The Manifesto of
the Vlaams Belang
The Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest) is the political mouthpiece of the Flemish Movement as it has developed through time. The party voices the demands of the Flemish Movement on the political scene. The Vlaams Belang is a party of Flemish patriots. It is an instrument for the advancement of the national and cultural identity of Flanders. Through its political initiatives the Vlaams Belang aims to ensure that the organisation and government of the state are (co-)determined by the need to preserve the cultural identity and the national interests of the Flemish people. The state is but a structure. In accordance with the principle of selfdetermination the state exists to serve the people. The state should serve the people, not the other way round.
The ideology of the Vlaams Belang can be described, in the continental-European semantic context, as a "nationalist party of the right" (as opposed to the collectivist, etatist "left"). In an Anglosaxon context the term "conservative" would be used (as opposed to "liberal"). Indeed, we recognise man as a free agent, with all his human qualities and flaws, and we reject ideologies that presuppose the "makeability" of mankind and that advocate social engineering. Tradition, virtues and morality, as these have grown through time, must be respected and are constitutive elements of the society of the future.
1. Flemish Independence
The Vlaams Belang strives for the secession of Flanders from the artificial Belgian state. Our aim is to dissolve Belgium and establish an independent Flemish state. This state will be sovereign over the Dutch-speaking territory of Belgium and will include Brussels, which is the capital of Flanders but will have a separate linguistic status.
2. The Netherlands and the Dutch Language.
Language is a constitutive element of a people's cultural identity. The Vlaams Belang defends the interests of the Dutch-speaking people wherever this is necessary, particularly along the linguistic border and in the international institutions. The party will encourage Flanders to cooperate as closely as possible with the Netherlands and with Southern Flanders (the Dutch-speaking municipalities in the North of France).
3. Europe.
The cooperation of the European nations within a shared civilization and culture provides a historic opportunity for peace, stability and prosperity. However, we adopt a restrained and critical attitude towards the European Union with its bureaucracy and tendency to meddle where the sovereignty of the people should prevail. The Vlaams Belang also believes that the territory of the European Union should not extend beyond the boundaries of Europe.
4. Reverse the Erroneous Multicultural Policies.
Inspired by its concern to defend and protect the cultural identity of the Flemish people, the Vlaams Belang rejects the tenets of the multicultural ideology.
It must be made clear to aliens and immigrants in Flanders that they are expected to comply with our laws, and also to adapt to our values and morality, to our habits and to important traditional principles of European civilization, such as the separation of church and state, democracy, freedom of speech and the equal status of men and women.
For those aliens and immigrants who reject, ignore or contest the above, a policy of repatriation will be implemented, through appropriate legislation regulating political asylum, nationality, security and expulsion. Illegal and criminal aliens must be repatriated. Voting rights are reserved for citizens.
Values and morality.
1. Freedom.
Human beings are free persons. The Vlaams Belang is dedicated to protecting the individual from abuse of power by the state. The party defends the freedom of speech, as the first and most important principle in the democratic organisation of society. Other principles include - among others - the right of free assemblage and association, freedom of education, freedom of conscience and the right to life. The right of ownership and free enterprise - which constitute the foundation for economic development, employment and prosperity - are inherent freedoms of our society.
In its political activities the Vlaams Belang will respect the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of 4 November 1950 and the related protocols ratified by Belgium. The party and its various components and elected delegates will also observe the right to self-determination of nations.
2. Law and Order.
The authorities must respect the rights of every citizen and guarantee law and order. The Vlaams Belang believes that democracy and the rule of law are the best safeguards for personal freedom.
Security, and the curtailment of crime, are essential to society. The authorities of a state must guarantee security for all its citizens. The criminal's personal responsibility must be recognized and appreciated as a cause of insecurity. For the Vlaams Belang a tough line on crime and zero tolerance are central to government, and the judiciary and the prison system must cooperate in this.
3. Subsidiarity and a Policy for the Common Good.
Society should be organized according to the principle of subsidiarity. What can be done efficiently at a lower level of society must not be relegated to a distant, anonymous and unaccountable authority. Government and the authorities should act with utmost restraint and reticence at all times. Bearing this in mind, the Vlaams Belang is in favour of the lowest possible level of taxation and against the dissipation of public money. The party also rejects politically inspired educational reforms.
Politics (and also this party) is never a goal in itself, but a means to advance the public interest. The Vlaams Belang favours a sound vision on the duties of government. These include a greater focus on the essentials (such as the maintenance of law and order), the active reduction of redundant structures and excessive legislation, the fight against corruption and bureaucracy, and respect for the separation of powers.
4. Solidarity.
A humane society is not made up of isolated individuals. Free persons are rooted in the framework of their people and their culture. Solidarity is the interaction between the individual and the smaller and larger communities of which he is a part.
A strong foundation for solidarity is provided by the community of citizens united by their cultural identity or shared history and civilization. The care provided by families and their social entourage for the weak in general, and the handicapped and the sick in particular, is thus supported and complemented. In a healthy society the excesses of the "rat race society" must be curbed. In this, the government plays a carefully considered role, bearing in mind the subsidiarity principle. All generations participate fully in society.
5. The Family.
The traditional family is at the heart of a humane society. Its merit is acknowledged and safeguarded in the marriage between a man and a woman. Policymakers should recognize the central role of families with children in society. Their task is to protect the family instead of attempting to usurp its functions. This is the only approach which can provide solutions for the urgent problem of the birth dearth.



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