The First Thousand

By Kirwan
This is important, because only when something gets to this level can it become of potential importance to others. So what does this title refer to: The first thousand what-dollars, lies, obscenities, human lives, or all of the above?
With the official numbers now in four digits-the time has come to again ask. "What does this war have to do with US policy-why are we there and what's the plan"?
Some of their answers included: "We will never forget the lessons of 911!" or "Iraq is the front line in the war on terror." Later, after it became clear that we have lost control, and that we have lost this takeover attempt in Iraq, Bush and the Pirates said: "We must stay the course" and " we will do whatever it takes to accomplish the mission." Since neither the course nor the mission, have ever been identified for ordinary mortals, this means absolutely nothing. Whatever the Pirates are referring to in their pomposity, Bush seems very comfortable with sending people out to die for something that he chooses to classify as secret. Would Bush be so cock-sure of his easy proclamations if his kids were going off into the fog of a war declared by a guy who says he speaks for God?
How do the Pirates define success anywhere, and is there a difference in what is going on now in Iraq, versus some other kind of success? Is success a numbers game ­ because according to the White House we've been "at war" now for One Thousand and Ninety-three days. Did Bush expect that we would lose as many people as we have days invested? Or is the number of dead more suitable if it reaches 10,000, or even 50,000? Do the numbers alone give any war more meaning? How many more need to die on any side. How many more need to be mangled, damaged or destroyed for the mystery and the illegality that George and Dick and Donald, have so proudly claimed as their war upon the world?
Great nations are measured by the viability of their people, and by the feasibility of their national policies: And also, by how often their politicians tell the truth by design instead of by default. None of the real topics that came into question with the Bush decision to attack the world has ever been discussed or debated. It was simply ordered by Bush and that was that ­ no questions, no holdouts.
Now three years after the fact, both parties held hollow conventions that decided nothing and that kept the public from having anything to say about our national stance: on pre-emptive attacks, on violations of International law, or on prisoner abuse and the responsibility for all of the above. The reason for the conventions had already been stolen from the delegates, by the national media and their puppet-masters, who felt that choosing candidates for public office was far too important to be left to ordinary citizens. The public has seen this, and most are not disturbed by having their choices made for them by those who would have had to earn that choice, if there were to be a real election.
George W. tends to think of himself as a King, even though he is not Monarch material. Bush does however play to the gallery that seems to need to be literally guided through every act in their waking life. "There lives within a great many Americans a latent yearning for some kind of Monarchy, some kind of feudal dependence upon a patriarchy that is repellant to free and independent thought. This emanates from a fear of the world that is born of indecision, just as it seeks protections from even life itself. There can be no protection for any individual within an artificial net of fantasies and lies. Enter the one-size fits all dominance of the New World Order." Maybe Bush is thinking that he's the King of the all the Pirates? That works!
The questions we have not faced are the ones we never asked Bush to explain. He arranged to have himself appointed to the presidency, after having lost the popular count by over 500,000 votes ­ which we did not challenge. Then he targeted a place and an outlaw band, as our enemies, that he said committed the actions that resulted in 911-yet he chose not to investigate, or even to attempt to prove any of his own allegations.
Our part in his criminal actions was, that we did not demand that he do more.
Since we did not challenge him on anything at all to that point, he went further. After holding more clandestine meetings with his fellow outlaws, together they created a policy that flies in the face of all of history, all international laws, and common sense. He created the Bush Doctrine of 2002 that sanctions pre-emptive wars, based on nothing but the personal determination of the resident of the oval office.
This policy provided no oversight, no congressional or judicial checks or balances for his actions, and provides no timetable for conclusion of this permanent state of Outlawed Warfare. And still the American public did not challenge any part of this action that targeted the US Treasury, to pay for all of it, and the public that would need to furnish the human cannon fodder for this insanity that the Bush Administration claims is necessary, to protect the people from "terrorism."
Despite the obvious flaws in all of this-the public still has not challenged any of the actions that have led us to this impasse. Possibly because we have chosen to believe that no president would knowingly commit treason, knowingly violate international laws, or chose to send men and women into unending wars, with only the false flag of patriotism as our sole justification of those actions. No president would: but Bush is not the valid president, he's an imposter.
