HBCC UFO Research
Recently Reported Sightings

From Brian Vike, Director
HBCC UFO Research
HBCC UFO Notice: Folks trying to access my website to file a report will not be able to access the site as it stands right now. The hosting company is having a problem and my site has been down for three days now. We have made calls, emailed them, etc but so far no response to us contacting them. I hope this can get resolved quickly and the site back up and running again. But in the mean time I am still taking reports and witnesses can email them to me at: <>
Thank you, Brian
Trenton Ontario And Dartmouth Nova Scotia UFO Encounters
Two Canadian reports below:
Hello, I live in southern Ontario and had an unusual sighting about 4 years ago, and another one just a few nights ago that was very similar. In the first sighting, I was letting my dog out and while she was busy, I was just looking up at the stars. I noticed one star that seemed much brighter than the others, so I was looking at it. All of a sudden, it started moving very fast downward directly at me. It still just looked like a big star, but kept getting bigger and bigger. I became frightened, and then just as quickly, it appeared to stop, then go back in the direction it came in. I watched it until it became so tiny that it disappeared in the night sky.
Then, as I said, a very similar thing happened a few nights ago. But this time I caught it out of the corner of my eye, and it seemed that as soon as I noticed it getting bigger, it stopped and reversed direction till I could no longer see it. I was wondering if anyone else has reported this.
Additional Information:
Okay, I will try to give as much detail as I can. I think the first time was either late summer or fall. I remember that there was no snow, and I don't think I had a coat on. The year was approximately 1999 or 2000. It was probably around 9 or 10 pm. It was in the eastern part of the sky. Not directly overhead, but high up. It just looked like a big star. There was no discernable shape other than round. It was near the Air Force Base in Trenton Ontario. I do remember that when it started going away, there was a plane off to the right. But there are always planes in the sky around this area.
With the second sighting, I have moved about 10 minutes north from where I used to live. It looked just the same , and it was in the eastern sky as well. It was to the left of me at about 10 o'clock in the sky. And it was probably around 9 or 10 pm. It was dark out and it was August. 2004.
As for your other question, I did have something happen to me when I was 15. It's kind of a long story, and I tend to be a bit wordy at times (see I'm doing it now), But for what it's worth here goes.
I was living in Dartmouth Nova Scotia with my mother and my 3 sisters. I was 15, and my sisters were 13, 9 and 5. I lived in a trailer park and I had been babysitting. I remember that the people came home very early and I was surprised at that, so I was walking home. There was a big turning circle in front of our trailer, and I was cutting through the neighbor's yard and was going to walk across the circle to my place. As I was cutting through the yard, I looked up towards our trailer, and
there was a "UFO" directly above and over to the right a bit . I knew it was not a plane as it made no sound, and living near Shearwater, we knew about planes. If I had not looked up, I would not have known it was there.
There were a band of lights around the middle of it, and they were going around and around. I had to go directly under it to get home. I was so scared. So I ran under it and in the house. I ran inside screaming and hollering that there was a UFO outside. I cannot tell you what time it was except when I was cutting across the neighbor's yard, it was dark outside.
Now here is the weird part. And it didn't strike me as strange till many years later. When I came into the kitchen, my Mom and her boyfriend were sitting at the table. My two sisters were in the living room watching TV, and my youngest sister must have been in the bedroom. I came tearing into the kitchen yelling and probably hysterical. You would think everyone would come running if only to find out what was going on. But no, my two sisters just looked over at me for a second and then went back to watching TV.
My mom and her boyfriend seemed not the least bit perturbed about anything. No one would come look at this thing. It was like they were in slow motion. I kept peeking my head out the door to see if it was still there. I'm not sure at what point, but it finally started going straight up, and then just went away. I watched it till I couldn't see it anymore. No one came to look
at it. My Mom's boyfriend was in the military, and after it left, he called the base to see if they had anything on radar. He said they said there was nothing. Now that I'm older, I realize he was not in any position to ask for or receive that kind of info from anyone on the base, so he could have been just lying. Then I went to bed, and that was it. I don't even think we ever talked about it . My sisters say they don't remember it. But I do.
