Jonah Goldberg's NRO
Entrance Exam Found - Satire

By Anonymous

This marked multiple choice test was found in Jonah Goldberg's job application file at NRO. The file was accidentally thrown into a garbage bin only to be found by a "subversive", "anti-American" garbageman on the job who later made it available to us.
Hi Jonah,
At the request of your mother, the great and brilliant Simone, this test was customized for you by our very sane, brilliant, upright, heterosexual, and Judeo-Christian editor at large, William F. Buckley Jr. Bill says to tell your mom that he'll light her candles anytime.
Anyway, the point of this test is for you to answer the questions without thinking too much. After all, you have been groomed for a position at NRO since birth and we really only want to test your instincts before we make you a regular contributor.
Bill wanted us to make sure you understand our mission. In essence, we are devoted to the cause of the Likud and Israel. The many other issues we discuss are peripheral and only there to portray us as conservatives in the eyes of our readership.
Finally, Bill says he'll give you the results personally when he sees you and the rest of the guys at Shol for the next NRO strategy meeting with our great and brilliant benefactors and well-wishers. The list is long and includes Richard Perle, Wolfie, and Doug Feith. They will, of course, be there to greet you and to give you some pointers on how to report things so that we keep the masses asleep. This is so crucial for us that I will repeat this to you many times after we hire you.
Good luck,
NRO Editors
NRO is the voice of:
a) A bunch of Israel firsters who masquerade as conservatives.
b) The Likud and its Neocon representatives in the US.
c) Any "brilliant" commentator who can write a derogatory column on people, organizations, and countries who disagree with Israel and US foreign policy as defined by the current idiot in power.
d) Conservative America.
e) All of the above except d).
NRO really epitimizes:
a) The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
b) The Talmud.
c) Zionism in its most rabbid form.
d) The Likud and other rightwing political parties in Israel.
e) All of the above.
NRO readers are:
a) Very gullible and disinformed morons who look to us for commentary about things they really don't understand.
b) A good source of campaign funds for the sold-out idiots we promote as brilliant politicians in the US.
c) Are very impressed with our occasional use of French and Spanish words in our columns.
d) Braindead Noahide sheep slowly but surely being led to slaughter and who think we really care about them and their Judeo-Christianity.
e) Well read people who often watch the BBC and the CBC.
f) All of the above except e).
The NRA is to be portrayed as:
a) An organization blessed by Moses.
b) A bunch of nice guys out for a good time.
c) A bunch of well intentioned collectors and afficionados of firearms.
d) Guys who really believe that every child should have an arsenal of automatic weapons at his/her disposal.
e) Guys who show up in towns to promote the right to bear arms after a sick kid has gone on a shooting rampage and killed dozens of innocent people for no reason.
f) Guys who believe that blowing away defenseless animals with canons is an entertaining sport.
g) Our last line of defense in case things go really bad for us and we need a heavily armed escort to the El Al ticket counter.
h) Guys pushing America into a suicide pact with guns and ammo.
i) None of the Above except a), b), and c).
When people disagree with our position on Israel, what are you to do?
a) Yawn and use many one liners.
b) Belittle them and immediately insinuate that they are antiSemitic and antiAmerican.
c) Detract attention by writing a derogatory piece on socialist Canada or on something more trivial such as your next snipe hunting trip with the misses and Jr.
d) Refer to the Holocaust in your next column (just don't forget to mention the &laqno;soap made from Jewish fat» story (although long discredited, it has served us well many many times), Eli Weazel's Nobel prize, Schindler's list, and the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
e) All of the above.
Before any American politician is to be endorsed by NRO, s/he must:
a) Signal deep respect for and an unwavering commitment to Israel by visiting Yad Vashem and the Wailing Wall.
b) Mention Israel and the Holocaust many times in every televized speech.
c) Admit or at least hint at Jewish lineage (preferably maternal).
d) Lick ass at AIPAC conferences.
e) Appear easily corruptible in the event s/he only feigned a), b), c), and d) to become electable.
f) Stand firmly against anyone who disagrees with our benefactors and well-wishers.
g) Agree with everything we say about Israel.
h) All of the above.
When people attack your colleagues at NRO, what are you to do?
a) Defend your colleagues by all means even though most are BS artists, calumniators, and propagandists.
b) Write a column lauding your colleagues as luminaries and great thinkers.
c) Belittle the accusors and insinuate that they are antiSemitic and antiAmerican.
d) Refer to the Holocaust in your next column (Just don't forget the soap story, Eli Weazel's Nobel prize, and the Simon Wiesenthal Center).
e) All of the above.
