The Real Clash Of Cultures
Ethnovampirism, Ethnoviralism
And 'The War Against Terror'

By George Paxinos
Sometimes in one's life, one tends to wonder why certain subjects are taboo, strictly off-limits.
As a child, among parents, it is generally the subject of sex.
At school when I was young, in the 1950s and in a British school system, explicit reference to sex or anything remotely genital or scatological was punishable, for boys at least, mostly by caning.
Recently, here in Switzerland, an 82-year-old lecturer was jailed for questioning the Holocaust with a capital "H", as the World War II mass-murder of Jews has properly come to be named.
One might suppose, in the spirit of educating toward a better, more-enlightened humanity, that questioning any killing, reprehensible as it is and might be to review, would, in the long-term, be able to allow the doubters to have their noses rightfully rubbed in the bare facts of that evil which they doubt:
Look, you! -- here, a killing took place, here, there was attempted genocide against an entire people, here, so and so many died, look -- see the atrocities, and let knowledge replace your doubt!
Surely, surely, humanity can only profit by these revelations, and, just as the exception is said to prove the rule, so too the exceptional sceptics will be made to see the light, themselves.
Sadly to say, recently here in Switzerland a Swiss teacher was jailed for questioning the Holocaust:
I entered the search parameters
<swiss lecturer jailed holocaust>
into the search-engine, and found a reference, just one of many:
On Monday morning, January 13 [2003], Gaston-Armand Amaudruz was jailed in Switzerland for having expressed doubts about the existence of homicidal gas chambers in World War II German concentration camps, and for saying that he did not believe the figure of six million wartime Jewish dead. Complying with a summons, the publicist and retired teacher, who is 82 and in poor health, presented himself to the special "high security" penitentiary at l'Orbe, about 20 kilometers north of Lausanne. He is to be held there for three months. In addition, there are fines and court and legal expenses.
Letters to the prisoner can be sent to: Gaston-Armand Amaudruz, Etablissement de l'Orbe, CH-1350 Orbe, Switzerland
For more on the Amaudruz case, see "Switzerland: Prison Term for 'Holocaust Denial'," in the March-April 2000 Journal of Historical Review. Posted at:
Further stories in this line can be found, for instance, under:
Doubting atrocity is a most-reprehensible facet of human nature.
There are many who follow political ends in denial of evils, but I myself always seek the truth, devoid of politics, and give blows against untruth and coverups, be it the Holocaust, or the bombing of Vietnam and Cambodia, or of Dresden, whose casualty figures have never accurately been assessed, as history is often written by or under the victor.
But, why on earth was this Swiss sceptic not addressed in a way which would allow him, too, to have his doubts dispelled, unpleasant as they might be to even take the trouble to address?
Why throw an old, deluded and perhaps senile man into jail, instead of holding him up to the public as an example, saying: Look, this poor old man is deluded -- but we went out and showed him the facts!
Why make drastic punishment the mandate to all debate, if its educational aspects, constantly held up to public scrutiny, can only help people better understand atrocity, iif not stifled by unconditional retribution, and, as in the case of Germany after WWII, having their noses rubbed in their sins, to make them forever aware of the evils they had committted, and, by inaction, allowed to be committed under those very same, uncaring noses?
If I wish to buy a car, and I ask the salesman: "How many miles has she got on her?", I expect him to answer my question, not say: "Shut up or I'll have you thrown in jail."
I do not doubt the Holocaust: the facts are there, for anyone to see -- just don't talk about it in Europe, from any but one side only -- or else.
I find that extremely sad, that enlightening debate falls prey to Mediaeval darkness, thought-control, no matter how justified by the subject.
If parents never tell their children about sex, then they'll end up trying things out without knowledge nor caution, with the results we all know, generation after generation after generation, just as every human generation, it would seem, down untold ages, has continued to commit atrocities, generation after generation after generation, the short history of human stupidity.
My point is, if people are afraid of looking at the awful sins committed by humans down the ages, we humans can never become truly civilised, ourselves.
