
Makow - Protocols A
Genuine Plot To
Control The World
Time For A Change Of Pace

By Henry Makow, PhD
It's springtime!
Since 2001, I have written over 100 articles almost one a week. They were inspired by a compulsive desire to understand the invisible forces controlling the world, and by a wish to share this knowledge. http://www.savethemales.ca/archives-subject.html
Lately this compulsion has abated. I have satisfied my desire to a certain extent and feel I can produce better work if I take more time for research and reflection. As Thoreau said: "Do what you love. Know your own bone; gnaw at it, bury it, unearth it, and gnaw it still."
I will continue to maintain my web site www.savethemales.ca and write but not every week. I want to focus on a larger project, possibly a book.
My readers will know that I believe The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a genuine revelation of a plot to enslave mankind and enthrone an "aristocracy based on wealth." This has been called by various names: world government, new world order, internationalism and globalism. The infrastructure is being built with the world "supreme court" in Jerusalem.
This plot has been unfolding before our eyes for centuries and can be seen today in the relentless destruction of, in the words of The Protocols "all collective forces except ours." These forces include race, religion, nation and family, the things that give people cohesion, identity and meaning
This plot is led by the bankers and corporations associated with the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. They have controlled most Western governments, education and media for more than a century. Socialism, Liberalism, Communism, Zionism, Neo Conservativism, Freemasonry and Feminism all are their instruments.
They are responsible for war and depressions, which are designed to degrade and demoralize humanity. In short mankind is in a satanic grip. The bankers own the world and expect to run it. They want to be God.
Modern education and culture is designed to hide this brutal reality. In the words of Protocols "we shall erase from the memory of men all facts of previous centuries which are undesirable to us...we shall abolish every kind of freedom of instruction...[and raise youth] in principles and theories which we know to be false..." This has taken place in most universities. This is why our public life exudes a palpable stench of moral compromise; why so many of our "leaders" are hacks and dissolutes.
Nine-eleven and the "War on Terror" are hoaxes designed to colonize remaining independent Muslim countries, and integrate the United States and Europe into a world police state.
By defending their national independence, the Iraqi "insurgents" are fighting for us all. American soldiers are horribly deceived and misused. Far from being a world power, the United States has been a tool of the international banking-oil cartel at least since World War One.
Conspiracy is like the weather. Everyone talks about it but no one does anything about it. Like the weather, there is not much we can do. The majority of people are held in thrall by the mass media and don't realize they are. In a so-called democracy, they "rule," even if they are crudely manipulated. How more crude than today when both Presidential candidates belong to the Illuminati "Skull and Bones"?
Even if we can't change the world, we can change individual lives. Understanding the world is very liberating. We are less susceptible to worldly snares, which include the "education" system, the "democratic" process, the mass media, sex, money and fame. We must embody our principles in our personal lives and not be too distracted by the insanity unfolding around us. This doesn't preclude making our voices heard.
My quest began as an inquiry into the roots of feminism. My personal development was stymied by the crisis in heterosexual relations. Women had gone on strike, denying love to men. They had been brainwashed by feminist leaders, most of whom were Marxists and lesbians. "Destroy the family and society will collapse," Lenin wrote. The same banking cartel that funded the Bolshevik Revolution and Hitler own the foundations and media that promote and finance feminism.
Women have been horribly duped by feminism and the cost to everyone has been horrendous. Family is the key to our identity, personal development and happiness. We can find direction, purpose and love by fulfilling our traditional family roles.
I am repeating myself and this is why I am pausing. I need to tend to my sources of inspiration. I want to thank my readers whose emails keep me going and the courageous web masters who perform an invaluable service to us all. They include Jeff Rense, David Icke, Uri Dowbenko, Gillian Armstrong, Robert at "Etherzone", Murray at "Push Hamburger", Nelson Thall, Rixon Steward and Paul Watson.
We have Truth on our side. Nothing is more powerful than Truth. I will continue to be a witness.
Henry Makow Ph.D. is the inventor of the board game Scruples and the author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." His past articles exposing feminism and the new world order can be found at his web site www.savethemales.ca He enjoys receiving comments at henryatsavethemales.ca
From Marilyn A. Guinnane
When Makow writes that, "We can find direction, purpose and love by fulfilling our traditional family roles," he implies that feminists are against family. But from my perspective that is sheer nonsense.
We ask for equality and that makes us anti-family? That makes us Lesbians?