When his first strike against Afghanistan began to get bogged down in the impossibility of any chance to win-we allowed Bush to change the subject, ignore his promise "to get Osama bid Laden dead or alive" and just change the subject from Afghanistan to Iraq. Why-simply because the "president" said that Iraq was involved with 911. No proof was offered, only the word of a discredited and increasingly suspicious White House, whose allegations have proven to be nothing but a pack of lies. Having all of this come back to haunt them now, the subject has now become "the next attack." Some of what has been ignored now includes the torture of people throughout the Middle East, in hideous and bloody ways. The White House, through Rumsfeld, apparently ordered this: That it became an open secret with no investigation until after the election seems to follow the familiar pattern. The reason given is because the people who were tortured were all terrorists, and not deserving of civil treatment. Given that nine-tenths of all those held by us, were guilty of nothing at all, was ignored. More flags and uniforms were paraded, and the necessary questions were again - not asked.
Why is it so difficult for so many to grasp that other people will quite naturally chose to fight anyone who tries to seize their way of life, or who comes into their own country to kill them? The media calls these people "insurgents" (assuming that they are acting against the natural order). Wrong! Those people are fighting the Invaders of their nation, for a variety of reasons, and this is taking place in their country, not ours.
We did the same thing in Viet Nam, where we killed millions of people in that country and in Cambodia and Laos as well. But we lost that war, outright. That cost over 57,000 American lives, but millions and millions of other people also paid for our arrogant and illegal actions in that region. The Bush-Wars will have costs that will make Viet Nam look like child's play, compared to the chaos that will flow from these much larger and more obscene claims of obscenity that we are now making upon the world.
Pre-emptive war has been a major failure worldwide. Just look at the increase in government lawlessness (introduced by the Bush doctrine of 2002) everywhere else. Nowhere is safe from extreme violence, no situation has improved at all: All that has happened since we launched pre-emptive warfare has been the erosion of law and order everywhere else. "Terror" and suicide bombings result from frustration beyond endurance, and from the failure of global policies that mirror the deep imbalances between the powerful and the ultra poor. When all hope for change has been lost ­ then there is only fury and the will to die rather than to live under the tyranny that some people feel, has become their daily way of life.
America, despite all the Bush administrations attempts to take everything away from us, is "still at Risk." Which means that we gave up our constitution, our privacy, even our ability to question ­ for nothing! Read that sentence again ­ all our fears have earned us nothing but more fear, more paranoia, and on the horizon there is only "War, war, lots more war!"
Real policies cannot be founded on national paranoia, or on fear alone. Whenever "Security" is the only reason for anything, then the result will always be insecurity.True security comes directly from sound and balanced national and international policies, not from war, and never from pre-emptive strikes. The world has known this for centuries-yet we have let our presidential imposter decide, that he knows so much more than the collective wisdom in the whole of human history ­ "about what's best for this nation." And by implication, for the remainder of the world, that also has to live with our delusions.
Kerry, the other non-choice for 'next imposter', mumbled about a nation that remembers it's dead, as though this was the highest honor conferrable upon a war. Why not ask our dead how many of them thought that it was a great idea to die for someone else's bottom line, and then call that "the American Dream!"
Kerry is a half-hearted excuse 'for something else to do.' His platitudes and obvious boredom with the race, leave the public bereft of any real choice: which is why he was chosen (by the power brokers) to run against Bush. And as for Bush, whose life was not investigated, (thanks to the subservience of the media), Bush did not come into politics with a personal history, at least not one that he could point to, or that would qualify him to be anything to anyone besides himself. Hence his trademark "style" the snear, the snide and petty cynicism of a man who knows he should have long ago been busted!
This game is rigged, and while there are at least two candidates, there is no real choice evident in the coming November farce. Whoever wins ­we'll lose. That's part of the price we paid for remaining silent when it was time to question everything. Don't forget-this number is just "The First Thousand," and that in only one of the many wars we've all been promised!
So please stay quiet, and do your duty to the state - send your family into uniform, the draft is coming in 2005 and then everyone can play in the real-life-game of Empire!



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