To use the religious parable:
Jesus let Doubting Thomas lay his his hand in his wound, and Thomas doubted no more.
But we must also look at the other side of the coin, and ask the therefore valid symmetrical question:
Is there any Asymmetry in what is depicted as Truth, and what as Lies?
Is there any bias at all, in this system of explication of the "Facts", as we are presented them, by the -- assumedly -- Free Press, as anchored, at any rate, in the US Constitution?
When I wrote the article
Premeditated Ethnocataclasm and the "War Against Terror"
some time back, I never realised that one day, when telling someone about it and, having no references kept in my own tiny and worn-out old computer with no cd-burner, I turned, as I always do to, and typed in <paxinos ethnotacaclasm>, expecting there to be many references as was usually the case.
-- and found -- NOTHING.
All references to that article, the term of Ethnocataclasm which I had coined myself to explicate the process, as I explained it in the article, had been wiped off the search-engine that prides itself on having referenced, and in most cases cached, trillions of web-pages, everything that ever was there, almost.
Had someone actually HACKED Google, and taken out those references?
Impossible! -- and yet -- there the facts -- or lack of them -- were.
That was yesterday, April 26, 2004.
Today I looked again, and it was not there either, though it might come up again, after this article, referencing it, is posted.
I was astounded:
Had the article disappeared by being accidentally deleted in some computer crash which nobody with a site that large, can ever keep track of?
Or had I perhaps I had run, once again, into some subect of greater taboo value, as so many times before?
Or, had I run into some sort of censorship?
So I asked myself again: Is there any Asymmetry in what is depicted as Truth, and what is not, or aat least, in the case of the missing article, "Premeditated Ethnocataclasm", been considered taboo, and perhaps removed?
But at the time I wrote it, i never dreamed of how truly awfully those predictions in it would come to pass -- this time not in Palestine, but in Iraq.
So, in that spirit, I looked at the facts, as we know them, once again:
The infrastructure of that poor country, battered by over a decade of sanctions keeping basic medical supplies from dying children, then a population of at least 46% children under the age of 15, overrun by the most-advanced army in the world at the behest of US neocon advisors and think-tanks, most of them strangely with Israeli names, some actually holding dual US/Israeli citizenship, has been ruined, likely for ever.
Iraqi national identity has been trashed.
The Baghdad Museum, containing priceless and irreplaceable artifacts from our Humans' common past, from Mesopotamia, the Cradle of Human Civilisation, also known as "The Garden of Eden",
has been robbed of its history and its treasures, which, by all accounts, was a premeditated act on the part of a consortium of US antiquities dealers, who had asked the US Government beforehand to loosen laws prohibiting the sale of Iraqi artifacts in the USA.
Blue-and-white buses were reported to be active in Baghdad at the time the robbery was going on, with US troops protecting the Oil Ministry alone, and leaving the buses alone, too.
While we shall likely never know whose buses they were, perhaps their colour schemes were some signal for troops to leave them in peace, as they went about looting and torching ministries containing vital infrastructural and cultural statistics, which meant nothing to them but everything to the Iraqi people?
I am Greek, and our flag is also blue-and-white, but we Greeks have enough artifacts, so I am reasonably sure WE did not do it.
Worse, Iraqi genetic integrity has also been corrupted -- see the two references to genetic damage in the shocking photos -- be warned that they are awful and not for timid hearts! -- at the end of the ethnocataclasm article I have quoted above, and given again, below:
Depleted Uranium (DU) as its euphemism would have it, has destroyed the genetic integrity of everyone living in the land of Iraq, Cradle of Civilisattion, Garden of Eden, for all time.
One might nitpick this statement, saying that after four-and-one half BILLION years, at least HALF of that radioactivity will have dissipated -- but the other half still remains -- ANOTHER 4-1/2 Billion Years --- as, too, the water-catchment areas of Afghanistan that feed the entire former Asian breadbasket of the Indus River Valley -- another Cradle of Civilisation. That entire area, including the Indus River Valley, will sooner or later have to be evacuated, see:
"Robert James Parson: Dai Williams is an occupational psychologist, which is how he started to get involved in this, and his recommendation is that -- for example I opened the article with a quote from him -- "The immediate concern for medical professionals, for employees of aid organizations and for employers of other expatriate personnel in the field remains the threat of extensive DU contamination in Afghanistan." He thinks it's a very serious threat and that is just the immediate concern.
