Spheres At Night -- Objects
In The Trails?

By Brenda Livingston
For background information see:
"What Are Those Objects In The Trails? Part I"
The question before us in the following paper challenges many researchers but begs closer investigation and research:
Are some the spherical objects seen by many witnesses at night the same spherical objects witnessed during the daylight hours -- moving out of persistent contrails or "chemtrails"?
With more and more credible sightings, videography and analysis of both day and night spherical objects... the answer to this question may be just before our eyes...
Objects in Living Color?
In Rick Moor's photographs of a persistent contrail ("chemtrail") being formed (see one can see upon enlargement that there are multiple colors within this PC. One can clearly see blues, yellows, greens, purples, etc. and various distinct objects throughout the trail. While much of what is photographed shows a dark brownish object occupying a position on either side or the perimeter of a large white spherical object, many times either the brownish object becomes a color or the same positions are occupied by red or blue or yellow smaller spheroidal objects.
These colors appear to stream from the location where the dark object joins the white... and continues to stream outward from this area after a dark object leaves its position or flies off into the sky. This color 'stream' seems to flow at times across the white object and into the atmosphere (usually seen with individual dark/white combos).
It appears that these color 'streams' may be emanating from the different color (at least showing as separate from the dark or black objects) objects that appear to attach to the larger white objects. These red, blue and yellow objects are generally the same size and shape as the dark objects on photographs of clusters -- but may vary in size according to other close to ground level shots.
The colors can combine-- red and blue to become purple and yellow and blue to become green, etc., as the 'flows' move out around the cluster or combo object. These colors (chemicals) may account for the oily prism or colorful sheens of the PC "clouds" resulting from the spreading of persistent contrails across the skies.
Often the dark objects are producing a red 'flow' (or even appear slightly reddish at times) thus it is not completely clear as to whether the dark objects can change their color or these color objects are separate objects from the dark ones. It is interesting to note that the objects 'attached' to glowing spherical objects at night appear as reddish similarly shaped objects.
Some reports and accompanying photographs show a single object moving from or through a persistent contrail that exhibits a changing appearance... appearing as a bright object looking like a 'star' to a white cloudy object to one with flares or colors. At times several objects will be present and exhibit one of these attributes or even a bright red color.
Flaring Objects-- Heat & Light On examination of dark and white combos and combo clusters -- using various filters including those that reveal heat and cold temperatures of distance objects -- one thing remains consistent. The core of the larger white objects is cold while the dark objects range from ambient temperatures to very hot -- seeming to be in flames at certain points while attached to the white objects. Comparison of the sizes of the cold cores of the white objects and the dark objects show these to be similar in size.
In some images which reveal the heat of the dark objects and cold of the white object's core -- reveal what looks like a flame surrounding the dark objects...the white objects adjacent to them maintaining their cold core and the substance surrounding them remaining at background temperatures. This suggests that both objects can withstand heat and not be consumed by the heat and flames generated by the dark objects.
While the dark objects have not (as yet) been photographed releasing colors or flaring up or producing a bright light on their own, when it combination with the larger white objects or in amorphous looking clusters of several of these objects, (see ) the dark objects are very active. As they move about on the perimeter of the larger white object, a chemical reaction seems to take place which does produce both heat and light.
Witnesses to "chains" (rows of the "combo" objects) or the more amorphous "clusters" report seeing what appear to be dark objects embedded within a larger white time appearing dark...other times appearing reddish or white. (This is best explained as the rolling and rotating movement of the objects about one another.
Another witnessed event is when the "cluster" of combo dark/white objects suddenly flash a bright light outward from the "cluster". This light may appear either reddish or white. Anthony Woods and his brother-in-law reported seeing one of the clusters in Woods' film "My Journey" periodically flash out a "bright white light" as it moved through the sky overhead.
Besides what appears to be 'ionization' around the "clusters" -- a slightly glowing layer can be distinquished from the mass it some video captures and stills. This must be distinguished from the substance or material of the white objects and the apparent energy fields surrounding the dark objects.
At times it appears that particulate or "plasma" may be falling away or trailing behind both the dark and white objects as they move around one another in a cluster or as the dark objects "buzz" (move quickly around) one another as can be seen in the Monterry Mexico news videos of dark objects witnessed by 15 on the ground and a pilot from the air (see ).
In any case-- where there is heat, flare, flame and light in the daylight hour... would follow that there may indeed be a "Glow In the Dark"...
On occasion, one can see "chemtrails" or "persistent contrails" (PCs) at night although certainly not as often as in the daylight hours. At times, one might see the blinking lights of aircraft in front of trails at night. At other times witnesses have reported seeing either nothing at all in front of a trail -- or a whitish-golden spherical object appearing to create these long lasting "night-trails".
