Iraq And Afghanistan -
Punitive Wars & Mass Torture

By Neal Perrochet
To be considered -
Suggested study of Roman Imperialism and correlative analysis of present Euro/American crusade in Afghanistan and Iraq. These are classic punitive wars on the Roman model as opposed to wars of initial conquest.
The aim of such wars against populations of client states who have either rebelled outright, refused to follow imperial edicts or not paid tribute are severe.
We enlist a policy of destruction specfically aimed at non-combatants to drive the regions targeted into utter submission and to create an example for the rest to learn from. Killing of women and children, rape and the humiliation of men unable to protect their loved ones is a key element of this strategy. Witness Palestine and various proxy wars in Africa.
A microcosm of punitive war is played out daily by petty racketeers on the mean streets of the world's mega cities where organized crime - hint - extorts obedience through the proverbial brick throught the window or shot up establishment. Often much worse, but nothing near as wretched as the wholesale slaughter and torture inflicted by law abiding, official nation states in punitive wars.
It is curious the outrage over the modest torture in the prison protocols of the British/American Empire compared with the torture of women and children in this, a punitive war. A man terrorized by a dog is worthy of international outrage and condemnation, while an Iraqi or Afghani child, its guts blown out, scorched, not dead, half buried in rubble and partly crushed, conscious, its mother only centimeters away in equally bad condition, slowly dying together in a claustraphobic nightmare, the horrified husband digging fruitlessly with bloodied hands through the wrecked concrete, hearing their cries........this is not torture? It is planned torture in a punitive war.
Our definitions and priorities are strangely skewed when it comes to "torture". The sanctions were imeasurably more despicable as a means of torture against women and children than the naughty pictures shown on TV. Let us not forget the role of the official left's much ballyhooed United Nations in the sinister and repulsive sanctions.
The current vote of the security council validating the US/European invasion of Iraq , after our country has disgraced itself and sent the treasury into the abyss over this manipulation, is telltale to all who still idealize the U.N. Not to say there aren't some very fine people and programs there, But..........
I heard a pundit on the radio discussing "France and Germany Together", the joint declaration of each country's respective ambassadors to the U.S. just prior to the invasion of Iraq. . I have been trying to discuss the new Franco German alliance in terms of the present horror show with any number of parties who would care to listen and was relieved to hear it mentioned in terms of expansionist policies of the E.U.with the USA called upon as a great friend and supporter. I suggest that it is part and parcel of the recolonization of former European and American territories through instruments like the U.N., despite protestations of the non-aligned countries not on the security council.
Our troops are Dragoons, mercenaries, commonwealth soldiers. Same as it's ever been.
There are no innocents in this among the "great powers", only manipulation and squabbling over the spoils. The people in France and Germany are O.K, they want us to stop and listen to their reason. After the security council vote, they must also realize the larger picture and the futility of nationalistic pride and outrage over "bad America".
As for 911, the pretext for both invasions, the whole picture is not nearly at hand, yet.
One hears with some consternation the eastern establishment official left constantly harping on the U.S. this and George Bush that blame game, without much clue to the larger picture. In fairness, they try, but not too hard.
At this point, what rational thinking person could look at the President and think that this pathetic, pitiable individual is responsible for this intricately scripted puntive war ?
I have asked that the kind reader study the Roman model of punitive war not as an idle history lesson, but to suggest that these strategems of power have stayed intact a great many years. Why decry Bush! Is it really Bush, the bad man, who "stupidly" embarked on an "illconceived and reckless foreign policy that must be corrected by more moderate politicians?" What folly. Banking and Finance Capitalism, Insurance ,the Maritime and Aerospace Transport Industries, Oil and Mining would be better objects of scrutiny. At least on one level, that is.
Ah, but it is so much easier to blame the king.....the king is a fink! down with the king! Sacrifice Mr. Expendable!
Suggested positive action rather than one day party protests and sloganeering:
Adjust your lifestyle, do not engage in mass production and consumption, destroy your TV. Try now and then to gently and respectfully alert those who do not agree with you to new information revealing much of what is relayed on this informative web site (thank you, Jeff).
Transitory labels such as "liberal" or "conservative" and various other forms of name calling are unproductive. The cause of Liberty and Justice involves hard work. Internet voyeur addiction to chicken little scenarios and smug self gratification involving end of the world predictions can be perversely entertaining, but are no substitute for positive action.
Consequently, we should scrutinize ourselves also and not necessarily heap all blame on the captains of industry and the "evil" bankers. Our fundamental change towards a healthier, sustainable lifestyle, physically and mentally, will prevent infestation of parasites that need a weak host to infect. A contributor to this web site, a Mr. Krakow, has suggested this. Mr. Rense, that inveterate health nut, seems to suggest the same good sense as well.
Voting in rigged elections for tweedledum or tweedledee and a new and improved "great leader" indicates failure mode in progress for what is left of the citizen Republic.
Those kids who sit in old redwood trees, wear funky clothes, grow their own quality food and try to say nice things to people, there's a start.....



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