"Now, further than that there are the local people that have to live there. A lot of this (DU) has been used on the mountains along the border of Afghanistan with Pakistan. This is the watershed area for the Indus Valley. And it is the Indus Valley that provides the water for the whole of the agriculture of Pakistan, which is the one real wealth of Pakistan. What this means is that in the long run this whole area, most of the agricultural productivity of Pakistan and most of the mountains are permanently contaminated. There's also the question of the contamination of the cities where DU was used such as Kandahar, Mazar e-Sharif and Kabul for example, where they were bombing targets right there in these cities and they were obviously using missiles and missiles of great penetrating quality. So these areas would be permanently contaminated also. So Williams said in the long run, we'd have to envision an evacuation of these areas."
And all this quoted was before the invasion of Iraq, in which a manyfold tonnage of DU was used, compared to that used in Afghanistan.
Strangely, this does not seem to bother the Neocons at all, those advisors of the US Government, in their drive to stick the nose of the USA deeper and deeper into colonial slaughters it can never win.
It is just a matter of time before US Citizens get to realise, that, like the unreported American casualties and veterans wasting away without medical care nor voice in public opinion, as the corporate media clamps down a lid of silence over civilian casualties seen in atrocities against occupied peoples on a scale never seen since the Nazi invasions of World War Two, and also on the US military casualties, atrocities hat have now made of the USA the barbarians, the despised pariahs looked down upon by all civilised peoples of this Earth, the American People have been had, taken for a ride, on a grand scale as no other people in history has perhaps ever been.
Their social infrastructure crumbling before the onslaught of corporate criminals in highest places, medical and pension benefits ripped off and wages depressed almost by the hour, as crooked politicians trumpet loudly that "the economy is strong as never before and improving!" - while jobs are outsourced overseas -- the American People will soon be in no better plight than those invaded countries, except for the lack of DU poisoning -- but! -- wait! -- it is coming soon to a theater near YOU! -- as DU-contaminated soldiers return home, and their wives also sooner or later start delivering monster babies, as their husbands and fathers slowly waste away from radiation poisoning, blood in their urine from bleeding DU-contaminated kidneys.
Right now, the USA is bleeding to death.
And yet as they bleed themselves out to extinction, SOMEONE IS living better, off their blood.
That, in Classic Horror Literature, is be popularly known as Vampirism.
Vampirism is living off another's Life Blood.
Conservative, war-mongering think-tanks of people with dual nationalities, with names that sound like they might be met with on a street in Jerusalem, are within the US Government and the Pentagon as advisors, spokesspersons, lobbyinst, busy taking you all for a ride, as their own prospects of warlike expansionism in the Middle East improve with the death of every American soldier laying down his life in the unjust slaughter of inocent civilians, men, women and children, in a far-off land most ordinary peole could not locate on a map of the world, yet is close neighbours -- strangely? -- to those promoting healthy red-blooded Americans to do their dirty fighting for them.
What HAPPENS to those veterans, who committed those war-crimes, if they do not son die of battle-realted illnesses?
I knew a woman working in the rehabilitation of Vietnam Veterans whom she found living in cardboard boxes in alleys, in broken cars in trashpits, under bridges, in some cases ,gangrened and dying and unwilling to accept help of any kind.
WHY did they choose to live that way?
it is easy to argue that they were short on Veterans' assistance.
But personally, I think any red-bloded American male, who, after his Rambo-psychosis has worn off, finds himself forced by his conscience to live with the awful reality of the women and children he has slaughterted in cold blood, before he had any children of his own after he returned, and realises how precious a gift he has taken from others, and has to see, daily in his mind's eye of memeory, those horrible pictures of innocent suffering, would have driven himself, for remorse, to want to die, and to die in a way that will punish him from here to eternity for all the awful thngs for his conscience will never allow him to forgive himself, and, in nightmares that leave him awakening crying like those dying children of memory, bathed in sweat, ever to forget.