During some of these sightings of nightime PCs, the trails appear to also glow...looking almost phosphorescent or luminous...and with an orangish glow about the outer edges of the trail. These night trails seem to follow the same patterns as the daytime though not appearing in the skies as often and certainly not as many crossing the skies at one time.
A barely perceptible glow within the contrail can be seen from afar and as the camera zooms in, one can see moving masses of low light and occasional small lights. Studies are now underway to take infrared photographs of day and night time persistent contrails to reveal heat within and around PCs and of any associated objects.
While there are very few videos of objects appearing within the trails at night, there are many accounts of these objects shining brightly as if a 'star' and moving through persistent contrails during the daytime...and at least one video taken with night vision showing anomalous lights within PCs.
It could be that these bright 'stars' witnessed in the daylight moving through and out of the PCs are the objects "flaring up"... and may account for some of the spherical objects witnessed and photographed hovering or moving overhead at night. A number of witnesses over time have reported seeing spherical/spheroidal objects at night...some seeming a a great distance traversing the night sky...others moving at low altitude...some witnessed at ground level. Some are directly associated with persistent contrails and others witnesses on nights with no trails in sight.
The 'Nightflyers'
These bright objects appear as "stars" moving at high altitudes across the skies. Traveling much slower than meteors and most not presenting any tails or trails. What differentiates these objects from satellites is that these whitish-golden spheres may appear in pairs moving parallel to one another, may cross paths, may slow down and hover, may 'flash' in the night sky and may dim on occasion.... and can be seen late into the night...long after midnight. (see for a report describing an episode of lights that flashed while stationary then moved on as a 'nightflyer')
Another extraordinary sighting of flashing spheres took place on September 7, 2001 near Lewisville Lake north of Dallas Texas:
I was out about 9:30 pm watching the skies with binoculars looking at the stars when a most extraordinary sight came into view. Moving from the south was a group of flashing spherical shaped lights -- looking more piercing in intensity and more golden than the stars and probably no more than 2000 feet in altitude. They appeared to stay in relatively the same location in relation to one another in no recognizable pattern and but seemed to flash in a rhythmic pattern. Remaining in a group they stopped and hovered overhead for several minutes then proceeded to move NNE very slowly continuing this flashing pattern... until I could no longer see them in the distance.
Many persons have reported seeing groups of spherical objects in fairly tight clusters -- not appearing to be in any particular formation and sometimes moving about one another within this grouping. Several reports (including one from an astronomer witnessing something very unexpected crossing the skies) indicate that an amorphous haze or material encased or surrounded these groupings.
Multiple Objects At Night
One rather extraordinary sighting took place by a woman in the UK on the night of Jan 17, 2003:
"Last night went shopping arriving home about ten past eight. I was looking up at the moon and thinking of putting my crystals out. I noticed a small star close and behing a larger one, then I noticed they were both moving, and realized what they were, then saw another larger one in front of the other, and another small one in front of that. I mentioned to my husband how close they were, then looked up again, there were a lot more....without moving my head I counted twenty all moving from west to east... All very high, so high you could not hear them..."
This is very reminescent of the daytime sights of multiple spherical objects witnessed and filmed over the UK by Anthony Woods and the "fleet footage" taken in the skies over Mexico on numerous occasions. See Multiple Objects)
Lights Over Mt. Popo/Mexico
Videos and photos of stationary or slow-moving spherical objects at night often show a orange to reddish glow emanating from the objects. A video taken at Mt. Popocatepl in Mexico shows a larger spherical object with several smaller objects along its perimeter...the central object glowing a whitish-gold and the smaller spheroidal objects also glowing... a deeper orange glow. (see Other videos in that area show bright lights with apparent movement (see
This is significant because of the size, shape and position of the smaller spheroids along the perimeter of a larger lighter colored spherical object. This correlates with the position and appearance of the "dark objects" attached to the larger white objects seen and filmed during the daylight hours.
It is important to note that the objects seen and videotaped only on FLIR by the Mexican Air Force (see: ) were larger spherical objects with smaller dark objects moving about them (note the smaller objects apparently 'attached' below the main objects in #5 and on each side in #8). The infrared is showing heat emanating primarily from the larger lighter colored objects and those smaller objects 'attached' that were following and surrounding the aircraft.
In comparing the videos from a government cameras and a whole host of other independently shot videos and photos, it is becoming all too apparent that the PC/CT related objects (which also appear as trailmakers themselves -- see can emit light during the day and a possibly produce a glow at night.
It is entirely possible that the orange to red flare of the dark objects heating up (as illustrated in the heat studies of the clustered objects mentioned above) account for at least part of this 'night glow'...the rest perhaps an electrochemical interaction of the white object's material and 'ionization'.
