officials for a notorious criminal, the British flag was taken down and this escalated the shouting into a shooting war. This is when the French joined the fray and together British and French expeditionary forces threatened the capital Peking. In the dictated Peace Treaty of Tianjin trading rights and the rights to establish diplomatic representations in Peking were granted. When this treaty was to be ratified the next year, the British delegation (some 400 men on three ships) were routed and this then resulted in the forceful ingression of British and French forces into Peking in 1860. The Qing Dynasty lingered on until 1911, when it finally broke up under western pressure. What Voltaire had once called the most advanced and enlightened form of government had been reduced by "western" dum possum volo (because I can, I want) to an ineffective puppet regime.

This is one facet of the evil game which was played in the 19th century in East-Asia. The other was the occupation of Vietnam by French forces in 1862[14]. As France had no strategic interests in that part of the world at that time, this venture had to finance itself. It was of no material economic importance either and one has to seriously wonder why France started nearly one hundred years of misery for an untold number of people on the opposite side of the globe.
In order to raise money required to establish a multinational crime syndicate, the new colonial power began to regulate the drug trade in the country. Until 1954, when the French were unceremoniously "kicked out" of Vietnam, elements of the French Secret Service were controlling the French military presence in Vietnam (French Indo-China). An (effectively private) Army of up to 40,000 troops and some 350 French Officers (Foreign Legion) had to be financed by the drug trade. The entire French "colonial" enterprise in that part of the world was a largely private enterprise based on organized crime sanctioned on the highest political levels.

It now seems very strange, that out of a French private adventure (which had made a few French entrepreneurs very rich) could develop the American Nightmare of the Vietnam War . The old colonial powers had been running the colonial charade for centuries: entire nations were pressed into service to generate vast wealth for a very small number of people who were the froth on the sociologically fermenting vats, that the "mother-nations" to the colonial states had become.
America had to learn that one cannot break a deal with one of the oldest civilized nations for the simple reason that one was able to (the USA used nuclear bombs to shock Japan into surrender and the deal Stalin and Roosevelt had made regarding the sharing of the territorial spoils after WW II. was "off"). The Korean War was the outcome of this broken promise. What was "sold" to the stupid (unknowing) populations as a clash of ideologies, was little more than the grand-standing of intellectual midgets: "Look- I got a bigger nuke than you!"

The Korean Peninsula was brutally separated into two halves in order to achieve what had been arranged by Stalin and Roosevelt a decade earlier: a sharing of the region! While the people in the North had no political rights by law and were slaves to a "one size fits all" economy, the ones in the South had effectually no "rights" and were pressed into service of Korean and American economic tyrants. To the average American citizen (especially in those days), the "developing" situation in Vietnam seemed to be a continuation of the clash of ideologies that had gone on a decade earlier on the "other peninsula over there". Plotinus, the Alexandrian philosopher in the second century AD had cautioned that every evolution had to be preceded by an "involution". So what had wound the clock in Vietnam?

When in 1954 French General Navarre had lost the strategic, fortified city of Dien Bien Phu to the Viet Cong under the brilliant leadership of General Giap, the colonial adventure of the French in the Far East had become an orphan in need of a generous "uncle". Always happy to prop up a repressive regime which provided the "freedom" for corporate economy to wreak havoc, the USA was drawn into the next vortex of military conflict. What started as a loan of military "advisors" developed into a full blown military conflict of epic proportions.

The socio-political effect of this scenario on the entire world was incredibly hefty: all of South-East Asia turned into a brothel with American soldiers on R&R and again, this war was largely "run" by the American Secret Service. "Air America", the aviation wing of the CIA was for a long time the biggest airline in the world (see footnote# 17). While the military was fighting a war in accordance with political doctrine and within the framework of International Law, the CIA financed the destruction of much of South East Asia and American (western) Society by drug-running.
Only few ever saw that the arrow was also the target- a logically thinking democratic society would not permit its own dregs to pervert the methodology of government into the modus operandi of an organised crime syndicate. Blum points out that over the two decades of (official) American military presence in SE-Asia the region had turned into the (clandestine) producer of some 70% of the heroin and opium which gets consumed in the USA 15 [15]. The dealing of drugs and arms are an essential part of the destabilizing tactics 16 [16] which have been and still are visited on the most populous region on Earth.