But then, that man was likely at least a nominal Christian, brought up on the New Testament, a message of forgiveness and understanding and of "letting him without sin cast the first stone", of doing unto others, as you waould have them do unto you.
His was no paranoid-schizophrenic, sado-masochistic Old Testamentt "god" of "mercy, forgiveness, wrath, anger, jealousy and vengefulness" all in one psychopathic muddle, which is, at least for some people, the be-and-end-all of their own religion, and, thusly, of their world-view.
With a "god" like that, you do not mind sending others, not of yxour own people, into battle, to do your dirty work for you, you do not mind soldiers -- but not your own! -- returning home to painfully waste away from DU poisoning, you do not mind their wives bearing monstrously deformed children -- as long as your own people are protectd from that!
And, of course, you are the CHOSEN -- your people wrote the book called the Old Testament, and in it, your "god" says you ARE THE CHOSEN PEOPLE -- so there! -- if "GOD" says you are OK -- then you ARE OK! -- and you do not mind the veterans who choose to die in self-reproach, as those who survive for a few years will likely do, as did so many of the Vietnam vets before them, and -- hey! -- if you can turn a buck by trashing someone else's cultural heritage in the process, especially that of some neighbour who HAS some of that heritage you yourself do not -- then why not?
That is Ethnovampirism -- getting someone to do your dirty work for you -- and living high off other people's blood, both militarily, and also in the destruction and acquiisition other peoples' cultural heritage at the same time, removing it from history forever, and replacing it with the banal, soulless music and hollow products of a New Corporate World Order of no congenital morality, as corporate structures answer only to their balance-sheets, not to the communal public need.
This replacement hollow shell is forced upon a decimated people, instead of its original cultire which was premeditatedly destroyed, being replaced now by an empty prosthesis instead of a limb, like a plastic window-dummy instead of the living, growing tree, the very soul of a nation itself, that once was all the lifeblood of that nation and its hopes and dreams.
This prosthesis is of neither unique ethnic, cultural, nor historic provenance, but a foreign blend of carefully pychologically-crafted nothingness, designed to distract into immediately materially gratifactory ends, that which might otherwise, in a Westen culture, say, have produced a Mozart, Beethoven, Leonardo or Picasso.
That is Ethnovampirism -- the sucking-out of a people's lifeblood, the sucking-dry of a people's body, leaving an empty shell behind, infected with the vampire strain, that, after its death, will turn it into a vampire too.
Ethnovampirism is also like a viral infection -- a virus that gets into a cell, and perverts its entire production process into making more of itself, more viruses, by the virus, for the virus, of the virus.
When a country's resources are perverted by politics inspired and directed from abroad by a numerical minority of double-agents holding dual citizenship, into military production and unlimited financial aid for another country with no allegiance to its benefactor, then that is Ethnoviralism as well as Ethnovampirism.
When that group of dual-nationality double-agents is protected from censure by a corporately-owned Press with an axe to grind, ready and willing to scream "Anti-Semitism" at the merest hint of criticism at preplanned, worldwide corporate slaughter, although the term anti-Semite should apply to a goodly portion of Arabs, too, and certainly to the Palestinians now being oppressed, then that is a very clear-cut case of Ethnoviralism.
Can one not deny that the sole beneficiary of US nvolvement in the Far and Near Easts, with the deaths not only of its soldiers, but of countless inniocent civilians, making the USA now the most-hated country in history -- when most Americans are in no way either radical nor mean -- you just look at yourself, you who are reading this? -- you are probably a fairly fair and laid-back person, a person who would do unto others as you would have others do unto you? -- I say when that sole beneficiary is a foreign country and a foreign people living among you, but with allegiance elsewhere, and whose religion differs from yours in not benig laid-back and forgiving at all, but relying rather on "an eye-for-an-eye, tooth-for-a-tooth" policy as its highest goal and its leading theme-song, a people who were brought up, not on love and forgiveness, but on hate and revenge, as the prime aspects of their own "god" most admitrable for them to follow, then WHAT is the USA DOING, in allowing itself to be led about by the nose, by those people?