In NRO, discussions of the Catholic Church are to revolve around:
a) Paedophilia.
b) Homosexuality.
c) Immorality
d) Infestation by perverts, freaks, and Jesuits.
e) Rabid antiSemitism and collaboration with Nazis.
f) All of the above.
Rabbis involved in the ecstasy trade, murder, smuggling, prostitution, the porn industry, money laundering operations for drug cartels, tax evasion schemes under the guise of Holy Land charities, the arms trade, and paedophilia and white slavery rings are:
a) Never to be mentionned in NRO.
b) To be presented as abused victims of antiSemitism when other media outlets mention them and their alleged crimes.
c) To be defended whenever possible by presenting them as poor misunderstood guys who have taken a sudden wrong turn but who are actually pillars of the community and ready to reenter society.
d) All of the above.
What are Arabs?
a) Sandniggers (N. B. never use this word in public).
b) Towelheads and turbinheads (N. B.never use these words in public).
c) Terrorists (N. B.always use this word whenever you mention Arabs).
d) Vermin destined for extermination and expulsion.
e) Bloodthirsty and illiterates followers of Satan.
f) All of the above.
What are Palestinians?
a) Same as all of the above.
b) Dispossessed Muslim and Christian squatters trying to regain some of their ancestral land.
c) Humiliated people with very little to live for.
d) Desperate people being picked off on a daily basis before they are finally expulsed en masse.
e) People with a just cause.
How are you to portray Arafat in NRO?
a) A democratically-elected leader of the Palestinian people.
b) A statesman without a state.
c) A very lucky guy with a powerful survival instinct.
d) A bloodthirsty terrorist out to kill Israelis in pizza parlors.
e) A guy totally in control of groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
f) d) and e) only.
We are never to mention Khazars on NRO because:
a) Khazars were a pagan and warlike asiatic tribe which settled in an area of what is today Ukraine, later converted to Judaism, and were later overwhelmed by invading Vikings who were treated by an exasperated native population as liberators.
b) Ashkenazi Jews are of Khazar origin and therefore have no relation to Middle Eastern Jews.
c) Khazaria (with a Zionist twist) was reestablished by force in Palestine over the 20th century.
d) Khazaria is not part of any founding myth of modern day Israel.
e) Our brilliant scholars have had a hard time finding evidence of the significance and contributions of Khazars to world history and therefore suggest that we push the Diaspora BS instead.
f) All of the above.
How are you to refer to my dear friend Ariel Sharon? (Your mom says you met our friend on many occasions over the years)
a) Mr. Prime Minister or General.
b) Porky the Butcher.
c) A legitimate but misunderstood statesman of a great democracy surrounded by crazed Arab masses who hate him for no other reason than a genetically-determined condition called antiSemitism.
d) Porky the Conquerer.
e) A man of peace.
f) a), c), and e) only.
How should you refer to our Likudnik benefactors?
a) Just a bunch of good old boys never meaning no harm.
b) Victims of the Holocaust who came home and made a desert bloom under constant threat and derision simply because of the rampant antiSemitism of crazed Arabs.
c) Brilliant statesmen and friends of the US.
d) Defenders of their biblical homeland.
e) All of the above.
Our Likudnik friends depend on us to convince our moronic readers that they are not:
a) A collection of inbred sadistic thugs who are financed by the US taxpayer and whose troops regularly engage in the gratuitous slaughter of babies, children, old people, UN workers, protestors, and ambulance drivers.
f) A collection of Nazi-like psychopaths and sociopaths who are clearly involved in a ruthless and monumental land grab operation financed by the US taxpayers while we at NRO try to keep the American public asleep.
g) A bunch of poorly bred thugs involved in massive organized crime, espionage, and terror operations throughout the world including the US and who need us to get away with it.
h) Well connected thugs with many US collaborators who specialize in blackmailing and threatening most of the world so that things keep going their way.
i) Thugs who are portrayed as brilliant statesmen and who give the finger to whomever they want whenever they want.
j) All of the above.
The US congress is:
a) Israeli occupied territory.
b) A collection of sold out and/or blackmailed morons who usually lose their jobs when they vote against Israeli interests.
c) A place where AIPAC rules.
d) A bunch of people who are supposed to represent the American people but actually make sure that our benefactors get everything they want at the expense of the US taxpayer who long ago fell asleep at the wheel.
e) All of the above.
