Why The Intentional
Cloud Cover? - CT Blanketed

By Marjorie Tietjen
Connecticut skies have NEVER been so cloudy. We are having weeks on end of total overcast and or rain.
I have been observing chemtrails for about 4 years now and have come to know the predictable weather patterns. Natural weather patterns should not be least not by an amateur weather observer such as myself. I usually can't predict how many days in a row will be cloudy and or rainy but I can predict how many "blue sky days" we are allowed in a row. The pattern has been 1 to 2 days of sun....usually only one day of total blue sky and if we are allowed any more sun, it is always hazed over by the jet emissions. After 1 to 2 days of partial sun...I say to myself, "well tomorrow will be cloudy and or rainy". Sure enough when I turn on the weather....that's exactly what's predicted.
Today, it was rainy and began to brighten up in the afternoon. I began to feel hopeful but when a small patch of blue sky began to appear 2 to 3 expanding jet trails were inserted into these areas that were clearing. I've seen this happen over and over again through the past couple of years. What are the chances that jets will always pass right through the blue sky area which is beginning to break up?
What is the purpose of this constant cloud cover? Is it to stunt the crops? Maybe because of the earth posssibly tilting, the sun is too close and too strong? Are the perpetrators just trying to keep an even level of some chemical in the atmosphere for military communications?
I've heard doubtful explanations that the cloud cover is to protect us from aerial biowarfare.
What seems to be happening if we look at the whole picture....clouds are formed by the jets in one area, the clouds move to another area and create torrential downpours and floods. I've read that there are different operations being conducted at every level of our atmosphere for different purposes. It is very difficult to tease it all apart.
But one thing I do know...the weather we are experiencing is NOT normal



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