'Next Time You See A Jew,
Bow And Kiss His Feet'

From Saul Matook
Dear Mr Rense
If you believe that the Jews, who are 0.002% of the total population, controll the world you are a fool.
If it is true, you are an even greater fool.
Next time you see a Jew, bow low and kiss his feet for you will be in the presence of a greater being.
Please come to Israel and find out.
Dear Saul,
If you have honestly listened to our program and read our site, you'll know that many Jews, around the world, are now aware how Israel, like the US, has been stolen by Zionists. In fact, we have received a vast number of emails from Jews thanking Mr. Rense for leading the criticism of Zionism. Of course, those people and all the Jewish writers and scholars and rabbis who support Mr. Rense and our site are 'self-hating', right? One Jewish woman wrote two days ago and said, as have many, that our site and program are the biggest friends HONEST Jews have. Suggest you read Jewish contributors like Lenni Brenner, Sherman Skolnick, Prof Norman Finkelstein, Israel Shamir, Uri Avnery, Dr. Henry Makow and many others. But they must all be 'self-hating' to write for us, yes? Zionists are hell-bent on controlling as much of the Western world as possible, and have been for centuries. They ARE brilliant and ruthless. There are, of course, Jewish zionists, Christian zionists, atheist zionists ...but the point is that of the 2% of the world population that are Jewish, there are far fewer Zionists. That many Zionists are Jewish is not the point. The fact is zionists and their Christian dupes have, without question, taken control of the US. The fact is Zionists set up the state of Israel and control it completely. The fact is Zionism sold out the Jews of Europe in WWII. Those are the FACTS Saul. While you will never agree with any of this, we thought we would at least make an effort to reply to your
From Jonathan Grossman
Rense, I don't want people to kiss my feet, I want them to kiss my big fat Jewish ass. Please publish this, so the world will know that kissing feet means nothing, kissing ass is what we want.
All Hail The Jewish Master Race
By Texe Marrs
Gene Research Shows Jews & Palestinians Almost Identical
"Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves."
If I asked you what group of people embrace a set of doctrines like this, what would your answer be? Most of you would probably answer, "The Nazis."
Today, in fact, it is Jews who make all these poisonous claims to racial superiority. No, not all the Jews. But, as I will document, a huge number of leaders among the Jews ascribe to these wicked and dangerous theories of racial and blood superiority.
No Basis for Peace
In his memoirs of his years in the White House, former President Jimmy Carter wrote that there could have been peace between the Arabs and the Israelis had it not been for the bigoted, Nazi-like racial views of Israeli's Prime Minister Menachem Begin.
Begin, Carter recalled, believed the Jews were a Master Race, a holy people superior to Egyptians and Arabs. Begin also believed that God wanted the Jews to own the land, so there was absolutely no basis for peace. The Jews lusted after the land and intended to have it. Period.
Jews a Totally Different Species?
Rabbi Mendel Schneerson, the late Jewish Lubavitcher and friend of the senior George Bush, also believed the Jews are a superior Master Race. Many Jews today agree with the late Rabbi. Some even believe that Schneerson will himself someday be resurrected and return as the Jewish World Messiah. Schneerson once explained his theory of Jewish racial superiority this way. He said, "We have a case of the Jew...a totally different species."
"The body of a Jewish person," Schneerson bragged, "is of a totally different quality from the body of members of all other nations of the world. Bodies of the Gentiles are in vain. An even greater difference is in regard to the soul...A non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness."
Holocaust activist Elie Wiesel, whose lies about his holocaust experiences seem to be legion, also claims that Jews are a superior race. "Everything about us is different," Wiesel boasts. "Jews are ontologically exceptional."
No Mixed Marriages for the Superior Race
This poisonous theory of the Jews impacts their relations with all other nations and peoples. Because they are convinced they are the Master Race, superior, god souls living amongst inferior beasts, Israel does not sanction or allow mixed marriages (The Jerusalem Report, October 20, 1994, p.26). In the U.S.A., liberal Jews scream out for more mixed marriages, but only among Gentiles! Jewish leaders fund civil rights organizations and are in favor of increased immigration of foreign races. But back home in Israel, the Sharon government is now building a Berlin-style wall creating an apartheid nation, to keep "inferior" Arabs in their segregated ghettos.
Ze'ev Chafeto, the courageous Jewish editor of The Jerusalem Report magazine, notes that Israeli laws harshly prohibit people of non-Jewish races from immigrating to Israel. The Jews are determined to keep their race "pure" and unblemished, just as the Nazis sought for the Aryans. Christians are especially not welcome, and Israelis frequently use words similar to the condescending slang word "nigger" to describe Christians and Gentiles÷vulgar, Yiddish slur words like "shiksa," "schwartze," and "shegetsz."