Does anyone consider that women went to work, in the main, out of economic necessity? It wasn't to abandon motherhood! It wasn't to "compete" with men! Though since we did have to march into the workplace to help make ends meet, it became of paramount importance to us to earn an equal wage for equal tasks. It became of paramount importance to us to have a chance at that ring on the merry-go-round, too, and not just give men the shot. In addition, feminism was and is a movement whose time had come, Illuminati be hanged.
Ever try being subserviant, Jeff? I'm not standing on a soapbox here, no, not at all. I am in that courtroom arguing like a lawyer. Have you ever tried being a second class citizen? Had the door slammed in your face because you're a man? Ever been relegated to making coffee when you feel that you, too, have something to contribute? All the secretaries at the S.F. Lehman Brothers' office (stockbrokers) back in the sixties got licensed so that if push came to shove, i.e., their bosses were unreachable, they could execute a trade. Were they paid extra for this? I don't think so! Were they ever allowed to become stockbrokers themselves? Nosireebob. Can you even imagine such a scenario today? If I may borrow from a disgusting cigarette commercial, we've come a long way, baby.
I've noticed so many intelligent men marry dumb women, and then wonder why their kids turn out less than smart. But they marry these dummies because they want to wear the pants, they do not want 'the wife' to have any input, they want their little Stepford wives fawning all over them and acting like a puppydog when she puts an iddy biddy dent in the car. A woman doesn't have to be sexy to be a trophy wife, she only has to be beautiful and a little bit stupid. And let's not leave out shallow.
Who wants to destroy the family, for the love of God? Not me! Did I mention that I'm a feminist? I want families to go back to eating meals together, like we did in the fifties and sixties! We discussed politics at the dinner table in our house. My mother had a lot to say, too. She did not relinquish her opinion on anything because she was a woman. My dad was emphatically not the boss. But neither was my mom.
Makow is totally out of the loop. He thinks in terms of Ozzie & Harriet, which never existed, except in fantasy T.V. Women used to be, way too often, beaten unmercifully by their husbands, and they had no choice but to stay married, for to be a divorced woman was to brand oneself in a very negative way. He would cheat as well, and she'd have to look the other way, as divorce was all but unthinkable. This wasn't so long ago, either; oh no, back in the fifties you simply did not divorce. Just as your pregnancy was hidden as much as possible, and then you'd go into seclusion when you got 'too big'. Pregnancy was somehow regarded as obscene. Can you even imagine that line of thinking in today's world? Feminists put an end to it. We put an end to abuse being accepted, physical and emotional abuse by men, as well. I read Makow's opinion once, in that men simply had to stop beating women, had to stop cheating. Does the man live on Jupiter or what?
Yes, Henry, we should all be perfect. The world should be perfect. We should behave ourselves, every last one of us. But since that isn't the case, and since Ozzie and Harriet were works of pure fiction, let's talk reality. Women can get divorced now, and find their way in this world without a man to 'take care of her.' Because that old adage that a good man is hard to find couldn't be truer.
Try: next to impossible. Women aren't saints, but they are saints by comparison. Is this male bashing? You decide. Do men think or do they not think with their penises? I've had them TELL me that! Do they or do they not have a strong tendency to become violent? When I was eighteen my friend Diane moved in with me because she was eight months pregnant and her husband beat her up. There are stories like this to fill tomes! Just from the last decade, say.
William Styron wrote in one of his novels that any social movement that is destined to bring about great change always goes way too far before the pendulum restores equilibrium, (paraphrasing.) I'd be the first to admit that radical feminists have gone too far. But humanity has a way of reaching a balance, and the Illuminati are doomed to fail any way you slice it. Many things the Illuminists have started have backfired, including the New Age movement, and feminism will be added to the list one day, as well.
I noted with interest, by the way, Makow's omission of any women from his list of people to thank. 'Save the male,' really. Are men really such wusses that they cower before the all powerful female? Oh my, now that would be a switch. And if it is in fact the case, they need to get in touch with their masculinity and realize that it was all bluster, all show, all illusion at the outset. They need to become real men, and not men only because a blushing little feminine nincompoop follows ten paces behind and makes them feel like they are god so that the man can have few too many one day and wallop her a good one, just to 'keep her in her place.' So that the man can visit that mistress any time he feels like it, and 'the little woman' had better keep her mouth shut.
Do you want to know, blatant sexism still exists in Hollywood? A woman screenwriter would do well to change her name to George, ala Elliot. Oh yes. And if you're over thirty, you're over the hill. Time for the feminists to lambaste LA-LA Land.



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