Police Tell Journalists To
Leave Najaf Or Be Shot
By Jerry L. Gardner
The above headline frightens me more than war.
The major difference between truth and lies, or surreptitious (mercenary) activities conducted in the process of a covert action (war/provoked or unprovoked attack) on another nation, is that truth NEVER has to hide under a cloak of darkness, or be suppressed. Did you ever notice that "evil" such as adultery, robbery, drug and alcohol problems, murder (in most cases), political wrong doings, and most other crimes are always conducted under cover of darkness, or possibly behind closed doors? How many bars or night clubs are well lighted and open to scrutiny? Deceptive works such as congress hiding unwanted, anti religious or bills which promote immorality (unlikely to be accepted or approved of by the public at large if made public) in legitimate bills and passing them, thereby "suckering" Americans, another form of deceit and lying? Lying seems to be a way of life in America today, our own government teaches us by their actions to lie. Even the bible (this is for the believer only, obviously), the source of all truth because we must have a standard, a benchmark of truth, is being removed from our court rooms because we deny there is a higher power to swear to or by, this takes the brakes off of lying at the government level. If we should leave the bible, or Ten Commandments in a public place of prominence, then it is much like a mirror we must look into and see the failed, wretched reflections of ourselves, and we will not permit that, we refuse to accept an authority greater than ourselves, again, the works of darkness hates light, but thankfully, light exposes all darkness eventually. One small match (bit of truth) will dispel a wide area of darkness (lies).
As an indicator of how far down the moral ladder we have fallen in America with cheating and lies, the following just happened in my area. A group of police candidates were caught cheating in their exams taken to become police officers, entrusted servants of the public. Not only did they receive simply a slap on the wrist and permitted to go on, the local city commission justified their lies and cheating and the local chief of police of this large south eastern city refused to take action against them and also refused to answer to the city commission from my personal observation of the account. How are things in your city? Probably fine but based on lies. Good teaching for our children, our future leaders. Monkey see, monkey do.
Today, with the removal of the higher power (God) from our lives (again, for believers only of course), if we swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth in a court of law, then to whom are we swearing? Man? Man, who's father (Satan) is the father of lies? Even the judge we are swearing before is most likely highly questionable as to his/her moral codes and truthfulness, all likely liars. As far as lawyers, officers of the court, well, I won't even go there. Truth is based on a belief system, a system of honor, a religious or divine state of mind, a mind which transcends earthly boundaries and perceptions through the spirit of God, a mind which believes there will be a higher and greater consequence for our deceiving mankind and ourselves. Without such a belief system chaos rules. Who are we kidding? What is man but a failed entity himself? Check man's record, six thousand years of blunders and destruction, not too impressive. A world of great paradox, man builds magnificent cities, then fills them with depravity and evil, death and destruction and eventually destroys his prized creations himself. Man builds a world made up of lies, hatred, killing, greed, lust, adultery and every other conceivable despotic failure throughout history in an attempt at being his own god. Don't think so? Then pick up a daily news paper and read it. Most individuals will lie to you today before they would tell you the truth. If a man tells you he will meet you at a certain time and at a certain place today, you had better bring a lunch because likely you will be alone and will be lucky if he shows at all. Right away we laugh when a politician says, "Read my lips," it has become a national joke, current material for all night time TV stand up comics, we already know they (politicians) are lying before they begin to speak. The old joke, "How can you tell if a politician is lying?" Answer: "See if their lips are moving." Well, I submit to you that lying is not a joke. Lying causes much pain, heartache and destruction, and many ruined lives. For our leaders to prevent our (any) news correspondents from witnessing and reporting the truth in any situation is both tyrannical and will end in our self destruction as a nation. This is why I am personally so disturbed at the above headline and recent news to intimidate and scare off news reporters, especially at national conventions and military operations in war time. Conventions belong to us! National politics belong to us! We pay for their fun and good times. A very dangerous precedent, obscuring truth, denying the free press. We must work while it is light, the night comes when no free man can work. The very first red flag (no pun intended on "red flag") that should pop up when news is denied or suppressed is, what does Washington have to hide from the people? The first move Hitler made to control Germany was to censor the news and create his own version of news, this is evident in all socialist and communistic countries, the pattern is obvious to any who discern. As was indicated in Orwell's book 1984, Big Brother created and initiated the news 'he" and he alone authorized, such as, a thriving economy, when things were really horrible, full employment, when most who could work, worked for the state, and on and on, the news as "they" wanted it told, while the workers ate soy cakes and lived in government housing, continually watched by government appointed spies and informers, with no private lives at all, subservient to the state. This is the end result of lies and suppression of real news.The free press is our last bastion of hope for a continued free society, as they said in Ghost Busters (when our free press is gone), "Who are you gonna call?" When truth dies, all we have left is the lie and the lie ends in death (servitude) for all.