I'm 46 years old, and I still remember much of it like it was yesterday. So there it is. Just recounting it makes me all shaky inside. Haha. It kind of makes it officially real. If that makes any sense. I have had some strange things happen in my life, but I don't think I was ever abducted. Hope this helps your research in some way.
Thank you to the witness for the reports.
Goodmayes, Ilford, Essex. England UK Large Craft Over Hospital
Date: 1982
Time: In-between 4:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Very very large.
Full Description of event/sighting: My friend (removed) and I had finished work in the hospital and was on our way home, our shifts would finish between 4:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m, it was a dark night and the lighting in the car park was poor, when we got to the car park we stood talking for about 10 or 15 minutes.
I don't recall if there was a sound or noise but for some reason I looked up at the night sky then looked back at my friend, then immediately looked again into the night sky, I said to my friend something along the lines of "what's that" and then asked him if he could see it, we stopped talking for a moment and both looked, then my friend replied "yes what is it" we both stood staring, trying to work out what it was, we both began to discuss what we were seeing & tried to rationalize it, we both agreed it was strange
When we stopped looking at it, I turned around to see if anyone else had stopped to look, but nobody had, I saw a few people walking through the car park talking, but nobody noticed.
I looked back at my friend and we carried on with our conversation, said goodnight and went home. The strange thing is we only spoke to each other about it once or twice afterwards, it was never mentioned again. Since that day, I have thought that maybe it was some kind of reflection, a collection of positive ions in the atmosphere or something ?
What we saw was something like what you see in films today, it was an extremely large craft which took up a massive amount of sky, it was so large that it blended itself into the darkness of the night sky, there were lots of shapes on the craft which were suddenly light up by the moonlight. We were directly underneath the outer edge of it, I know this because with my head tilted right back I could see the stars, then as I rolled my eyes forward I could make out the shapes on the craft.
I don't recall seeing any lights on the craft but I do recall it slowly but constantly moving overhead from my left to my right, as I looked to my right (the direction the craft was moving) the shapes were disappearing into the night sky but they were still coming over from the left, I'm afraid I can't recall seeing the back of the craft I just remember not seeing it anymore, it was just passing over and then the shapes blended into the darkness of the night sky.
Was this a UFO ? Or can it be explained away scientifically ?
This was not a dream it is defiantly a memory, has anyone else reported something like this ? could you please email me with your thoughts.
Additional Information:
The craft that my friend and I saw did not have a straight edge to it, (sharp edge) it wasn't smooth, the shapes went in and out, it was a craft but was almost like a flying city, some shapes were suttle, although it was probably very high in the sky I'm sure these suttle shapes were fairly large, some parts of the craft along its side went in and out.
This is the exciting part for me, when I read that report you sent me there were two things that I didn't put in my report because I thought it may have sounded over the top.
On the side of the craft near to the back end on a section that went in and was straight for a while, I saw a window that had a light in the background, or background light, it was as if a light was left on a lot further down a corridor, causing a soft light to imamate from it, there was nobody standing at the window, it was just the window.
The second thing I was only 75% sure of was the sound that it made, I know this sound was not a sound that you would normally hear, its a sound that I had to focus my attention to in order to hear it. When I stood there with Gary looking up at it I could just about pick up the audible sound, it was a low frequency humming, a little like the sound that you hear when standing near a large electrical installation, but much smoother and quieter.
Many thanks.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Alexandria, Virginia Unusual Object
Date: May 1991 ?
Time: Daytime sighting.
