1000 Days of
Continuous Cover-Up
By Daniel Hopsicker
The 9/11 Commission's report of Mohamed Atta's final days does not match what's already on the record. See:
June 26--Exactly 1000 days after hijacked airliners crashed into the World Trade Center the American people finally heard public testimony, during the final hearings of the 9/11 Commission last week in Washington, D.C., about the plot that took nearly 3000 lives.
It wasn't worth the wait.
"9/11: the Plot" was the subject of a day-long hearing on what were supposed to be the specifics of the conspiracy. But the distortions, inaccuracies, omissions, and evasions offered during the session suggests that the real 9/11 plot involves efforts by the FBI to keep the American people in the dark, for whatever reason, about the facts of the attack.
Still, the trickle of new evidence released cleared up several questions and 'conspiracy theories' which some found compelling: the notion that there weren't any Arab hijackers on the planes (the dread Remote Controllers); and the suspicion that a NORAD stand-down had allowed the attack to succeed.
But staff and FBI testimony also created a major new mystery: Why doesn't the account given by FBI and staff investigators about the final days of the terrorist conspiracy match what's already on the public record?

The discrepancies, to no one's surprise, call into question the credibility of the FBI's basic chronology of the terrorist conspiracy.

Bottom line: there's hard physical evidence to prove that something is very wrong with the only official explanation the American people are ever likely to get.

The MadCowMorningNews
"When Matt & Katie aren't enough."
READ A BOOK YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO: "Welcome to TerrorLand!: Mohamed Atta & the 9/11 cover-up in Florida."



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