Iraqi Resistance Fighters
Deliver Ultimatum To US

BEIRUT (Itar-Tass) - Iraqi resistance fighters on Monday presented the U.S. Military Command with an ultimatum demanding pulling out of American troops from Falluja, Samarra and the Shiite districts of Najaf and Madinat-Sadr (Baghdad suburb with a population of two million).
In a statement of the United Command of Mujahiddeen (fighters for faith) circulated in the Internet it is stressed that the coalition troops should quit the named cities, as well as the Luteifya area south of Baghdad, Tal-Afar city in the north of the country and Saada village on the Syrian-Iraqi border by Saturday.
Otherwise the militants are threatening with carrying out large-scale subversive actions throughout the country, in particular, they have threatened to "attack oil pipelines in all provinces, interrupt transport communication with Turkey, Syria and Jordan in order to block the traffic of goods across the border for the exception of foodstuffs."
Iraqi Defence Minister Hazem al-Shaalan said on Sunday that the military operation in Samarra has ended in "total victory."
According to him, the Iraqi state troopers and patrols of the coalition forces are controlling 70 percent of the territory of the city located 50 kilometres north of Baghdad.
In the meantime, the League of Islamic Theologians of Iraq - the union of spiritual leaders of Sunni Muslims has called the events in Samarra and Falluija a "massacre."
The U.S. Military Command said for it part that air strikes on insurgent districts and cities of Iraq and special operations there will be continued up until December, until stable conditions for the country's elections are created.
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