Just happened on your website and thought I'd report a possible sighting I made about 13 years ago, a Saturday afternoon in May 1991 I think. I was walking in an area of Alexandria, Virginia in broad daylight with few other passersby present when I happened to look up at the sky and was surprised to see an odd-looking hovering object at an undetermined altitude - guesstimate 10,000 feet?. Its shape was irregularly rectangular and apparently flat, nothing that corresponded to the usual repertory of UFO shapes. Color indefinite against the clear sky: perhaps gray. No sound was audible from it. I wondered if it could be a large piece of paper, lower than it appeared at first sight, but it seemed too rigid and it wasn't drifting or being wafted about as would paper. It was definitely neither a bird nor an aircraft: no wings, no flapping, no darting or wheeling. Instead, it seemed to move about purposefully and slowly in various directions for perhaps two minutes, and then it moved away in a straight line, maintaining the same altitude at a speed now suggestive of an aircraft, accelerating steadily, then apparently rising and soon disappearing in the distance. This is the first report I've made of this observation. Am not given to "seeing things" and this is the only time I've ever seen anything so inexplicable.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Canora, Saskatchewan UFO Flies 25 Feet Over Vehicle
Date: November 15 and 16th 1998
Time: Approx: 6:30 p.m.
Hi Brian,
I was in the vicinity of Canora Saskatchewan (north of Yorkton) on November 15 and 16th 1998 for business with another person.
The woman who was traveling with me also witnessed this object. We left Yorkton at about 1830 hours on the 16th to drive to Saskatoon for the night en-route back to Edmonton. While we were leaving Yorkton, I told my passenger that the sky was lovely and it would be a good sky in which to see a UFO. She told me to be careful what I wished for and we laughed.
The sky was lovely, there was no moon that night, but if you have ever seen a Saskatchewan sky, you will understand the immensity of the universe we can see. There were a lot of meteors flashing and we were enjoying our drive. When we were about a half hour out of Saskatoon, my passenger said, "What is that.. is it a plane". I looked to the left out of the drivers window and about 10 degrees forward and saw an object coming at us. It looked like it might be a plane from the distance, but all I could see were the lighted windows. I told her that it couldn't be a plane and she asked why. I told her that we were not near an airport and it was coming down to land. Now in the space of time that we saw this object coming down we had moved forward to just about directly under it. When it came down into the farmers field, it was only about 25 or thirty feet over us. It came down on a very sharp angle. My first inclination was to hit my brakes but I knew there was a vehicle right behind us who would have run right into our rear, so I braked and slowed. They stayed behind us, so I know they saw what we saw, possibly better. I was focused on the windows which were part of a circular body. They were large ( like windows in office buildings) and had pinky red light around the perimeter of each window. The inside was lighted, but no beings were visible. I saw what looked like a uniform light yellowy beige background in the windows. The reason I noted the passenger ( or what would have been the passenger area in a normal plane) area was circular because you could see the windows slant both front and rear as opposed to appearing a straight line.
The object was dark colored and I still cannot figure out to this day whether it was circular or tube shaped. When it came down there was no noise and it did not interfere with the vehicles. It did not land per se, it appeared to hover over the farmers field and followed it for about a half mile in. There was a red light at the back of the object. My passenger followed it with her eyes while I drove and it went about a half mile in and then hovered there for about ten minutes. She then said it went up into the sky and went over a cloud and disappeared.
I ran into this woman two years ago at a conference at UBC and she told me that she has only ever told her daughter what we saw that night. It happened so quickly and I could not stop to really observe, so I was trying to stay safe on a road that was icy while this was going on.. I don't know what we saw. The people behind us drove up beside us, slowed down and we looked at each other and then they beat it down the road very fast. I did not feel any fear, so I did not feel the need to leave the area quickly. I do know that this object was large and I do not know if there was a wing span over my van.. as I said I was too focused on the windows. But I do know that when it went into the field it looked as if it was the back of a triangle with the red light in the middle.
Thank you to the witness for the excellent report.
