More Animal Mutiliations
In Puerto Rico
From Scott Corrales
Institute Of Hispanic Ufology
Source: Jose A. Martinez and Reinaldo Rios
August 28, 2004
In the early morning hours of Saturday, August 28 2004, members of the MarÌn family of the Brisas del Caribe sector of the city of Ponce were shocked to find the ducks they raised in their back yard slain by an unknown assailant. The family's youngest son, in charge of feeding the animals, made the sad discovery. When asked if any noise had been heard, we were told that neighboring dogs had been restless, including the MarÌn family's own dog. The Marins beleive that perhaps all of the animals were attacked, since they had gone off to the San Juan Airport at the time and upon their return, were faced with their son's bad news about the animals.
The animals in questions present a number of puncture marks near the tail , where their genitalia is located. One of the ducks was decapitated; another had its head and bill shattered. A third one survived the massacre but was wounded in one of its thighs; the puncture mark was barely noticeable, but we saw that the animal had some trouble walking and we examined it, making the corresponding note.
We return to the similarities we had observed earlier in all mutilations: a densely wooded environment and the most significant factor, that it was a night of full moon. This is an unwavering factor in the Puerto Rican mutilation cases. It is important that researchers looking into these situations take this circumstance into account and compile their own databases on mutilations and the phases of the moon.
We interviewed the MarÌn family and asked if similar [attacks] had occured earlier. We were told that yes, a neighbor's rabbits had been slain by an unknown quantity the previous year. We asked if there were other neighbors aside from that one and were told that indeed, other local residents had had their animals killed.
We asked Mr. Bruno MarÌn if he had seen strange lights in the area. He told us that a few years ago, lights and saucer-shaped objects were seen over the area. Apparently, from what MarÌn tells us, [his area] is a UFO hot-spot. We checked out the animals with our own equipment and they were found to be free from any hazardous, radioactive or toxic contaminantes.
The photos taken in the mutilation area will be shown later on.
The MarÌn family did not inform the police about the case, and we therefore only have the eyewitness accounts and photos taken at the scene of the attacks. Prints were found on a wooden panel which are assumed to belong to the perpetrator, but they were ambiguous.
JosÈ a. Martinez EchevarrÌa
Puertorican Research Groups
Investigador de campo
Reinaldo RÌos
Translation (c) 2004. Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology (IHU).



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