Since the Jews are claimed to be the Master Race, whose souls are said by the Talmud to be on a far higher plane than the animalistic, "satanic souls" of Gentiles, it is common for Jewish authorities to brand all Gentiles by the derogatory Yiddish term "goy," a term akin to a curse word. Meanwhile, Arabs are deemed so inferior they are even lower than the goy.
Jewish Blood vs. Inferior Blood
When several of his students were accused of murdering a teenage Arab girl, Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg insisted: "Jewish blood is not the same as the blood of a (Gentile) goy." In other words, if a god-like Jew kills an inferior goy, how can that be murder?
Israeli Yeshiva (school) students often demonstrate and chant, "Death to the Arabs." Defending their extreme behavior, Rabbi Ido Elba explains, "According to the Talmud (Jewish book of traditions), one may kill any Gentile." Rabbi Schlomo Aviner adds that normal human codes and laws of justice and righteousness do not apply to the Jews.
The widely studied Gush Emunim holds that, "Jews are not and cannot be a normal people...The Covenant made between God and the Jewish people effectively nullifies moral laws that bind normal nations."
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Comment ( with necessary interjections by James Neff )
From: H5941
I am responding to the letter from Saul calling you a fool for believing that 2% of the world (the Jews) are controlling the world. To this I make two observations. The first is that you spew anti-Jewish hate all the time. The second is that you spew anti-Christian hate as well. I am a Christian and I support the Jews and their right to a nation of their own...."
I am also a Christian, and I tell you now, you are in grave error believing that God, who cast them from the land as punishment, whom Jesus himself condemned (see the parable of the vineyard and husbandmen, Matthew 21:33) and said over them "I leave unto you your house desolate" (desolate: Godforsaken, without the Spirit, empty) has arbitrarily lifted his punishment from them and brought them back to their land; on the contrary, man has brought some back -- they are as Esau trying to buy back the birthright sold for a single meal. Though God will use this for his purpose, as always, it is not the 'rebirth' of Israel according to scripture! It is a counterfeit of the devil.
"Like Saul, I realize that the Jews are the Chosen people of God..."
The Apostle Paul declares in Romans that you are in error. For he plainly states it was never the children of the flesh (race) which were God's children, but the children of PROMISE -- that is, by faith. Likewise he says plainly, a Jew is not something outward in the flesh, as with circumcision (and certainly not race), but inward, by the circumcision of the heart, in the Spirit, toward faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Messiah. The "Jews" as a people ceased having any special function or meaning with the close of the First Covenant. Christ Jesus brought in a NEW Covenant -- and warned not to put old wine into new wineskins.
" I also know that as a Christian that I am engrafted into them by adoption."
No, you are grafted into the natural tree -- which is Christ Jesus. Not the Jews. Jesus is that natural tree... the true olive... you are a wild olive, grafted in by faith. The Jew was only recognized by Paul as being of the natural tree because they came first in God's plan for salvation, as Messiah was to be born a Jew, "for salvation is of the Jews," but the tree Paul speaks of is not Jewishness according to the flesh (race), but is Christ Himself. Paul already establishes that there is no preeminence for the Jew in God's eyes. The outworking of that plan resulted in Jesus Messiah, who removed all such differences and distinctions. "There is neither Jew nor greek, slave or free, male of female in Christ Jesus..." and "God is no respecter of persons." You are saying he IS a respecter of persons. So, either you or the Bible is lying. "Let God be true, and every man be found a liar." I'm afraid you lose.
Do you not realize that Abraham himself was a wild olive, and yet the Father of the Jews? Scripture declares it! For he was of Ur of the Chaldeans, and Paul teaches us that God reckoned righteousness (right standing with God) to Abraham for his faith, noting that he was made the father of the circumcision before he himself was even circumcised! Have you completely missed the manifold and wonderous mystery of God in Christ?!?!?!
"I believe the Jews to be superior to all other peoples by God's favor and promise. This is an act of God not genetics."