Folks, this IS a Clash of Faiths -- but NOT of Muslim and Christian!
If you cannot see through this, then both you and your country are lost.
Can anyone deny, that what we are seeing today in the USA, is the directed viral perversion of all good aspects of healthy American life, into a parody of what the USA once stood for -- internal and external freedom, a free press, freedom of speech?
If THAT is not a viral attack by Ethnoviralism, and if your bleeding-out as a people is not also Ethnovampirtism -- then you'd better start looking around for what is, because, right now, both you and your country are dying.
George Paxinos
From Ben Had
I suppose a lot of us who spend a considerable amount of time in thought over why events happen as they do, referring to The Real Clash of Cultures, are reminded of what Kierkegaard observed, "Nowadays a thinker is a curious creature who during certain hours of the day exhibits a very remarkable ingenuity, but has otherwise nothing in common with a human being." These totally rationally dominated dead souls who are preying on mankind, neocons for lack of a better description, would do humanity an enormous favor by following the "vital consequence of pure thought" by collectively committing suicide. For as Kierkegaard also observed, "suicide is the only tolerable existential consequence of pure thought...This is not to praise suicide, but to respect the passion." And if there is one common element found among this group of people with dual passports, alien values, their highly refined art of deception and with strange names, its their dedicated passion to intentionally destroy people and cultures.
The soul of man has been captured by a form of organic parasiticism that is predictably cunning, deceptive, highly intelligent and terrifyingly indifferent to the value of humanity with the only exception being the preservation of their own race, nation, state. All the marks of a high culture outlined by Dr. Rivello Oliver have been systematically destroyed almost as if by a singularly concentrated purpose dragging humanity in to the slum and rotting decay of hatred, fear, aggression, brutality, arrogance and self delusion. No culture, people, nation, state can survive the intense and uninterrupted onslaught that has gone on hidden from the "sensitivities and conceptual ability" of most human material.
The seven traits of cultural success being imagination (ruthless rationalism has destroyed our imagination), sense of personal honor, the capacity for objective philosophical thought, our capacity for compassion, generosity, self-sacrifice and sentiment of religion have all been swept away and have been replaced with an alien set of values "clashing" with host cultures. It is now in the open as more and more thinking people recognize the threat and are willing to listen where as before they held nothing but contempt and anger towards those trying to educate them to the realities of internal threats to their very genetic existence.
This great historical tension is now stepping forward for final resolution predicted by some very rigorous historical figures as "anti-semitism" is being given a second reevaluation as to its legitimacy and value to society in Europe and now in Canada and the United States, i.e. the work of Kevin McDonald (The Occidental Quarterly), Michael Hoffman II and other intellectuals and the terror that Ernest Zundel is currently going through in Canada. We've been warned and given ample time to prepare our intellects for the coming "clash" through the work of powerful intellects such as Dr. Rivello P. Oliver, Francis Parker Yockey, Miguel de Unamuno, Arthur Findlay, Anthony Ludovici and Werner Sombart being only a few influential thinkers that are now being given a serious second look.
"America's battle is yet to fight; and we, sorrowful though nothing doubting, will wish her strength for it. New Spiritual Pythons, plenty of them, enormous Megatherions, as ugly as were ever born of mud, loom huge and hideous out of the twilight Future on America; and she will have her own agony, and her own victory, but on other terms than she is yet quite aware of." --CARLYLE
This is only the beginning, George, prepare yourself, for the epistemological warfare unleashed on mankind has taken a horrendous toll eighty percent being on the culture level and only twenty percent on the material world and that small twenty percent has inflicted horrific losses unimaginable and hidden from the petty selfish small thinking "charcoal burners" hiding in their pathetic caves still scarred of the shadows on their walls and "UFO's" flying around the entrances.



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