Edmonton, Alberta Two Bright Coronas
Date: June 1999
Time: Daytime Sighting
A year later in June 1999, I was coming back into Edmonton from the north out past the army base. I stopped to watch a jet because I wanted to see if it was laying chemtrails or contrails. All of a sudden the jet appeared to be gone and beside it were two bright coronas that looked jagged parallel to each other right across from where I had last seen the jet. I actually got out of my car to look at this. A man came by and craned his neck to see what I was looking at so he must have seen them, too. I also think they must have been visible from the base because it was only a couple of miles up the road. I watched them for about five minutes. They were about the size of two quarters held at arms length. They were still there when I left. I was working and could not linger. They were about the same height as the jet had been which appeared as a black speck moving across the sky.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Bathurst and Eglinton, Toronto (close to) Golden/Orange Ball
Date: June 26, 2004
Time: 10:52 p.m.
Hi Brian
I am glad to have found your article. I saw the golden/orange ball traveling from west to east at 10:52 p.m. from my balcony and quickly got my video camera. Unfortunately I only caught a split second of it and it appears as a white light traveling quickly across the dark sky.
The ball moved at what seemed to be a rather slow steady pace and it was followed by a long tail.
Then I thought I was seeing double because at a further distance moving parallel and at the same exact speed was another one. Although I told many people no one else seems to have noticed it.
Thank you
Additional Information:
I am located close to Bathurst and Eglinton in Toronto. My balcony faces south. As I recall it was a very clear night.
The bright light ball with the tail was coming from the west. It seemed miraculous. The ball seemed a very bright golden light and the tail seem more like the color of a star. There was no sound I am on the fourth floor and the ball was at about a 20 degree angle.
To the distance in the horizon another object it seemed like a mirror image of the object because it didn't seem as bright but it was traveling at exactly the same speed and parallel to the ground. Because of buildings and trees I cannot see too far to the right or left. It didn't seem to be traveling very fast but it was in a straight line, constant speed and parallel to the ground.
It gave me time to run into the apartment and nervously get my video camera. Unfortunately my camera was in a digital zoom mode and I had trouble locating the object on my lens. I have a very fast flash of light on my recorder that disappears behind a building. I think you can maybe see a bit of the second one as well.
Just to let you know I am a fairly reasonable, responsible person with my own business. I am not trying to overwhelm you or scare you off but about 17 years ago I saw three UFO's very clearly from downtown Toronto. They were very real. They flew three abreast with absolutely no sound. They were moving incredibly fast. They were grey on the top half and a light metallic blue on the bottom half. The image remains with me to this day.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Houston, B.C. Bright Light Penetrates Top Of Tree
Date: August 12, 2004
Time: Approx: 2:45 a.m.
I talked with a well known gentleman in the local shopping mall here in Houston, British Columbia. He had some story he wanted to relate to me. He said he was having a hard time sleeping on August 12, 2004, so he got up out of bed at around 2:45 a.m. and wandered out to the kitchen for a drink of water. As he walked down the short hallway he easily saw the kitchen area and other parts of the home were lit up in a bright while light. Wondering what was causing this he went over to the window and observed an extremely bright white light which was sitting stationary at the back end of his property. The light was barely above the tree tops, with the bottom end of it tucked in behind a clump of trees. What he told me surprised me as the man said the light rounded out the top of a large tree. Meaning that the light seemed to penetrate or remove this portion of the tree. (After the light had disappeared the tree remained intact)
Been totally surprised at this sight, he called one of his sons who lives on the next five acre parcel next to his and woke him up so he could also see what his father was looking at. Both from their separate homes watched the large light hovering in place. The older man went and grabbed his camera and was able to capture a shot of this light/object. (I will be adding the picture very soon).
He said there was not a sound coming from the direction the light was in, actually he said the early morning was very silent. Eventually after a short period of time the light just disappeared, or blinked out.
HBCC UFO Note: Now I know the area well behind the fellows home as at one time I peeled railroad ties for him. I can tell you there is nothing back there but forest. There is one gravel road which leads to the old Equity Silver mine but that is a little ways away. The witness said the light was right there just behind the trees.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Santa Cruz Mountains, California (Bay Area) Object Stayed Motionless
Date: August 28, 2004
Time: 10:30 - 11:00 p.m.
Just a quick note on something I saw over the Santa Cruz mountains...
