The Levantine Candidate
By George Paxinos
In the 1962 movie "The Manchurian Candidate" starring Frank Sinatra, the core of the plot is to take over the United States using a sleeper agent brainwashed by North Korean psychiatrists in a set-up "terrorist" act, to shoot a Presidential candidate, and the Vice-Presidential candidate then stepping in to hold his dying body and issue a rousing patriotic speech, and swing public opinion over to himself, a man dedicated the destruction of the USA.

To quote the Sun-Times on the plot of this film, see:

"The climax plays out inside Madison Square Garden, where Mrs. Iselin has ordered her son to shoot her party's presidential candidate during his acceptance speech; Sen. Iselin, the vice presidential candidate, will catch his falling body and then, she says, deliver "the most rousing speech I've ever read. It's been worked on, here and in Russia, on and off, for over eight years."

By now, September 2004 and three full years after 911, even the most-obtuse among us cannot swallow the 911 story as issued by the government any more.

There are too many discrepancies, unanswered questions are blocked by the Bush White House from further investigation, US citizens can be labelled "Enemy Combatants" at Presidential whim, or, rather (p)Residential whim, as he is not the President, he was never elected, but appointed by a Supreme Court of dubious financial self-interest, believes God talks to him personally and told him to smite Afghanistan and then also Iraq, and those so labelled by this self-appointed Fist of God held incommunicado and indefinitely, all with the sanction of an Attorney-General who is offended by a statue showing a woman's bare breast, first source of life for all born mortals, and believes calico cats are messengers of the Devil, (most calico cats being females), a behavioral oddity in itself so extreme, that professional psychiatrists would consider such symptoms in any ordinary person as being paranoid-schizophrenic, if not also psychotic.

Yet in this chaos of the clinically ill, mentally-deranged monsters constituting public servants today, who have long ago turned the tables on the public and become their masters instead, there flows a coherent current of intent, a well-planned operation to use the madmen to further the ends of unseen power-groups, to wit, and pasting in the quote below from this excellent assessment of a John Pilger article, see:

"Two years ago a project set up by the men who now surround George W. Bush said what America needed was "a new Pearl Harbor". It's clearly spelled out aims have very conveniently come alarmingly true, according to John Pilger in the New Statesman.

"The threat posed by US state terrorism to the security of nations and individuals was outlined in prophetic detail in this secret document written more than a year before the Sept. 11 events, and accidentally exposed recently. What was needed for America to dominate most of humanity and the world's resources, it said, was "some catastrophic and catalysing event -like a new Pearl Harbor".

"The attacks of 11 September 2001 provided the "new Pearl Harbor", described as "the opportunity of ages". The extremists who have since ruthlessly and effectively exploited 11 September come from the era of Ronald Reagan, when far-right groups and "think-tanks" were established to avenge the American "defeat" in Vietnam.

"One of George W. Bush's "thinkers" is Richard Perle. I interviewed Perle when he was advising Reagan; and when he spoke about "total war", I then dismissed him as mad. He recently used the term again in describing America's "war on terror". "No stages," he said. "This is total war. We are fighting a variety of enemies. There are lots of them out there. All this talk about first we are going to do Afghanistan, then we will do Iraq . . . this is entirely the wrong way to go about it. If we just let our vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely and we don't try to piece together clever diplomacy, but just wage a total war . . . our children will sing great songs about us years from now."

"Perle is one of the founders of the Project for the New American Century, the PNAC. Other founders include Dick Cheney, now vice-president, Donald Rumsfeld, defence secretary, Paul Wolfowitz, deputy defence secretary, Lewis Libby, Cheney's chief of staff, William J Bennett, Reagan's education secretary, and Zalmay Khalilzad, Bush's ambassador to Afghanistan. These are the modern chartists of American state terrorism.

"The PNAC's seminal report, Rebuilding America's Defences: strategy, force and resources for a new century, was a blueprint of American aims in all but name. Two years ago it recommended an increase in arms-spending by $48 billion so that Washington could "fight and win multiple, simultaneous major theatre wars". This has happened. It said the United States should develop "bunker-buster" nuclear weapons and make "star wars" a national priority. This is happening.

"It said that, in the event of Bush taking power, Iraq should be a target. And so it is. As for Iraq's alleged "weapons of mass destruction", these were dismissed, in so many words, as a convenient excuse, which it is.

"While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification," it says, "the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein." How has this grand strategy been implemented?

"A series of articles in the Washington Post, co-authored by Bob Woodward of Watergate fame and based on long interviews with senior members of the Bush administration, reveals how 11 September was manipulated.

"On the morning of 12 September 2001, without any evidence of who the hijackers were, Rumsfeld demanded that the US attack Iraq. According to Woodward, Rumsfeld told a cabinet meeting that Iraq should be "a principal target of the first round in the war against terrorism". Iraq was temporarily spared only because Colin Powell, the secretary of state, persuaded Bush that "public opinion has to be prepared before a move against Iraq is possible". Afghanistan and the Talibans, created, trained and funded by the CIA, was chosen as the softer option."

In the real world, what does this mean?

Well, the first thing to note might be, that serendipitous "coincidence" or not, the year of the September 11 attacks was 2001, and the predicted catalysing event "like a new Pearl Harbor" (from the quote above, should that not perhaps be spelt Perle Harbor?), was preceded by yet another remake of ... well ... Pearl Habor!

