Salts Evidence
Of Life On Mars?

From Kevin Puppos

From the first few days of the latest Mars missions, it was quite obvious to me that Mars had large amounts of water, at one time, on the surface. (I have studied mineralogy and geology for ten years as a hobby interest and collector.)
Now, what is the origin of the high concentrations of salts being found in the soils on the surface of Mars ?
Maybe the same as the origin of salts on the earth :
Salts on earth are the result of weathering and erosion of rocks. The salts are found at low elevations, but the minerals they came from were components of weathered rocks at higher elevations- only rainfall, or very heavy dew, resulting in surface flows of water, could transport the salts from the locations of the rocks to the depressions or sea basins. So, we have already established that rainy weather was one ingredient that was present on Mars, as on earth.
But, what was it that actually did the weathering of the rocks in the first place ? By what mechanisms do chemical elements in hard rocks come to be brought into water solution ? Well, one way is physical assault on the rock by freeze- thaw action, another is chemical attack by contact with water of excessive acidity or alkalinity, another is solar radiation such as intense UV, etc., all serving to break down the rock mineral composition.
But there is another even more powerful weathering agent.
It is living things such as lichen, mosses, fungi, algae, bacteria and other plant life forms!
Physical contact between the rocks and these organisms with their active biochemistry is the single biggest cause of rock weathering on earth.
So, we all ought to be asking NASA and JPL a really big question :
What force weathered such a vast amount of rock material, over long spans of time, washed by a rainy climate, converting hard rocks into water soluble salts that comprise a huge percentage of Mars soils ?
The salts found on Mars are essentially very similar to those found in places like the Dead Sea and the Great Salt Lake and other salt basin environs on earth.
So, I have been asking myself this question for over two months now, and am convinced the salts have probably come from the action of living things growing on and in the rock minerals of Mars.



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