I was sitting in out outside hot-tub at night, we live on (removed) so there are no streetlights and you always have a beautiful and clear view of the sky and the stars.
We were sitting there, looking up, and saw a light moving right to left across the sky (sorry, have no clue about if it was north, south, etc.) - I thought it could be a very high plane, possibly a satellite or something... but as we watched it, it suddenly stopped dead in its tracks, stayed motionless for a few moments (2 minutes at the most) and then went very fast about a 45 degree turn from its original trajectory... and it seemed that it went up at that angle, too.... and we could no longer see it - it was gone.
It was too far off to make out details, but its movement and suddenly stopping, and then suddenly zooming away at what must have been incredible speed made me think it might be something else... and with the reported rash of UFO sightings over the Bay Area lately, I wondered if I might have actually seen one.
Very curious, do you think this could be anything else? I was so excited about the though that I might have actually finally seen a UFO, but want to know if there is a more rational explanation first. I would love your input.
Thank you for your time.
Additional Information:
Q. - What color was the light itself ?
A. - It was white, no details, which is why I thought it was originally a plane flying very high or a satellite (you know what it looks like when you see a satellite passing overhead... just a plain white light, too far up to get details...
Q. - Can you please describe the appearance of the UFO: shape, size, distance, color, texture, sound.
A. - It was miles up, so like I said, I cannot even guess at size, no details other than its movement - just a moving light...
Q. - Describe the area in which you made the sighting. Is it near an airport? An Air Force Base? A military or research installation of any kind?
A. - No, this was in the Santa Cruz mountains in California (Bay Area). There is only one airport in the immediate vicinity, but still about a half hour driving distance... (San Jose International Airport) - Closest Military installation would be Moffett Field, in Mountain View, about an hour or less from where I was... these are large residents in the mountains above Santa Cruz, CA. and it is more wilderness than anything... no open field, just lots and lots of windy roads, chasms and trees... At night, it is very dark other than lights from the houses, but from any house, you can't see more than 1 or two in the distance... each property is anywhere from half an acre to 10 acres... very beautiful up there... if you look on a map, find highway 17 that goes from the central bay area (San Jose/Santa Clara) and follow it to the hills above Santa Cruz... a long road from the freeway is (removed). This would take you all the way up to Boulder Creek, CA. You can see from any internet sites about the area what the area is like if you wanted to know...
Q. - Also did you happen to see any aircraft in the area, just before, during or after the sighting ?
A. - No, I did not... it is rare to see planes in that area.... but it is possible, I just don't know for sure... I don't generally remember things like planes, unless it did something unusual...
Q. - When you first saw it, was it moving quickly or slow, this is before it came to a complete stop ?
A. - Seemed rather quick and steady in-line movement... but just stopped. Once it began moving again, it moved what seemed like twice as fast as it was before... the movement (before it stopped) was much like a fast moving plane... no noise, and if it was a plane, too far away to hear anything... it was moving fast enough to catch my attention... and after, it moved much quicker..
Q. - One more thing, did you happen to notice if you saw a trail or tail following behind it ?
A. - No, like I mentioned, very high up, and other than just a slight blur of light, no actual trail that I could tell.
Thank you to the witness for the great report.
West Hill, Ontario Rusty-Red Colored Circle Of Light
Date: September 1, 2004
Time: Approx: 5:45 p.m.
A sighting to report to you on Sept.1,2004 over West Hill , Ontario.At approx.5:45 p.m. in southeastern direction caught with the naked eye in eastern Scarborough facing east over West Hill / Pickering townships observed a Rusty-red colored circle of light attached with white cigar like features very high in the rich blue sky.Observed with binoculars detailed object was in fact like a white rocket with a bright rusty red light behind it.Had to be at least 20-30,000 feet high or more.Again , like the last two reports it appeared to be hanging up there and moving very, very slowly.Observed craft for approx.5 minutes.Lifted binoculars down because of hearing low flying white jet to look at for 10-15 seconds then viewed back to the UFO and it was gone.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Brian Vike, Director
HBCC UFO Research
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