It is interesting to note, that while in the 19th century the British used China as their playground and sold there drugs which had been produced in India using the military power of the Empire in order to be able to do so, America used a phoney war (financed by the American tax-payer) to set up the logistics needed to produce the drugs required to turn the American people into zombies. In both instances the "social cost" was immeasurable, the beneficiaries an extremely small number of "personalities" and neither of the two episodes had been possible without knowledge, condoning and complicity of the highest levels of government (and "high society").
Who can be surprised to learn, that the Israeli Secret Service MOSSAD "runs" a similar operation in Lebanon; local opposition to this illicit drug industry is (as Robert Fisk, The INDEPENDENT, 11.12.2002, points out) the major drive behind the Hizbollah-"Terrorism". In early 2003 the newspapers and TV-News Channels were having a jolly good time "informing" the world on how Israel-based operations swamp the yuppie-scene with Ecstasy. That the largely Jewish-owned Media was reporting on such anti-social Jewish activities hinted at a more important agenda. This was closely followed by the Media-induced SARS hysteria. The "Rape of Iraq" will relieve Israel from having to buy expensive oil and ensure that "Big Brother" will render for a long time to come Arab opposition to the kind of treatment handed out to the Palestinian people ineffective.

The Iran-Contra Affair overshadowed much of the Reagan Administration and the shady "activities" at the Mena Air-Field in Arkansas (while Bill Clinton acted as Governor of the state) led up to the G.H. Bush presidency. All this will surely be followed by disclosures of similar "activities" in the meantime (if and when the present stranglehold over the media is broken). Robbins (op.cit.) details the involvement of the CIA (through Air America) in all of these strange affairs. One is tempted to suspect, that the surest way to stop the trafficking of drugs and ridding the world of the menace of the drug-industry were the immediate disassembly of Secret Services. Countless numbers of lives could be saved (or made less miserable).

Will this ever happen?

The answer is simply - NO! Such a move would effectively remove one of the most effective "tools" of government- (elitist) control over the masses, the ubiquitous use of the chimera of "National Security" as a smokescreen behind which "secret" actions are taking place which ostensibly are in the interest of the nation. The New Political Order which comes hand in glove with the merging of Communism and Capitalism into globalist practices is a house of cards without any real sustainability. It is a somber fact, that some 200 multi- (trans-) national corporations control and their share-holders own over 95% of all "private" business which is not owned by privatiers but "share-holders". The flip-side of this medal is the further fact, that all of this economic activity employs only some 0.3% of the global work-force 17 [17].
From this it follows, that the corporate economy, which accounts for the majority of activities which continually and progressively degrade the quality of life (all life) is supported in all this by the private and public sectors: they not only provide the vast majority of all employment which is to say the wherewithall to purchase the products of the corporate sector, but also generate yet again the majority of all tax-revenue.

¨ corporate enterprise and entrepreneurs in 1983 paid 13.1% of all taxes levied in Germany; after 13 years of Kohl-government this had been reduced to 5.7% 18 [18]
¨ 1955 the Canadian corporate sector paid still some 25% of all taxes, by 1998 this had been reduced to 12.2% 19 [19]. Moore 20 [20] gives actualised figures for the USA which tell the same "story"; such as:
¨ betweeen 1979 and 2002 the income of the richest percent of the American population rose by 157% , while that of the poorest 20% has in fact fallen
¨ profits for the richest 20 "concerns" of the world rose since 1983 by 362,4%
¨ after the latest round of "fusion" oft the Oil-Industry , the profits of oil-companies rose by 146% -- at a time when the oil-moguls decry the fact that they are "not making any money..."! [It is a sore fact, that global economy is again- as some 80 years ago --literally drowning in cheap oil!]
¨ 44 of the biggest 82 corporations in the USA paid taxes at a rate of 17%, while the "man on the street" pays 35%; 17% of American corporations paid no tax (!) while 7 corporations (among them General Motors) have in their 2001 tax returns claimed to be due amounts paid over and above the amount required
¨ 1279 corporations with incomes of in excess of US$ 250 Millionen Dollar or more paid no taxes and declared no taxable income.

When during the 1980ies the term "Globalisation" became a catch-phrase, many began to talk of the "Two-Thirds Society"; Martin & Schumann (op. cit.) spoke at the turn of the Millennia of the 80:20 society; how much longer until "democratic" societies decay into a 90:10, or -- as has to be feared with ever more reason- even the 99:1 "society"?