Who was Leo Strauss?
a) A misunderstood professor with many degrees whose vision of the world we endorse at NRO.
b) A brilliant man.
c) A great scholar and luminary.
d) A demented, egomaniacal, and machiavellian lunatic who Hitler would have fired for being too radical.
e) A victim of the Holocaust.
f) All of the above except d).
What is Gore Vidal?
a) A promiscuous and demented faggot (N.B. Always use the term homosexual or sodomite in public).
b) Unamerican.
c) AntiSemitic.
d) A Saddamite.
e) A communist.
f) All of the above.
Why is Joe Sobran no longer at NRO?
a) A guy who had a falling out with your future Editor at Large, WFB.
b) A guy who at some point decided he could still think for himself and no longer wanted to walk the line.
c) A guy who dared to criticize Israel.
d) A guy who smelt the coffee one morning and decided he no longer wanted to promote the ideas of our well-wishers in Tel Aviv.
e) He was an antiSemite and really had no place at NRO.
How is Chomsky to be portrayed in NRO?
a) A crazed and demented self-hating Jew.
b) The most published scholar of the 20th century.
c) A freak whose writtings must be quoted out of context whenever you must demean him and his ideas.
d) A guy with a very limited understanding of world affairs.
e) Unamerican.
f) All of the above except b).
How are you to refer to people like Gore Vidal, Edward Said, or Robert Fisk in your columns?
a) Never refer to them because they are too smart and educated for you.
b) Only attack them personally without ever debating the points they have raised.
c) Simply try not to mention them because we do not want our readers to look up their work.
d) Call them demented liars without going into too much detail if you must discuss their work.
e) All of the above.
Identify the people that are always to be portrayed as evil and demented in NRO:
a) Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Jean Chretien, Hitler, and Fidel Castro.
b) Marlon Brando, Johnny Depp, Sean Penn, and Mel Gibson.
c) The Pope, Gandhi, and the Dalai Lama.
d) Anyone who criticizes Israel.
e) All of the above.
Identify the people that are always to be portrayed as luminaries in NRO:
a) Pipes, Wolfie, Feith, and the rest of the gang.
b) Your colleagues such as Frum and Ledeen.
c) The whole Israeli rightwing bunch and especially our buddies Arik and Benjy.
d) Any US politician who says something good about Israel and always votes in our favor.
e) All of the above.
What is our unconditional defense of the Likud all about?
a) Facilitating a huge land grab operation implemented by a bunch of communists turned terrorists who managed to become great and legitimate statesmen since their buddies bought out the US congress and all the mainstream media outlets in the US.
b) Huge subsidies and never to be repaid loan garantees courtesy of the US taxpayers.
c) Many bonuses for the gang at NRO.
d) Many luxury trips to Israel for the gang at NRO (Wait till you see how nice the eager beaver Shiksas they bring in from Eastern Europe become after their passports are confiscated by Israeli pimps).
e) None of the above.
What is the significance of the US to Likudniks:
a) Controlled sheeple keeping the Israeli economy going and the IDF well fed and very well armed.
b) An invasion force that is just a phone call away.
c) Our ticket to a Greater Israel and the rebuilding of the temple to officially begin the mass slaughter of animals as sacrifices to our tribal god Yahoo.
d) A government under their control.
e) A UN veto whenever they want it.
f) A mainstream media that never criticizes us and never discusses what has really been done to the Palestinians over the last 50 years.
g) All of the above.
In reality, President Bush is:
a) A puppet with a very short attention span.
b) A really obedient guy since he understood what can be done to him and his dad if he does not walk the line.
c) Quite responsive to our needs since his first meeting as President with my good friend Ariel Sharon.
d) A guy we've had a real hard time making look good after every time he spoke to the nation on TV.
e) An illiterate dry drunk that may have to be eliminated in order to make our great friend Dick Cheney President.
f) An idiot that can be easily replaced by a Democrat of our choosing such as Kerry.
g) All of the above.
Clinton was:
a) Hard to control in the beginning but really got the message after Monica and Linda got done with him.
b) Brought down on his knees when we had finished with him.
c) A well intentioned guy with an IQ at least three times that of Bush.
d) A pervert and a philanderer.
e) All of the above except c).
