Bush's March Madness
By W. David Jenkins III

Is it just me or does Scott McClellan look like crap lately? Come to think of it, his boss doesn't look any too good either. As a matter of fact, the whole Bush Gang has been looking like the tail end of a week-long binge-drinking festival - except for Cheney of course. He always has the look of a mortician with something mean stuck in his lower tract. But ever since King George's disaster on Meet the Press a while back, things just don't seem to be going so well for the Bushies.
Actually, things haven't been going well for the Bushies for quite some time now but lately we can actually see it in their faces. You can almost see them looking out of the corner of their eyes while they try to determine just where the life boats are.
I don't believe I've ever seen this administration on the defensive for so long but, what did they expect? They have been allowed by the media and their apathetic audience to systematically destroy any sense of stability, both here at home and around the world. When you think about it, there isn't one thing this administration has touched that has worked out that well or hasn't been completely ruined. This administration has pursued its deplorable ideology and dangled their lies in the face of the global community while brazenly daring anyone - anyone - to confront them.
Joseph Wilson and Paul O'Neill were the two most recent folks to take up the dare and both were victimized by the Bush/Rove Revenge Machine. In Wilson's case, someone in the White House, two as yet unidentified senior officials actually, broke a federal law and "outed" Wilson's wife who had been a CIA operative for thirty years after Wilson pointed out that Bush had lied in the State of the Union speech back in 2003. Paul O'Neill was attacked for his contribution to a book which painted Bush as an uninterested President, except for when it came to Iraq and Hussein.
In between the ordeals of these two political martyrs were the stories of Bush being AWOL, withholding the actual cost of the disastrous Medicare bill, more deaths in Iraq, no WMD's in Iraq and a Democratic primary season where the candidates pummeled Bush Inc. with the awful truth regarding the long-and short-term effects of the administration's misguided ideological assault on America. And of course, there was Bush's bumbling and failed appearance on Meet the Press.
McClellan has been doing his level best through all of these challenges and, I have to admit, he's perfecting his skills at not answering questions posed by the press. He's really getting his rhythm down. Next time there's a press conference, count how many times Scott tells the reporters "I'm not going to answer that" or "You'll have to ask so and so" or - my personal favorite, "I've already answered that." That one always leaves me scratching my head though, because if he's already answered the questions then why not answer it again? Besides, some of the reporters might have been out sick the last time he answered, y'know?
Now, as if poor Scott and his bosses didn't have enough to worry about, along come the 9/11 hearings preceded by Richard Clarke's book and his 60 Minutes interview. Now the Bush Gang has got trouble - big trouble.
You can always tell how much the Bush/Rove Gang perceives the threat level of any person who takes up the dare to expose these crooked liars who temporarily occupy the White House by the intensity of the attack they wage against the truth tellers. Wilson was scary at first for them but all they ended up having to do was "slime and defend" before bumping the whole mess to the DOJ where it proceeded to fall out of the public conscience into God knows where. O'Neill was easy because, as he had stated in his interview, "Why would they attack me for telling the truth?" Anybody who honestly can say that about the Bush administration with a straight face - and believe it - isn't going to last long. In fact, has anybody heard from Paul lately?
But Clarke is another animal and he's got the Rove Machine in such a state of overdrive that smoke and sparks are coming out of the White House roof and the windows are blowing out. They've spent the first wave of the attack on Clarke and they're tripping over each others' words.
First, Cheney tells Limbaugh's audience that Clarke was "out of the loop" only to have Condi Rice say "no he wasn't." Then poor Scott McClellan, in response to Clarkes reference concerning a dialogue between the President and his advisor, made the ridiculous comment that there was no record of Bush being in the Situation Room the day after the worst attack in history! The White House quickly back-peddled after realizing how foolish they sounded and admitted that the conversation Clarke referred to "probably took place" after all. Rice has also criticized Clarke for being the architect of failed Clinton administration policies regarding counter-terrorism only to turn around and claim she retained Clarke so the Bush administration could continue to pursue Clinton's terrorism policies.
Clarke had stated on 60 Minutes that he fully expected the administration to attack him - and he was right. In true Bush/Rove fashion, they have employed the tried and true tactics of destroying the messenger in order to distract attention away from the message. Fox News helped contribute to the fiasco with their usual brand of slimy "journalism" by digging up an old background interview with Clarke from 2002 in a transparent and futile attempt to discredit him in front of the 9/11 commission. The only thing they accomplished was making themselves look foolish and "occasionally fair and balanced" in front of and large TV audience. You would think after losing another war of credibility to Al Franken last year, that folks at Fox would've learned their lesson and given up going after even bigger fish. What was I thinking?
Republican Senate leader Bill Frist is the latest to throw a credibility punch at Clarke by demanding that his 2002 testimony before the senate investigation committee on 9/11 be declassified. Frist and other Republican leaders want this declassification, not in the name of national interest, but as a possible avenue to "prove" Clarke guilty of perjury when compared to his recent testimony and the accusations in his book. In true Bush-League fashion, Frist and other right-wing attack dogs are ignoring the severity of the content of Clarke's testimony because, should they acknowledge any hint of accuracy in that content, Bush's strongest playing card in his presidential campaign will come under serious scrutiny - as it should.
Bush supporters have always counted on his "strength" as the God-anointed leader in the war on terrorism as their ace in the hole back into the White House. But accusations like Clarke's and O'Neill's which shed an unflattering light on Bush's obsession with Iraq - at the expense of America's safety against terrorist attacks - are beginning to give the Bush people nightmares. That the American people would even entertain the notion that Bush ignored specific and multiple warnings of dangers posed by al Qaeda to innocent civilians have driven the administration and its supporters mad. The fact that this administration placed the Clinton counter-terrorism policies, declaring them to be "warmed over," on the back burner is something they never wanted to come to people's attention. But it has, and now they must once again attack one of their own for telling the truth. But the big difference this time is that their target is fighting back with the same determination of someone with the truth on his side - something the Bush administration cannot possibly identify with, let alone defeat fairly.
When you stand back and take a good look at how the staunch Bush supporters are willing to wage such personal attacks against those who help to dismantle the wall of secrecy that surrounds this administration, you have to wonder just who and what Bush considers a greater threat to America - al Qaeda and bin Laden or the American people learning the truth about 9/11 and Bush rightfully losing the White House?
Stay tuned.



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