Debauchery loves stealth and darkness, it thrives on it. Truth will stand the test of time and functions best in the light, because truth is light, while lies must be built upon and protected until damage control is no longer possible and ultimate ruin for the liar is made manifest. The "lie" WILL be made manifest in due time, be sure your sin(s) will find you out, but the destruction caused may be permanent! Not even a basic marriage can last based on a lie. We in America WILL pay for the deceit and lies of our leaders, we, each one of us, are ultimately responsible for them, we can't blame our neighbor without condemning ourselves. "My country right or wrong" won't get it done, we can sing all the songs we like (Germany sang), and fly all the flags we wish (Germany flew thousands of NAZI flags), but, there is a payday and it will come one day. Nationalism results in state worship, state worship is man worship, the spirit of anti Christ, a sign of total moral decline for any society. "America, love it or leave it" is a fools statement made by the politically ignorant and apathetic sheeple, I hate hearing that about as much as I hate hearing "Well, we've always done it that way," (defeatist attitude) as though there is absolutely no better or improved way of doing something. Watching your nation fall into corruption and turn into a fascist police state simply because you thought doing nothing to prevent it made you a "good American" is a diabolical lie in its self. The price of freedom is "eternal vigilance," not TV, beer, drugs, pornography and apathy.
When a man, or a nation undertakes an honorable endeavor such as liberating an oppressed people or country (being a nation blessed by God we can't turn our backs on a legitimate cause), although the exact details of the operation may be necessary to conceal in some instances (not giving away actual military strategies, or compromising our military personnel), the overall objective and the actual mechanics of the operation are the properties of the people paying the bills (taxes) and supporting the "liberation process," as in "we the people." "We the people" hired the powers that be in Washington to act on our behalf, not to dictate to us, we must by necessity continually remind them of that fact, as they are prone to forget the rules. We've allowed things to get so far out of hand in our government process, that now when you get right down to it we have no choice, "they" make our choices and "they" dictate who we will vote for. This is the type of government lying brings about.
Lying to those who actually pay for a given cause (us) with both finances and man power (our kids are being maimed and killed, we have a right to know, we loaned them to our leaders, they don't own them), such as in the current case of Iraq, in my opinion is an act of treason. Receiving the truth of all operations, such as, but not limited to financial cost, body count, questionable internal corporate involvement (taking advantage of the loss and suffering of others for corporate gain as is evident in the current war), current progress (if any), projected goals and exit plans, are not only critical to our continued confidence in our government, but our national right to know and understand in order to plan and self govern. In short, the American and the British people not only have a need to know what their hard earned money and the most valuable of all of their national assets, their sons and daughters, are fighting and dying for, we have a right to know. When leaders begin to become the sole dictatorial nucleus and owners of any given nationally approved commitment (in this case, coerced approvement), such as our own government in America has become in the past three years, then democracy has been forcefully and deliberately usurped by internal enemies and our own freedoms are in immediate, severe, and grave peril. Never should such power be intrusted to two individual leaders, chosen or not chosen, as we are seeing today in Blair and Bush and their administrations, and will soon possibly see in Kerry (same song second verse, won't get better cause it's gonna get worse), especially in light of the fact that we have an elected governing body which is supposed to be overseeing all processes, not condescending to every whim and intimidation of the president. This is dangerously close to a dictatorship.
All great societies are destroyed from within, internal corruption, not from an outside invader. If an outside invader conquers a master (superior) society such as ancient Rome, or even the USA, the preparations have long since been made for destruction by failure of the citizens to act responsibly, admit the dangers and safeguard their own liberties. The only thing that has prevented our own society, along with our corporate controlled military from sinking into depravity and fascism already has been a free and unrestricted press, the "watchmen on the wall," and up until recently a willingness to believe in and allow the supreme Lord of host, God (my, how darkness hates this part, I can just see the satanic jaws clinching in anger), rule the affairs of men (look at the condition since acceptance of the alternative, man's rule). Even Ike, in his farewell address, warned about an industrial military complex and the dangers involved in allowing such to form.
