An Infestation Of Demons
By George Paxinos
When we read about the killing of innocent and trusting baby seals, see:
The Bloody Harvest:
"Just metres away from us, conscious seal pups were sliced open. They were dragged across the ice with boathooks. Injured seals were left to die in stockpiles of carcasses."
and the other related articles on the same site, I must ask myself in shock and outrage and unbelieving wonder at this uncaring, ongoing and mutely accepted brutality of Mankind, WHAT causes humankind to act like -- well, DEVILS -- or -- demons?
From all that any astute observer in intimate contact with animals, can say from long experience, is, not only do animals exhibit each an individual personality, but, from their actions, we must conclude that if humans, of far less empathic understanding of our own changing moods, can be accepted as having souls, according to our religious teachings, then too:
Animals not only HAVE a soul, but are closer to Great Spirit and Mother Nature than most humans will ever have even an inkling of, in this life, at least.
The premeditated evil done by humans in this world is beyond belief by any thinking, empathic being.
I am now going on 58, and have made my choices and my decisions, and they are simple:
Either, like the Man of La Mancha, you at least TRY to reach for that Unreachable Star, or you are not worthy to awaken to the beauty of God's perfect day, every day.
One MUST draw the line -- as Steve Frye in his comments to the above articles
says -- and Mary Sparrowdancer reiterates, and say clearly:
If I go beyond this line, and accept the utilitarian before the ethical gained by empathy with all of Life, then I can never look myself in the mirror, ever again, and might as well do away with my unconnected, feelingless existence.
If we do not all stand up for All Life, then we shall be allowed none, not by some external entity, but by our own choice of self-seclusion, for only in the empathic acknowledgement of the very essence of Being in all others, do we ourselves exist. We are no more separate from this universe,than any body with mass is separated from the inertia exerted upon it by all the other bodies in its universe:
We are all ONE.
Perhaps that was a bit abstruse -- by the words of Jesus, let us say that he who does not feel, actually denies the Holy Ghost (Great Spirit) -- and so is doomed to be alone, forever.
What, then, are the mechanisms we see in action today, which inspire not a dozen, not one million, but several millions of people, in all walks of life, but predominantly in politics and media, to renounce the Unversal Existence of Spirit, and to remain silent in the face of mass-murder, whether it be of seals, or of trees, or of our oceans, or of humans, their own species?
What can so nullify, in everyone's heart, the merest spark of empathy, and not to say:
Hey! -- that could be me walking there, on those bloodsoaked streets, or lying warm in the snow, as that man approaches with a club?
Perhaps the question is more easily answered if we break it down into manageable chunks, so let us do that, in these stages:
1. WHAT CAUSES THE EVIL TO NOT ONLY BE ACCEPTED, BUT SUPPORTED, AIDED AND ABETTED? How can mediapersons, with very, very few exceptions, simply watch women and children, in Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine, be deliberately targeted by snipers, deliberately cut down, their menfolk slaughtered, beaten to death, like the seals, in front of their families, or dragged away into unlawful prison camps, held without trial, and sometimes done to death by torture there? -- and yet stay silent?
Perhaps one should suggest that there is a backbone to this evil in the world today, and that we must seek this skeletal structure behind organised Press denial of atrocity, before we can delineate clearly the body of the phenomenon as we see it in action, today.
2. Further, what might be the impulse that animates the individual operative at the extremities of such a body with such a backbone, to continue in their path, observable atrocities on a massive scale and one's own conscience notwithstanding?
3. How to explain, why not only denial takes place, but why such apparent satisfaction is accrued by that operative, in both denial, and also in the witnessing of the denied atrocities, as to reinforce the mechanism of denial by and replace it with gratification in the act and its perpetuation?
We should then not only have sought and tentatively identified the source(s) of such an impulse and what consitutes its motivating power, and how it, in its action, can refuel itself with power and its unnatural urge to continue its path of psychopathy toward all of Life, most especially, toward all of decent life in this world which acknowledges any empathy toward our fellows, our fellow-beings, and Great Mother Nature and our environmental future, but, most especially, seems to dedicate itself in its undoing of all decency, to the ruining of all that is gentle and, very especially, innocent.
4. Having somewhat at least identified that backbone organisational stucture and its adherents, does that organisation (or organisations) have anything at all to do with the possible ingress or aided introduction, of some literally non-human factor, some quasi-demonic influence into our world at all -- given that we cannot understand how humans might do such things -- just as an hypothesis?
I introduce this idea, in order to attempt some tentative explanation for a worldwide blanket of apparent gross indifference to all suffering, especially among politicians and the media, which is so basically inhuman, that one -- all of us -- finds oneself unable to explain it from our own experience, no matter how much hurt we have been through in our own lives.
Whereas a peson whose personality has been damaged by hurt may be excused, those having led sheltered and priviileged existences stand side-by-side, in their indifference, with apparently normal paople, in their public denial and perpetuation of mass-murder.
Pondering these problems in the light of the actions of some of those apparently particularly blinded to all empathy, and hypnotised by the lie that the Old Testament is right, so that Israel is right, no matter what Israel does (because in the Old Testamentt, "God" says Israel is OK, and though it was written by Israelites, if God says Israel is OK, then the Israelites who wrote it must be OK, too, see?) one comes upon an anomaly, and, to find it, it is useful to focus our attention upon those taking their Bible especially literally, not only the Old, but also the New Testament, which two are, grossly, the doctrines of Revenge, Hate and Racial Superiority -- and of Love, respectively:
So then, let us look at Christian Fundamentalists, and what they will accept literally, and what parts of their Bibles they prefer to turn a blind eye to:
One part of the Bible, which precisely the Christian Fundamentalists -- at least those I have known -- find it easy to pooh-pooh, whereas they can accept Old Testament atrocities with aplomb, and which especially "enlightened" theologians WILL NOT ACKNOWLEDGE, IS, THAT JESUS ACTUALLY CAST OUT DEMONS: yes, real, live, devilish DEMONS.