In the knowledge of all the above facts (which are little more than the tip of an ice-berg), the only meaningful question can be: how can this have come to pass? Is this not an age where we have almost global democracy, where only a few rogue states still totally disregard human rights (with concentration camps and genocidal tactics aimed at ethnic minorities)? Is this not the "Information Age", where the news are reported "life" and we can know everything there is to know?

In Venezuela, a country which for the better part of a century has not been permitted stable government by an oil-industry which strives on instability, a former military officer is fighting a pretty hopeless war against American Secret Services. Army general Melvin Lopez told in an interview with the Venezuelan state-owned radio station on 21.04.2002 that American agents were behind the attempted coup d,etat against President Chavez on 11.04.2002; official American denials abound and have to be weighed against the "noises" from the White House: US President G.W. Bush, himself an appointed "Fuehrer", has been heard to demand the replacement of Chavez (who has been elected twice by overwhelming popular vote) with a "democratic" leader. It is not so much the intellectual level of the person that is permitted to make such idiotic statements, but rather that of his audience, which is cause for great concern.

September 11 was a most remarkable day in the 2oth century and early 3rd Millennium:

¨ in 1920 the League of Nations promulgated a decree giving the Balfour Declaration a status of international "respectability"
¨ in 1973 a CIA sponsored coup led to the ouster of Salvador Allende, the democratically elected President of Chile
¨ in 1995 a New York court found a group of Iranian exiles guilty of having placed and detonated a bomb in the underground parking space of one of the World Trade Center towers
¨ in 2001 both World Trade Center towers collapsed after "Hollywood-style" attacks on them. None of the "evidence" presented by authorities does appear to merit any credibility; it is not surprising, that dubious language is used when the Media crank out yet another "report" on the alleged perpetrators of this heinous act.

The entire world is effectively terrorised by a nation which has freed itself from all that was ever good about it. Former Treasury Secretary ONeill has written a book on his time in government. Most elucidating is, that he mentions that President G.W. Bush has issued orders to his government almost immediately after taking office (more than half a year prior to 9-11!) for the actions which were "sold" to the public of America (and the world) as retaliation for 9-11. Paul O'Neill talked to CBS News Correspondent Lesley Stahl in a 60 Minutes interview on January 11, 2004 about this remarkable situation. This lets all the doubts which surround the entire sitaution disappear -- it is high time for the thinking people of the world to "take cover".

The actions of "Big Oil", the "War on Drugs" and the "War on Terrorism" are turning our blue little planet into what German scientist and philosopher P. J. Beumer has already in 1858 recognised in his Naturgeschichte (natural history):

a graveyard within which higher developed life will exist in the future -presupposing that "present" life will prepare this "graveyard".