You can believe that all you want, but the Bible says you are in error and you have done precisely what the evil Jews did when Jesus came, and he upbraided them (as did his herald, John the Baptist) when they, too, thought that God had a race of men according to the flesh who are "chosen" and "special" and "superior"... but Jesus tore that house down forever, leaving it a haunt of the doctrines of devils. John the Baptist warned them not to puff themselves up and lay claim to Abraham as their father, saying that God could raise children of Abraham from stones! (ie, its no big deal being a Jew, you fools!) And Jesus told them flatly to their faces, "you are of your father the devil" for their racist/religious bigotry, for which God punished them so many times before -- as they did not carry out his will, but rather killed the prophets and stoned those sent to them. Jesus further told them, "Before Abraham was, I AM," revealing to them that their concept of superiority was ridiculous and he was their maker, and eternal, and superceded and preceded Abraham, showing Abraham/Jews held no speciality in the eyes of God. This is also why Jesus repeatedly pointed out the great faith of Samaritans, even Romans and other non-Jews saying, "No greater faith have I found in all Israel..."
"However, I believe Christians to be superior to all peoples also by an act of God."
Then you reject God's word flippantly for your own selfish, sin-natured desires, for it is written, "God is no respecter of persons," and "think not more highly of yourself than you ought" and "For God has made all men of one blood" -- the Word does not teach that Christians are in any way superior to any other people on earth! Where is your Christian humility? But for the grace of God, you stand. That grace does not make you superior.
"Christians are not as the humans that inhabit the Earth. The people who inhabit the Earth are of the old Adamic race which was condemned to perish by God for rebellion. They are all slaves to Satan who bids them at his will. Christians are free and are inheritors of the present world and the new earth to come."
We may be the children of inheritance (for Christ inherited all things, and we are joint heirs with Christ), but you're premise is racist at best -- beginning with Jews and worse, expanding beyond natural racism to this unbiblical view of Christians related to other peoples on the planet -- a supernatural racism. This is not what Jesus taught or intended. A Christian is not born, but is made -- a Christian is manifest by God, through conversion. So, every Christian was of that "adamic race" condemned to perish, as you put it, and has been transformed by the Spirit to redemption and salvation, but not here and now and not seen, "For why does a man hope for that which he already sees?" No, we simply stand in hope of the revelation of the Sons of God to glory, according to the promise. We are not superior, neither have we been left to dominate or rule this world in any way, shape or form -- but in this sense only: that we be the salt of the earth, the preservational force of God's ways and truths, as ambassadors of Christ and his light to all men everywhere. Feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the infirmed and delivering to all who have ears with which to hear the glorious "Good News" of Jesus Christ, who has overcome death and hell and offers eternal life by grace through faith.
"When Christ comes back to Earth, (and He will)..."
amen, "even so, come, Lord Jesus"
"... the Jewish peoples will recognize and worship Him as King and Lord and shall be saved."
Some of them will. You need to read Zechariah chapters 12-14. It clearly states that God will kill 2/3 of them in the land of Israel just before the Second Coming, and spare a third, whom he will try by fire, and rescue according to his loving kindness, and mercy -- a special remnant from among the Jews. Thus, "all Israel shall be saved," -- but remember, "not all Israel is Israel," for it is not the people of the flesh (race) who are esteemed by God, but the people of the promise (in accordance with faith), who are elect before God, according to his will and purpose "that his decision might stand."
"We Christians who presently and earnestly expect his soon return will meet him when He comes and shall rule with Him from Jerusalem in glory."
"But all the other peoples of the world will be caught and brought before God who shall pronounce their sentence upon them and they shall be punished and banished to a fiery place forever where there is no place to set one's foot."
This is entirely wrong! Again, read Zechariah 12-14, and you will see that there will be those who survive the last days from among the nations of the world, and the second coming (for not all are enemies of God and of his Christ, and yet not all will have come to know Him as we know Him at this time) -- the other prophets likewise tell us that they will be taught of the Lord; He will judge the nations in righteousness, but this is NOT the final judgement! There is a kingdom and world to be ruled by Christ and his saints. This world will be populated by those people who survive (for Jesus himself said he would put a stop to the very end of the world: "For unless those days were cut short, there would be no flesh left alive, but for the sake of the elect, those days have been cut short."). The survivors, Zechariah tells us, will go up to Jerusalem every year to worship the Lord, or rain will not be sent upon their lands. Doesn't sound like people living in a fiery hell where there's no place for one's feet!
"Right now you guys..."
Us guys?????
"... are running the world and for a time you'll have it your way. And the Adamic races of this world shall hate and persecute and even kill the superior races of the Jews and Christians to attempt to rid the Earth of their presence."
Ahh, I see. We're the evil Adamic mudrace sluggards. And you make this judgment from a great distance and with great assumptions. You should be ashamed for this racist doctrine you've embraced. To use Jesus Christ to justify your racism is as wicked as the sin of the Jews, who used Abraham to justify their ridiculous claims to racial superiority and speciality with God. For this they were severely punished.
The Lord rebuke you!



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