Months ahead of its release, we were bombarded by the hoardings and then the fanfares of premiere performances. All summer long, the ground was ploughed and readied; all it needed was the seed to be planted, and that happened on September 11 that same year, 2001. Coincidence? Perhaps.

Back when, after the Kennedy Assassination, the Frank Sinatra movie Manchurian Candidate was pulled from circulation see:

"One version has Sinatra, who obtained ownership of the rights to the film from United Artists in 1972, withdrawing it from release, along with the 1954 film "Suddenly," which also was about an assassination plot, after it was revealed that Lee Harvey Oswald had watched the latter before he shot President Kennedy.

The screenwriter George Axelrod, who adapted the Richard Condon novel for the screen, says "The Manchurian Candidate" has been out of release since immediately following the president's death in 1963, when the film's producers and United Artists decided to call it in.

"The climate of the times was such," says Axelrod, who produced the film along with Frankenheimer and Sinatra, "that having an assassination picture floating around seemed to be in grotesque bad taste. Particularly since Frank had been friends with the president."

Odd, but not unusual; however, as Old Blue Eyes was said by his detractors to have had Mob connections, and the Mob used by the CIA to do its dirty washing for it, did he perhaps know something we don't?

Then again, now that apparently the US elite running internal politics and trying, albeit with lesser success, to run those of the world as well, despite all of us outside of and formerly friendly to, the US looking on with apprehension at what appears to us to be a war on the world led by giant capital interests and think-tanks of harcore Zionists leading the oxen-headed US Goyim, or Human Cattle, on to their rightful slaughter as cannon-fodder at the altars of Mammon, have decided to do away with their former puppet-in-office George W Bush, in favour of their new boy, John Kerry, actual relative of W on the same family tree they slipped down from, and Jewish to boot, promising a military victory in the Middle East, and seeing the public awaken to the vast corruption of the pirate crew now in office, it seems a pretty sure thing that Kerry will come into office, come 2005. They simply NEED him.

Yet, it might be a close thing, given that another staged "terrorist" attack might bring about a cancellation of the election, and the Bush-Cheney monetary interest groups might not be too happy about being eased out of such lucrative office, granting uncontested bids to their buddy companies, and just one tiny bomb now, just another few innocent civilians - hell, it might make billions worth of profit difference for such companies as old Dick has his fingers in!

But the elite needs them out: public opinion is not yet at the street-rioting, lynch-mobbing stage, but it is slowly going in that direction as jobs are lost and social conditions worsen, and the elite must also convince the gormless, flag-waving jingos that their new boy will bring them more blood and gore and kick-ass than his "softy" predecessor who fouled up without a real military victory in a third-world country composed almost to half of women and children under the age of 15, before the invasion, or they lose a major source of their public support.

So, why is a remake of The Manchurian Candidate being screened just now, ahead of the Presidential Election, or, perhaps more importantly, ahead of the Inauguration?

Is this another ploughing of the earth prior to seeding, another idea preparing the way for the event, as with the 2001 remake of Pearl Harbor, ahead of some equally "catastrophic and catalysing event", a Manchurian Candidate rallying the country around himself, after the fortuitous assassination of his predecessor, perhaps quite timeously, say on his last day in office, prior to the inauguration of John Kerry?

You see, here in Europe, we know the tactics of switching the polarity of people in office, to reflect the views and goals of the most radical of their supposed opposition, so-called left-wingers like Blair, Schroeder and Fischer, once active on the social front in the interests of the working-class, have, once in office, proven themselves more virulently right-wing and anti-social than the most-radical of the right-wingers of the opposition, making social cuts within but a few years, that wiped out, at the stroke of a pen, advances in social justice of almost a century.

That tactic left the conservatives in opposition in the position of being the even more radical critics of the ruling parties as being not anti-social enough.

The two main US parties are following the basically identical agenda these days,and that agenda is the agenda of those with the money who want those without to lose even that little which they still have: for its application in practice, see two recent articles of the same day, in the

The Republican convention and the specter of dictatorship
By Bill Van Auken
SEP presidential candidate
4 September 2004


Keynote speech at Republican convention: a fascistic rant from a pro-Bush Democrat

Quote from the latter: "The keynote speech by Democratic Senator Zell Miller to the Republican National Convention Wednesday night was a snarling diatribe against the presidential candidate of his own party, John Kerry, in which Miller depicted all opposition to the Bush administration as tantamount to treason."

But to institute the kind of absolute, police-state control the behind-the-scenes moneyed US elite needs, now that the people of the USA are waking up to how they have been had by their pirate administration, their pensions and medical benefits stripped and their jobs outsourced overseas, what is required of a new President in office is the mindless rallying of jingoistic patriots around yet another "catastrophic and catalysing event", and how easily will a state of martial law be imposed on what remains of once-guaranteed Constitutional freedoms of the USA, if that new President rides in with a thunderous, patriotic speech, on the bloody stirrup of his assassinated predecessor, George W Bush.

Ronnie did not die in office of the 20-year curse on the presidency, but then Ronnie was brain-dead anyway, so it didn't work on him, and until now I had tended to assume that for the same reason it would not work on Dubya either, yet given the recent remake of The Manchurian Candidate, I feel sorry for old W, as he truly likely "knoweth not, what he doeth", but, in my own opinion, John Kerry does.

George Paxinos 6th September, 2004



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