Who was Rachel Corrie:
a) A stupid tart that would not get out of the way.
b) An invisible woman whose megaphone suddenly failed.
c) Someone who was trying to prevent the destruction of a Palestinian home when she was intentionally run over by an IDF bulldozer in order to discourage other protesters from coming to Israel and disturbing our friends.
d) Someone who needed to be dealt with before she told her story in the US.
e) All of the above except c.
What general impression about yourself are you to give your readers:
a) A smart heterosexual guy who goes snipe hunting with his family.
b) A clean cut guy who has a good grasp of things political and cultural (just like his mom, the great and brilliant Simone).
c) A family man deeply concerned about where this country is headed.
d) A rabid Zionist mole out to minf the moronic masses into supporting a very costly and insane foreign policy agenda designed to deliver the Greater Israel promised to us by Yahoo, the one an only God.
e) All of the above except d).
Although you most likely hated Mel Gibson's latest movie as much as the rest of us at NRO, why must we appear to endorse such an abomination?
a) Our readership is mostly comprised of idiotic paleo-conservatives who really believe in this crap and await his return.
b) Our well-wishers depend on our readership for political and financial support.
c) For now, we can't afford to alienate the Noahide masses and anyways, the ones that read NRO know they're Bible too well for us to argue that the movie is not a true rendition of the Gospels.
d) Rabbi Schneerson, the true Messiah, has not yet risen from the dead.
e) Although all we need to know about this guy Jesus is explained in the Talmud, it is best the Noahides do not get wind of what is written there because they may become very insulted and unsympathetic to our cause.
f) All of the above.
What is Yahoo (also called Yahweh by the goys, IAO by the Egyptians of old, and Yahooweh by Rabbinical scholars)?
a) A tribal god who requires his followers to commit genocide and the mass slaughter of animals to keep him happy.
b) One among seventy other deities in the semitic pantheon whose big boss was the god EL.
c) The enemy of the god Baal.
d) The god of the OT.
e) The god we pray to before we have our strategy meetings with Wolfie, Doug, Rickie, Wolf, Aaron, and the rest of the boys in shol.
f) An antiSemitic Internet search engine.
g) All of the above except f).
What is AIPAC to you?
a) A bunch of Jewish organizations out to undermine and control the US congress.
b) A very powerful lobbying group that really runs US foreign policy.
c) Guys that like to get their asses licked by stupid American politicians.
d) Guys who throw bones at obedient and asslicking American politicians.
e) All of the above.
What would you like us to do for you when you leave NRO?
a) Make you a Colonel in the Mossad.
b) Make you a US congressman.
c) Make you editor of the Jerusalem Post.
d) Put you on the payroll of Caterpillar USA.
e) Get you an unlimited snipe hunting license in the Occupied (OOPS! Disputed) Territories.
f) Get you a villa on the Euphrates with many Iraqi slaves and a couple of Eastern European shiksas to polish your pellet gun.
g) All of the above.
The Iraq fiasco is to be presented as:
a) A monumental oil grab operation.
b) An illegal war designed to destabilize the Middle East in favor of Israel.
c) Just the tip of the iceberg because we now need to get the US government to go after Iran, Syria, and Libya.
d) None of the above.
Why should you write good things about US troops?
a) We need them to do the killing and dying for us in the Middle East.
b) They are our cannon fodder but do not need to know this.
c) They will believe everything we say as long as we call them heroes and flash green cards at them.
d) We will need them on our side in case a bunch of disgusted and mindful generals attempt a coup in the US.
e) All of the above.
What is absolutely never to be mentionned or addressed in a column in NRO?
a) The five Israeli spies masquerading as movers who were dancing and screaming with joy on a rooftop in NYC when the WTC was destroyed.
b) That Israel knew of an imminent attack on the US before 911.
c) That Israelis in the World Trade Center were warned of an impending attack.
d) That Israel and the Neocons had most to gain from the 911 attacks.
e) That 911 has really served Israel in ways we could have never imagined.
f) Dirty Rafy Eitan.
g) The Lavon Affair.
h) The intentional attack by Israel on the USS Liberty in 1967.
i) The ecstacy trade, white slavery rings, and the porno and snuff film industries for which Israelis are notorious among those in the know.
j) All of the above.
Why is Colin Powell to be tolerated in our columns at NRO?
a) He always ends up doing what he's told because we've got him by the nuts on something.
b) He lit many candles as a youth and speaks Yiddish.
c) He does all he can to provide Bush and company with credibility and legitimacy.
d) He still hopes to be president one day.
e) We've compromised him already and he knows it.
f) All of the above.
