Kerry Will Win - But So What?
By Tim Kugel
A few reasons -
1. Fait accompli theory: Bush invades and takes oil; Kerry "moves on" and begins draft or "exit plan" (holding strategy like "peace process" or "road map"). Bush's job is over. Well done, sir.
2. Historical - elections of 1824 and 1876 show examples and reasons of why the winner of the contested electoral victory lose in a re election
3. Bush wants out to deal weapons like pop. Well, wouldn't you? Everyone around him is as venal.
4. The public is far to the "left" of the polls--and the elections. Add the 2000 Nader and Gore vote totals, plus the non-votes who are liberal. That is the majority. The mass hysteria and election spin notwithstanding, the public now sees through the Republican Big Lie and may soon distrust the Democrats as much--but not yet.
5. Bush has exposed too much seamy garbage (not just torture, and industrial corruption) and IS also a deeply flawed man who will be removed by "Washington" and other big players. Mike Ruppert has written about this for more than a year on Bush has humiliated the country, helped bankrupt it, shown a light on Halliburton and Enron level corruption, and disappointed Wall Street. He has devalued the trust of the American people in their government to new unexpected low levels (the internet is also responsible for this). His personality is very suspect.
a. He has a 'daddy complex' - see Maureen Dowd's new book, "Bushworld"
b. He suffered addictions - alcohol, drug - which show inherent instability
c. He evidently cannot study complexities without defaulting to religious "instinct"
The flaws in Bush are as destructive as the flaws in Saddam Hussein or perhaps reminiscent of Hitler or Stalin.
6. The rules of politics say Dems can more easily screw the public, Israel, those needing health care, etc. "Only Nixon could go to China." This is what is coming: erosion or loss of Social Security, Medicare, environment, etc. Also spying on U.S. citizenry with new Patriot Act powers, and more militarism. Ergo, Dems must take control.
7. Division in the country is being externally caused and internally caused. Don't believe all of it: remember Lincoln's "You can fool some of the People some of the time..." comment. The media and the DNC/RNC want this to be a rigged, 2 party game. But achieving a divided America doesn't mean no winner, or stasis...just that no 3rd party takes hold and power.
8. Many big players (GE) want Kerry - big media plays along. Media is already against Bush. The "horse race" will suffice for entertainment and distracting the public - the outcome is known already.
9. The selfish public can't handle reality and blame politicians. Incumbent (and in my opinion, House and Senate Republicans, too) loses.
10. The U.S. economic and political system is breaking down; political unrest follows...consider the USSR after Breshnev. One term Presidents are the norm. America thrashes.
11. War is unpopular...there will be no rally for this war. This is not W.W.I. There is no shared sacrifice. There are no billboards advertising the honor or service in Iraq.
12. Economic collapse is unpopular, and transition from an oil economy. Guess which party will suffer worse?
13. The Southern lock is over; bubba's been had. The coalition was based on racism and evangelism, and they are fading as the glue for the Republican South. The vets have been had. The Southern white man has been had. Everybody is mad.
The search for a new realignment is upon us. Kevin Phillips would no doubt agree. Pundits say the jewish vote is in play. Politics is involved in immigration as well.
Focus groups are very accurate. 2004 is over. But don't look for improvement from Kerry. The same cabal is in charge, they are just switching the deck chairs.
Don't tell Bush, though.



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