There Is No Injustice...

By Michael Goodspeed
"All judgment reveals itself to be self-judgment in the end, and when this is understood a larger comprehension of the nature of life takes its place."
--David R. Hawkins, spiritual teacher
"Never pray for justice, because you might get some."
--Margaret Atwood
In the final sequence of the 1999 Oscar-winning film American Beauty, 40-year old Lester Burnham has just been murdered. After getting shot in the back of the head by his neighbor, Lester is reviewing the events of his life, from birth to death. He serenely narrates, "I guess I could be pretty pissed off about what happened to me, but its hard to stay mad when there's so much beauty in the world....I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life."
I've seen this movie at least a half-dozen times, and I always have a hard time achieving Lester's zen-like forgiveness for the nutball who shot him. I feel contempt for the murderer throughout the film, and I resent the fact that we never see him brought to justice. But I remind myself that Lester has moved beyond the human condition into something vast and infinite, where indignation is laid aside like so much fool's gold. He concludes his narrative by kindly telling the audience, "You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you? Don't worry...You will someday."
This lesson resonates deeply with me, for I've spent a great many years raging against life's "injustices" -- both the ones (real or imaginary) suffered by me, and all "innocent" people. I've looked at the world and seen Evil thriving in all institutions where the powerful rule the meek. I've seen a world that rewards selfishness, barbarity, and ruthless deceipt while penalizing humility, honesty, and benevolence. I write continuously on this topic, sometimes banging on the keyboard with my upper lip curled in a contemptuous sneer. Most everyone hates injustice, but only a certain personality type obsesses over it, and this personality is mine.
Over the years, I've encountered many others who see the world as an intrinsically unjust domain where nice guys finish last and bullies receive the spoils. What I've observed in these compadres in misery is a little disturbing. Invariably, these people seem to walk through life in a perpetual state of resentment and annoyance. They don't appear able to live in the present moment and find joy in any activity. They see a cause for indignation in every situation, no matter how innocuous. Worst of all, they seem to have no lasting friendships, because they perceive slights and insults from others where none exist or are intended.
Observing such unpleasant characteristics in others has caused me to re-assess my own feelings about "injustice." At some point, one has to wonder if his chronic complaining about life has less to do with the world than his own state of mind.
Many of history's great spiritual teachers advised against trying to change the external world, but rather to focus all of our energy on changing our PERCEPTION of the world. Mahatma Ghandi said, "The only devils in this world are those running around inside our own hearts, and that is where all our battles should be fought." A similar insight was expressed by David R. Hawkins in his book The Eye of the I: "We change the world not by what we say or do, but as a consequence of what we have become."
I don't think either Hawkins or Ghandi is suggesting that we ingore or condone the mistreatment of others. But remember that even the most well-intentioned "activists" will do more harm than good if they haven't, as Ghandi said, addressed the devils in their own hearts.
We've all known people who seem to attract nothing but violence and conflict to themselves. Perhaps it's s guy who gets into a fight every time he sets foot in a bar. This seems like a validation of the widely-held principle that we receive from the world what we project outwards. As Hawkins has said, "Everybody is like a magnet. You attract to yourself reflections of that which you are. If you're friendly then everybody else seems to be friendly too." (Source:
If this principle is true, then logically, there can be no real "victims." Nothing in life just "happens" to anyone. Even in the most overt act of injustice, the relationship between "victim" and "victimizer" is more complex than we realize. For instance, it is puzzling that a particular woman will always find herself in abusive relationships with men. She stays with a violent lout for years, even defending and rationalizing his behavior, acting as an enabler of her own "victimization." If the man goes to jail, she is at his side when he gets out, and the abuse begins again. Or she finds a replacement who treats her exactly the same way.
Even the most blameless "victims," including children, are at the deepest level willing participants in their own suffering. We are too busy assigning guilt to the world's "victimizers" to consider this radical possibility. What if a child born into abuse, poverty and famine has designed the scenario for the sake of his or her spiritual evolution? We've all heard the cliche "you create your own reality," but most of us never ponder the full ramifications of this. Consider that even the most brutal hardships offer enormous opportunities for profound revelations and self-discovery.
The way we perceive "injustice" is colored by religious programming, and the egoic need to always be "right." But it is possible to delineate between right and wrong, or good behavior and bad behavior, without buying into delusions of "good" and "evil." In his book Reality and Subjectivity, Hawkins proposes that we "judge" other people with no more passion than a thermometer's temperature reading. For instance, on a scale of 1 to 1000, a great spiritual avatar might read 900, while a serial killer or terrorist would of course read very low, closer to 1. One does not feel anger or contempt towards a thermometer that displays a very low temperature. If we employ this method, it becomes possible to view the behavior of others in a more objective light, without egoic judgment or resentment. Again, this does not mean that mistreatment of others should ever be condoned or ignored. A judge can easily sentence a child killer to life in prison or even death, and still offer a sincere wish for the person's redemption.
Many of us resist this philosophy, because we derive cantankerous pleasure from seeing "evildoers" receive their comeuppance. This quest for vengeance is unfortunately encouraged by many of the world's religions, including much of Christianity, where an almost militaristic view of Divinity prevails. But remember Matthew 5:1-2, 38-39, where Jesus said: "You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say to you, Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also..."
Everyone should endeavor to make the world a better place, to end suffering and be of service to others. This is not achieved through activism and ideological warfare, nor is it achieved by naming enemies and placing blame. The first step to improving the world is to assume responsibility as the creator of everything one SEES in the world. When this is accomplished, external events no longer have the power to affect us, and the actions of others can be viewed in an objective light. Old grievances and resentments are laid aside, and the only "justice" one wishes to see done is the forgiveness and redemption of all God's children.



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