The Phoenix Lights
Many witnesses with excellent photographs and videos have reported seeing red or orange or whitish-gold spherical or spheroidal objects over the years. Reports of smaller reddish objects moving away from white objects are common...most often a single red light in the sky. More recently, groups of spheroidal shaped objects have been captured on video hovering silently or moving slowing across the sky. These may be the same color or vary in shades of orange, yellow, red or in some cases white or blue. (see for some interesting captures and photographs)
These objects may glow for a time and then gradually or suddenly 'wink out' or no longer be visible to the human eye. Some spherical objects are reported to gently fade as if "an inner light is dimmed"... or fade out from one side to the other.
Groups of these lights may in synchronistically wink out "one by one". Dr. Lynne Kitei in her book "The Phoenix Lights" reported this kind of activity above Phoenix Arizona. Most interesting about Dr. Kitei's book and website are the photographs and video captures from not on March 13, 1997 but on other nights and years as well.
Dr. Kitei's photograph presented on her website ( taken on October 10, 2001 over Phoenix appears to show several golden-white spherical shaped light lined up in a row remeniscent of those films so widely distributed in March of 1997. What stands out about this photograph is that the glowing center cores appear to be surrounded by a deeper orangish glow. And if one looks closely, there seems to be areas on either side of the larger white-gold central object that holds smaller deep orange spheroidal objects. Further analysis of this photo will be required to confirm this possibility.
Recent videos taken by other witnesses in the Phoenix area appear to show several glowing spheroidal shaped objects emitting varying colors of light... ranging from red to green to blue, etc. On closer examination, these "lights" seem to possess a lighter spherical core... with dark areas on either side of this core. Although this video requires further examination by image experts (which the photographer states is underway), this shot presents a very intriguing possibility that these "lights" are indeed dark/white "combos" related to certain persistent contrails!
Lights In 'Substance'
As one views the videos of 'strings of light' crossing at fairly low altitudes (1500 feet or less for many)-- it become apparent that the globes are moving in unison but with separate movements. At times they are in straight allignment and other times appear in a chevron or 'arrow' shaped formation. (see: )
This is comparable to the 'trains' of shifting objects within a gaseous substance witnessed during the day.(see ) In the Mexican Air Force FLIR videos, it certainly appears as though a horizontal 'train' of objects within the gaseous substance is in the left background of the first capture at
The following are witness accounts of what appeared as strings of lights within a glowing amorphous substance:
On January 18, 2004 small, circular objects floating in a chevron pattern (12 formations total) were spotted moving in a NNE direction over the Lakewood, CO area.
"I witnessed the first shape flying in NNE direction. It appeared to be approx. 50 ball-shaped objects floating in a chevron pattern. They were about 500-800 ft. in the air and going at a rapid speed. I called my husband out to see it and within a minute, we saw another object, but sightly shorter follow the same path. Over a period, we witnessed a total of twelve in all. The objects appeared to be lit, but it is unclear whether they were just reflecting the light fron the ground. They all followed the same flight path and never moved out of the chevron shape although a few would lag back for a second or two. There usually about 30-40 balls per string."
I personally witness a similar event overhead in October of 2001. As I was standing outside north of Dallas Texas doing some skywatching on a very clear crisp binoculars were suddenly filled with a number of spherical objects moving fairly rapidly from north to south. The objects appeared to be the size of small aircraft and were flying overhead with a low glow at approximately 1000 feet or less in a straggled but chevron like formation. What was extraordinary about these objects was the amorphous appearing substance between them and around them... connecting them. This substance was slightly opaque and also had a slight glow. These were not bright objects but the sight was quite striking.
Trails at night -- though not sighted as often as the daytime trails -- often exhibit a 'luminous' glow with an orangish tinge at times. This description corresponds well with the descriptions of persistent contrails or 'chemtrails' during the day... with the white material luminescing white at night and the dark objects lining the PCs glowing orange (as illustrated in muliple night photos and video of heat flares during the daytime).
Daytime sightings and videotapes of the dark and white objects associated with persistent contrails can (though certainly not always) exhibit heat and light... ranging from a small amount (low glow) to very bright (an intensity similar to that of a star). Many sightings and now photos/videotapes of spherical objects at night exhibit similar attributes-- light, motion, color and the juxtaposition of smaller objects to larger spheres -- as those seen in and moving out of some persistent contrails.
Both those spherical objects seen at night and during the daytime hours are often over the same areas during the same time period and repeatedly spotted in an area for several days.
At this point a study is needed to correlate the sightings of persistent contrails with these particular objects during the day and night... and more infrared photos or filming of objects within PCs are encouraged.
It is my hope that those observing and videotaping spherical objects will note whether spherical objects (within or separate from a group or cluster) are associated with persistent contrails or if there have been any PCs in the area recently.
As time goes on and more revealing videos and photographed are shared, we now may be on the brink of connecting the spheres of the day and night... and claiming a more bountiful knowledge and awareness of those mysterious objects occupying both our day and night skies...
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