A David Booth Prediction
From Ken Welch in Houston
David Booth, whoever he is, has certainly captured a lot of attention. Although they are apparently not bright enough to tell a convincing story, I think we should take it as a given that Booth and OTHERS wanted to get our attention and succeeded in a big way. Time, effort and money went into this project which means they have to be looking at a worthwhile payoff for their efforts. Consequently, let us assume there will be more to come regarding Planet X.
I hadn't paid much attention to Booth until the controversy erupted, so I don't know if he ever established who he was or what he does in the world. I gather that he is in Europe a lot so I did some browsing and found a David Booth listed as an editor for the Overseas Development Institute. He is associated with publications that deal with poverty programs in Africa - coincidentally the target of a decades long depopulation campaign by those who would be our global masters. The programs were used as stumbling blocks to slow down aid. Many of these Institutes and Foundations implement the globalist agenda while flying a false flag that implies their intentions are humanitarian.
I would really like this to be the guy. Why? This organization and others like it are generally linked to Davos, and the World Economic Forum. Some listeners will remember that this is the outfit that had the arrogance to put a lovely little chemtrail symbol on the website for their 1999 annual forum. Of course I have no idea if its the same man. If this isn't the David Booth we were listening to, it's an interesting coincidence.
Getting back to what I suggest we call The Great Planet X Hoax, I think it has a purpose and that its been successful so far. If you've looked into the various legends of cyclic disaster, you know that the time frame is wrong. Planet X, particularly, is not due during this lifetime nor for many more to come. Following the basic rule that the purpose is what was actually achieved, it seems the point was to get a specific target audience thinking about something that could really monopolize their attention.
Who was the target? Jeff's listeners are the best and the brightest - those with open but critical minds who recognize the key issues today and demand answers. They know that ordinary planes don't leave chemtrails and never have. They can view the picture-perfect controlled demolition of the World Trade Center, realize they've seen the identical process any time a big building has to come down, and know that an unspeakable evil has occured that has nothing to do with a handful of ex-CIA medieval tribesmen in Afghanistan.
They are the few who are still awake, so they are the ones who must be misdirected if you are running a big operation and don't want a lot of people analyzing it while it goes down. Booth is very fond of the art of misdirection, repeatedly telling us, "Don't watch the right hand!" Well, The Great Planet X Hoax is the right hand, put on the table so we won't pay attention to the left hand. I think the left hand will be the dramatic climax of the Chemtrail program which reached the five year mark last December 7th. If Planet X is to mask a Main Event as big as I suspect, and if the only goal at this stage of the hoax was simply to remind everyone of the Planet X story, then it follows that there must be more to come.
David Booth offered his story as prediction, so I will offer a PREDICTION as well. I'm sure you will grant me a little slack if some of the details are not perfect: On or about the first day of May the story will break that scientists using the orbiting Chandra X-Ray telescope have indeed located a mysterious body in space that seems to be headed our way. Oddly enough, it is in the worst possible place for good observation. Because it is coming up from below the solar system's orbital plane, it cannot be observed in the northern hemisphere. Even more bizarre, you can't see it in the southern hemisphere either because, well, darn it, the poor thing is just not visible at all! There will be an explanation for this that will be very creative but scientifically absurd. Still, this is why only Chandra can detect it. Later, of course, other government-connected observatories may report on it. Sadly, our planet's magnificent amateur astronomers, who often beat the pros in the discovery of new objects in the solar system, will be completely locked out of the process. After all, how can you see or photograph a truly invisible object? It will be the Emperor's New Clothes for modern times.
Despite this warning, many people are going to say, "Oh shit, that David Booth guy was right! We've got to do something fast!"
You KNOW how this is going to play out. There will be broad hints that the government knows much more about the object than it is telling. Key information is classified but we are given little clues that it is there. Someone who has the inside story is mysteriosly killed. An internet firestorm develops as people try to deduce the real truth from the tiniest clues. If the story cools, HAARP will be used to screw around with the weather. Our dedicated HAARP watchers will report on the high energy broadcasts, but they will be drowned out by people terrified of Planet X. At the end of it all, when we are told that it was a miss, we can be reminded that no government source ever officially said there was any danger.
Remember, you read it here first. The news before the news, you might say. My advice? Don't believe The Great Planet X Hoax for an instant. Instead, try to figure out what is missing from the simplistic pablum on Ready.GOV that you really need to know. Hint: The biological page would be a great place to start.
Ken Welch Houston



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