Note, in speaking of the press I said a "free and UNRESTRICTED press." Not an "embedded, hand picked group of paid government lackeys ("yes" men and women blinded by multi million dollar salaries, loyal only to their benefactors), but men and women willing accept low pay, to face imprisonment, personal danger and possible death in order to get the "truth" back to the people. To keep the inevitable works of graft, theft and corruption by the political and corporate perpetrators of war to a minimum, along with the inherent atrocities of war perpetrated by depraved individuals with their own torturing and killing agendas (those sickos who use war to unleash their own brand of satanic behavior). Men and women with a passion for truth and accountability.
If we, as Americans, truly love and cherish freedom and liberty, we will not permit the continued harnessing and muzzling of truth associated with the war in Iraq, or any war for that matter by our government or any other source. If our cause is just, then the truth will never harm any of us. Could it be that the publication and disclosure of hundreds of thousands of body bags containing the remains of our children might hamper the money making efforts by the controlling elite and bring a halt to an unethical war? The only way we (our nation) will be able to redeem ourselves from the lies we have already bought into to enter into a war in Iraq, steal their national and ancient treasures, destroy their land for all time (radiation), and slaughter their civilians of men women and children, not to mention our own soldiers returning home sick, is to try for an honorable exit based on truth and action, not continued lies, inaction, and corporate interest in the pursuit of wealth by the elite few.
Above all, make our news sources, and all news sources willing to print what they see and hear, sacred. Support them and let "we the people" decide truth from fiction. It is up to all of us to shape the world and make it a safe and better place for our families and children, honoring all races, creeds and religious beliefs. This (shaping our lives and world environment) is to be done in the "NOW" the present, by us, we the people, through dialogue, making friendships and working together without blowing each other to kingdom come and taking world assets by military force, not by historians who will shape it based on lies via "His-story," such as taught in our socialist colleges and universities today, even in our public schools. We will always need a strong military as long as man rules man, but, I always liked our SAC (Strategic Air Command) motto, "Peace Is Our Profession," I was proud to serve under that, not, "We're going to kick your ass," as the military projects today. The strong have no need to boast or threaten. This is an antagonist attitude and a hateful one.
We Americans are intelligent enough that we don't need government sanctioned, Orwellian trained talking heads to interpret everything that happens to us, or occurs in the world. Am I the only individual who is insulted by watching the news being presented, and then having what has just been said seconds earlier explained to me by some dork as though I couldn't comprehend the broadcast? In many cases the news is supported by self explanatory video and still they feel a need to interpret it for us, like I'm someone who just entered the country and doesn't speak the language, or a total moron (how our government perceives us, apparently, by the way they steal elections and talk to us)? How on earth did we ever make it before ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX and all the other corporate talking heads came into existence and began to interpret everything that happens in the world to us poor ignorant masses oh useless eaters? Makes one feel as though they are living within the pages of (Orwell's) Winston Smith's 1984. This may be closer to the truth than we wish to believe. NWO (New World Order), or NWO (New World Of Oceana), what is the REAL objective?
Leave the free, independent press alone! They are our ONLY hope of ever receiving any semblance of truth. The pen is still mightier than the sword. What's next, book burning? Dissent is still the highest form of patriotism. A government unchecked is a government out of control and destined to change for the worse, power corrupts and total power still corrupts totally. This and previous statements may be a little worn, but, all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. This is truth! My country is like my family, I don't like to hear others run it down, but I have a right, not only a right but a mandate from my forefathers of whom it cost their families, their fortunes and their very lives, as well as those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for my freedoms to condemn her when she is wrong, fight for her when she is right and love her when she is suffering, just as I condemn my children when they err, if I fail to do so, I fail my country. Cancer unidentified and untreated soon consumes and totally destroys the whole body, same with a nation. Protect our right to know! Our rights are being bled off like sand through an hour glass.
Jerry L. Gardner
For a constitutionally free, fear free, non color coded America, with an in tact Bill Of Rights.



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