[1] like with all "inventions", there is chauvinism clouding the issue: Anglo-American dictum has it, that the nurse Florence Nightingale is to be credited with forcing the emergence of this humanitarian measure during the Crimean War (which "happened" some years later.....). For all it is worth -- this simply shows that the inhumaneness of technolgically assisted war-fare let people "wake up"
[2] it is amazing -- there is not one single investigation into the effects of this most extraordinary change in the "human condition" by institutionalised science. Nobody seems to be concerned about the artificiality of it all; just like nobody seems to be concerned about the effects of industrialised agriculture and farming......
[3] Zischka, A.: Ölkrieg. Wandlung der Weltmacht Öl. Goldmann, Leipzig, 1939. Kronberger, H.: Blut für Öl. Uranus, Wien, ISBN: 3 901626 08 5, 1998 has six decades later updated the gruesome story of the second biggest "business" after the drug trade. Yergin, D.: The Prize. The Quest for Oil, Money and Power. Touchstone, New York, ISBN 0671799320, 1993 has written an ecyclopaedic history of the Oil-Business [caveat lector -- this book is a factual treasure trove, but all too often it is apparent that "conclusions" reached are largely "whitewashes" of white-collar criminality]
[4] The corporate successor to Standard Oil (in Joint Venture with I.G. Farben) was operating Concentration Camps in Germany during WW II. Tarpley, W.G. & A. Chaitkin: George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography; find a pdf-file on the Internet with
[5] who looks now quite a bit of a "strawman": every respectable encyclopaedia will tell that the representative (and relative) of the Rothschild dynasty Judah P. Benjamin (1811-84), acted at different times during the American Civil War as Attorney General, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Finance and War for the "South". The "architect of the Secession" was able to flee to England after the Confederates had been defeated and worked there as successful barrister. That his Treatise on the Law of Sale of Personal Property (1868) became a legal classic in Britain speaks a clear language
[6] this could be phrased as: The president of one nation promised the people of another nation something that he had no right to do; on top of that the fullfullment of the promise was conditional on winning a war. The Rothschilds repeated this strategy with the "Balfour Declaration Caper" with equal success some 60 years later and the labelling-fraud regarding "intentions" continued unabatedly
[7] we forget -- at our own peril -- that Amschel Mayer Rothschild should be remembered for his saying that "the best times for making money is when blood is flowing on the streets".....
[8] the "exclusion principle" at work. Gause, G.F.: The Struggle for Existence. S.112, Williams & Wilkins. Baltimore. 1934 -one ecological niche -- one species
[9] Tibi B.: Die Neue Weltunordnung; p. 57, Econ-Ullstein, München, ISBN 3548750117, 2001
[10] Hoffman, M.& M. Liebermann: The Israeli Holocaust Against the Palestinians, Independent History; ISBN: 0970378424, 2002
[11] Tocqueville, A. de: The Old Regime and the French Revolution. Translated by S. Gilbert. Anchor Books, Doubleday, New York, ISBN 0-385-09260-1, 1955. (Will historians ever forgive him for having questioned the significance of the French Revolution for the "development of humanity"? When Jürgen Habermas views the American and French revolutions as pivotal point in human history, he surely only thinks the history of elitist domination. (Habermas, J.: Der philosophische Diskurs der Moderne. 12 Vorlesungen, Frankfurt/M., 1985) The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (Marsden, V.E.: (transl.): The Protocols of the Meetings of the Elders of Zion. p. 185. In: Ford, H: The International Jew. Global Publishers, Johannesburg, 1992. ) take responsibiliy (in fact "demand" to be given credit for) these "revolutions" and the emergence/ establishment of "Zionism" Turner, J.H. & L. Beeghley: The Emergence of Sociological Theory. p.19, Dorsey Press, Homewood, Ill., ISBN 0256024162, 1981 call these revolutions as the evolutionary culmination of economic, social, political and intellectual changes; as usual with cases of labelling-fraud, they give no causative principlre but offer only an alphabeth-soup.
[12] it has to be noted, that also paper, gun-powder and the compass had been in use in China for many hundred years before they were "discovered" in Europe. So why did China not use them to "rule the world" like Europe did?
[13] that this operation was owned by the Montague family should not come as a surprise -- a century later Norman Montague (as Governor of the Bank of England) "installed his protege Hjalmar Schacht as Finance Minister into the Hitler regime....). What is depicted as "necessity" for the masses almost always turns out as a "chance" for elites
[14] Robbins, Ch.: Air America. From World War II to Vietnam. P. 234, The Explosive True Story of the CIA,s Secret Airline. Macmillan, 1979. Corgi Books, ISBN 974-8303-51-9, 1988
[15] Blum, W.: Rogue State, p.129, Zed Books, London, ISBN 184277221X, 2002
[16] Calder, K. E.: Asia's Deadly Triangle: How Arms, Energy, and Growth Threaten to Destabilize AsiaPacific. Nicholas Brealey; ISBN: 1857881613; 1997.
[17] Loy, D.A,: Can Corporations become Enlightened? Buddhist Reflections on TNC,s. In: Camilleri, J.A. & Ch. Muzaffar (eds.): Globalisation: The Perspectives and Experiences of the Religious Traditions of Asia Pacific. S. 5 ff., JUST, Selangor, Malaysia, ISBN 983 9861093, 1998
[18] Martin, H.-P. & H. Schumann: The Global Trap: Globalisation and the Assault on Prosperity and Democracy. p. 101. Zed Books; ISBN: 185649 53 02. 1997
[19] Klein, N.: NoLogo. p.472, Flamingo / Harper Collins, ISBN 0006530400, London, 2001
[20] Moore, M.: Stupid White Men. Eine Abrechnung mit dem Amerika unter George W. Bush. p. 79, Piper, München, ISBN 3492 045170, 2002



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