Why do we need to appear really respectful and accepting of Evangelical Christians?
a) Because we need these idiots to help finance more settlements in the "Disputed Territories" although we know they are betting on God arranging for the death of Jews who do not convert to Christianity in the End Times.
b) Because they are stupid and gullible but we need them to promote our cause in the US.
c) Because they are irrational jackasses but we need them to promote our cause in the US.
d) Because they do all they can to push the Judeo-Christianity bit and seem to lose the ability to differentiate the New Testament from the Old after their leaders go on a milk and honey trip to Israel, visit Yad Vashem, and meet some Shiksas whose passports were confiscated by their pimps.
e) All of the above.
While visiting with our friends in Israel, what are you never to do?
a) Take blood from a Falasha (Ethiopian).
b) Get too involved with white slavery, snuff film production, or child pornography rings.
c) Try to cut into the lucrative ecstasy industry.
d) Be seen talking to peaceniks like Uri Avnery.
e) Approve of mariages between Jews and Arabs although many are indeed Christians.
f) Mention Khazars or genocides orchestrated by Bolshevik murderers who later retired to Israel on state pensions.
g) Take showers with male Sephardic IDF officers.
h) All of the above.
What are you not supposed to notice or ever mention when the IAF gratiously takes you for a flight over the Occupied (OOPS! Disputed) Territories and Gaza?
a) People living in complete squalor with unemployment rates of 80%.
b) No apparent infrastructure because it was taken down by our friends and benefactors courtesy of the US taxpayer.
c) A huge wall going up over Palestinian land and daily IDF operations which may appear at fist glance to be very brutal and provoking.
d) Settlements popping up on stolen Arab land and the demented yet well-armed freaks guarding them.
e) Demolished homes and ruined livelihoods everywhere.
f) Sharon's policies at work which only serve to manufacture terrorists.
g) All of the above.
Who is Daniel Pipes
a) A failed Playgirl model from the late seventies who decided to go into politics
b) A brilliant scholar who was misunderstood by many.
c) Our protégé.
d) A genetically modified organism created by Nazi scientists and who later developed a very serious brain disorder.
e) b) and c) only.
What is Canada?
a) A place we will get our dimwit president to liberate and democratize when we'll need fresh snipe-hunting territory, free electricity, clean water, and softwood lumber.
b) A very bizarre place where Carter and Castro are seen as OK guys and where sodomites are allowed to marry.
c) A commie stronghold and a breeding ground for terrorists and their sympathizers.
d) A place with free healthcare, low poverty rates, no racial strife, very few guns on the streets, as well as very few trailor parks and slums.
e) The place David Frum comes from and criticizes regularly so that he's accepted by our readership as a right-wing luminary.
f) All of the above but I'm not too sure about d).
Dr Kissinger is :
a) Really Dr. Strangelove.
b) A failed ritual slaughterer who weaseled his way into politics and really understands the strategic implications of carpet bombing Vietnamese and Cambodian peasants.
c) One of the greatest mass murderers in history who attributed many of his insane actions to the inhibriating effects of power.
d) A nice guy turned brilliant statesmen who has suffered from antiSemitism and from being misunderstood all his life.
e) A guy who'll work for anyone who seeks to undermine world peace and US security only to later be asked his opinion on CNN and Fox about how dyre the situation has become and how it can be fixed.
f) A brilliant guy famous for his political analyses based on the following question: &laqno;Who are the players?»
g) d) and f) only.
Michael Ledeen is to be presented as:
a) A good guy who decided to take up the cause of Iranian expatriates and who really feels for them because of his altruistic nature.
b) A guy who makes a lot of money by representing Likud interests in the US through the PR firm Benador and Associates.
c) A brilliant scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.
d) An "agent provocateur" whose agenda has primarily involved destabilizing the Middle East in favor of Israel and who now is hell bent on "liberating" Iran.
e) An Israel-firster once suspected of spying against the US for Israel.
f) a) and c) only.
Richard Perle is to be presented as:
a) A guy once suspected of spying for Israel and later fired as a Congressman's aide.
b) A guy involved in suspicious business dealings who now peddles investment advice on how to profit from terrorism.
c) A poor guy who has decided to go into semi-seclusion now that his job is done.
d) A poor guy who may soon be forced to run to Israel while we attempt to clear his name and find goy scapegoats for the Iraq fiasco.
e) An American hero and a victim of rising antiSemitism.
f) A guy who may be in serious danger since he publicly called for the CIA director's head on a day he forgot to take his anti-psychotic medication.
g) A sick manipulative psycho who looks like a reptile.
h) c) and e) only.