The very idea of the existence of a realm beyond the physical, is something they find quaint, old-fashioned, and -- especially -- "refuted".
And exactly therein lies the rub: let us play a mind-game:
Well, that would be odd -- to say the least -- and a lot of people will stop reading this piece right about now -- but, returning to Question 1., above -- surely the apparently irrational and unethical blanket bias of at least several hundred thousands of press persons can only reasonably be explained, if not by a conspiracy, then by them perhaps belonging to some unseen organistaion which prescribes attitudes to its adherents?
As a thought-game, on the road to finding some working hypothetical structure congruent with our observations and questions emerging therefrom, let us accept for the moment Questions a) though d) as an axiom, in addressing the Questions 1. through 5. in turn, therefore:
1. WHICH organisation(s) can form the backbone (Questiion 2.) of the amazing silence of the Press to worldwide atrocities?
A1: The answer here is rather simplistic, because there ARE secret societies (lodges) such as the Masons and their various sister organisations, which teach precisely the sort of blind adherence to their doctrines, and have the immense worldwide membership, as might be expected to satisfy Question 1.
As members help each other sociallly and financially, it is not improbable that they have managed to infiltrate obedient members into positions of power in the prress and politics on a worldwide basis.
This closely approximates the structural organisation hypothesised in Question 1.
A2: The Motivational Impulse can be seen as manadatory obedience to the organisation, which is not only secretive, but also retributive of disobedience, by all accounts;
A3: Satisfaction in evil deeds is historically anchored in all folk-tales as the province of the Devil and his Demon minions -- are you shocked? -- remember, I said we were looking at HYPOTHESES -- yet -- if the shoe fits the hoof .... well ...?
A4: Yes, the organisations mentioned do actually practise satanism and rituals conducive to takeover by discarnate entities.
So, Question 6 might be:
Are we actually, in our world today, facing not a conspiracy of humans, and not "just" a conspiracy of financial and esoteric-societal nature, but:
If so, then by introducing a counterforce of a purely physical nature, we would be letting ourselves down into the snakepit those entities themselves inhabit: a vicious-circle of violence and hatred, revenge and petty retribution, all of which can be seen on a very macrobiological scale in the actions of the warmongers today: Bush, Cheney, Blair, Howard, Sharon -- all of them apparently people with neither soul nor conscience, making psychopathic sick jokes about non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction and the tens of thousands illed and a world polluted forever with Uranium 238 ("Depleted Uranium") and being lauded and accoladed by Press and academic organisations and even nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize yet! -- I mean, just HOW SICK can this world GET???
[And as an aside to those WMD -- wait! -- they WILL be found! -- recent reports suggesting that the present massacres of Falluja and elsewhere instigated by demon Bremer being somewhat distractions for those WMD being smuggled into Iraq through the back door, and just in time to justify the slaughter of innocents before US and UK elections.[
But WHAT KIND of DEVILS could possibly instigate, support, and justify mass-killings, whether they be of humans, or of giant Sequoia forests given free for logging, or the mass-murder of baby seals? -- what kind of DEMONS could do that???
-- OR --
-- Are we actually experiencing an infestation of demons from some literally hellish plane, some place of utter horror inhabited by ghoulish spirits who may enter our world by invitation, through inhabitation of the bodies of those so insanely greedy, that they are literally willing, as in all folk-tales, to sell their souls to forces invading their bodies in order to be able to do unspeakable deeds and so accrue material wealth on this material plane -- for a while, at least?
ARE WE ACTUALLY EXPERIENCING AN INFESTATION OF DEMONS, moving amongst us in the taken-over bodies of millions of people who were so morally weak, that they had to join secret societies in order to have some leverage over their fellow-man in the mass of those movements, and in rituals set up to invoke literal evil from the beyond, allowing their bodies to be used as vehicles for the minions of that evil?
In other words:
-- with the possessed of press and politics turning the nametags around 180 degrees, as anyone can see and hear, who has eyes to see and ears to hear the cries of the innocent worldwide.
Assuming it might be so -- do we have any hope then, at all?
I believe the way to fight them is by Prayer -- YES, PRAYER! -- BY PRAYING, all of us together, to whatever Good and Decency we still hold in our hearts, that the demons that have entered this world be exterminated by the Higher Power we know is there -- to help us -- BUT ONLY IF WE ASK FOR IT.
ALL IT NEEDS; is for all of us to counter those dark forces which have asked and allowed demonic powers to enter this earth -- BY OURSELVES, IN OUR OWN TURN, ASKING GOOD POWERS TO ENTER OUR WORLD, ON OUR SIDE, and the side of all the species of our earth.
Believe me, it is easy to pass around atrocities on the internet, and enrage ourselves over them -- and by so doing, introduce the same hate and fear which the demons so desperately need to feed off, just as they seem to feed off the suffering, grief and heartbreaking sights and sounds of all form of atrocity, including all sorts of ritual sacrifice, be it a chicken or a child on an altar, or the slaughter in Iraq, or the destruction of the World Trade Center.
Let us deny them their food! -- let us PRAY for angels and helpers of Light Life and Love to be sent to exterminate the forces of darkness -- JUST DO IT -- and let's all see what happens?
-George Paxinos



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