The New World Order (NWO) is to be presented as:
a) A ridiculous conspiracy theory promulgated by sodomites and antiSemites.
b) An antiSemitic slur for which the guilty should be put to death just like when our benefactors ran the old USSR.
c) Something antiSemites have invented in an attempt to turn the masses against us.
d) Something our benefactors are trying to implement while we and the rest of the American media put the masses to sleep.
e) Planned out for us by other followers of Yahoo and detailed in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (N. B. Our job is to do the media thing spelled out in the Protocols).
f) a), b) and c) only.
France and Germany are:
a) Traditionally antiSemitic.
b) Socialist strongholds.
c) Places where many terrorists have gathered en masse.
d) Worthy of eventual liberation and democratization.
e) Infested with Arabs.
f) Chocolate producing nations.
g) Old Europe.
h) All of the Above.
Spain is:
a) Traditionally antiSemitic.
b) Clearly pro-Al Qaeda.
c) Anti-American and back with Old Europe.
d) A place we used to enjoy because they killed many bulls for sport and supported our crazy schemes for a while.
e) No longer a trusted ally and now worthy of an even greater taste of our benefactors' wrath.
f) A country whose new president will be more difficult to buy than the last one.
g) A place where the effect of cell phones and backpacks filled with explosives was miscalculated.
h) All of the above.
Israel is:
a) The land of milk and honey where Rabbi Schneerson, the true messiah, will soon appear after he rises from the dead.
b) A place where we may need to retire to in case things go really bad for us.
c) Where our bosses, benefactors, and well-wishers live.
d) A land from the Euphrates to the Nile promised to us by a jealous and vengeful tribal deity called Yahoo who really looked after us for a while when we were chased into the desert with our sheep, camels, and women after we finished building the pyramids for the stupid Egyptians; who repeatedly encouraged us to commit genocide and told us we were better than other nations; and whose boss was called El.
e) A &laqno;shitty little country» created on other peoples' land and sustained mostly by foreign aid courtesy of the US taxpayer.
f) A cesspool of a country with no extradition treaties where mastermind criminals such as Mark Rich and genocidal maniacs like Lazar Kaganovitch can live in peace and retire on state pensions.
g) A huge neocolonial land-grab operation which is currently run by a mass murderer and war criminal
h) A place that is far worse than South Africa under Apartheid.
i) A democracy where we get our Shiksas and snuff films for free.
j) All of the above except please never mention any of this.
You should always deny Israel has the following WMDs:
a) Nuclear.
b) Chemical.
c) Bacterial.
d) Viral. (Yes! Our brilliant scientists are developing a virus that can target people of non-Jewish lineage. Don't worry! You're safe and Bill got vaccinated!).
e) All of the above.
What is to be denied and kept out of the American psyche when it comes to Israel:
a) Sharon's murderous rampages since the 1950s when he led the infamous unit 101 which attacked defenseless Arab villages and killed evertything that moved.
b) The fact that most of Israel's founders were ruthless terrorists under the British and that the country is currently headed by a bunch of maniacal thugs and war criminals.
c) That the country was built on various myths such as turning deserts into gardens.
d) That Zionists collaborated with Nazis and were later blowing away their own people so as to create mass emigration to Palestine.
e) That Israel's long line of so-called statesmen has been mostly made up of well financed thugs.
f) The fact that Israel spies on the US.
g) The dozens of UN resolutions Israel has not abided by.
h) That Israel is a token democracy built on extremely racist ideals.
i) The Iraq-Haifa pipeline.
j) That bombs triggered by cellphones are likely to be false flag Mossad operations.
k) That the Mossad most likely misinformed the US about WMDs in Iraq thus making the threat appear more imminent than it was.
l) That Israel runs the US as Sharon boasted on Israeli radio.
m) That Israel is currently the most dangerous, well armed, and ruthless nation in the Middle East.
n) All of the above.
What are you to say when asked why so many Arabs hate America so much:
a) They hate us because the US is responsible for much of the trouble in the Middle East.
b) They hate us because the US finances Israel's war against the Palestinians.
c) They hate us because the US has provided Israel with its war machine (including WMDs).
d) They hate us because the US turns a blind eye to or excuses anything Israel does against largely defenseless civilian populations herded into camps and condemned to living in squalor, shame, and hopelessness.
e) Because it is a democracy.



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